We did it! Thanks to your dedication, button-pressing, and blind obedience, my entry in the WeLoveFine: Ponies Vs. Villains contest accrued over 3600 votes, surpassing the person in second place by nearly three thousand votes.

It was complete, unnecessary overkill, and it was amazing. You guys are the best.

To all the other competitors mercilessly crushed under my heel: BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA. But seriously, you guys were good sports about it; I asked WeLoveFine to cut $1000 off the top of the prize to make sure everyone left with at least $100. You are all better at drawing than I am, and I’m sorry we had to meet in a contest that rewarded my kind of creativity.

To everyone else: count on seeing more Nefarious Schemes in the future! I probably won’t steamroll another contest, but I do want to keep exploring what sort of things can be accomplished through the combined efforts of several thousand readers.

And lastly, to any pony people who plan on actually buying the shirt that won me $1500 dollars: Prequel code-master/co-creator/button-printer Ch’marr is offering a matching pin to anyone who does! Can he mail pins faster and more efficiently than I could? Let’s put him to the test! I don’t get anything from the shirt sales, but it still seems proper to reward people who like my work and/or purchased the shirt from We Love Fine.

We will now return to your regular scheduled sad cats. The two voting incentive updates with Quill-Weave can be viewed at the following links: QW: Research and QW: Take control.

  • datgui


  • stupidjellyfish

    Kaz is gonna make it rain up in this bitch.

  • Y’know, even though this was still kinda a dick move (that I fully endorsed out of love for lizard people like the sick fuck I am) it was thoughtful to give the poor, helpless other competitors a cut of the green. That said, it was very fun, and I can only imagine the hell Ch’marr went through to make the java on all this happen.

  • Update: WLF shirts are expensive. People love buttons. We want everyone to have a button. So… we set something up so you can purchase buttons from a website instead. (We’ll still send freebie buttons to those that buy a shirt).

    • So where’s that website? 😀

    • Bluedragon

      Buttons Purchased. (Rather embarassing to admit the shipping cost more than the buttons, but still well worth it). Killerfishsg – there’s a link and explanation how-to on http://www.prequeladventure.com/button-hell/ page.

      I’ll never be able to stroll the streets as proud as those lucky few with both this button AND the rare Katia gametime winner buttons, but I’ll still be a proud Minion. Clever design too btw! Doesn’t scream Prequel but for those in-the-know, we’ll just nod and give the secret sign as we pass each other on the street. (Hey, we should have a secret hand-signal.)

      Oh, just one more thing. Is “wouldn’t’ve” a word?

      • Kazerad

        Words with multiple contractions are totally a thing! I’d’nt’ve thought there were still people offended by them.

        • andwhyisit

          Shouldn’t that be “I’dn’t’ve”, not “I’d’nt’ve”?

        • SydFox

          Best contraction ever.

  • Tuki

    Gratz. Seems like, I will be depressed again about Katia. Sad 🙁

  • Wabajack the staff

    Totaly VILLIANED them 😀

  • Unidentified BA

    Winning this contest was like getting in a footrace with other people for a prize. But beforehand you had been torturing a pack of dogs so that when they grow up, you could release them on the other runners while you walk up to the prize. Then after you collect the prize, you sprinkle money on their broken bodies. Pretty awesome.

    • Chocolate Cake

      i hope they use the money to by me and my cake-friend-things

  • Link

    Good job on the nefarious scheme Kazerad =D
    I’m happy to hear you’re not entirely evil though, or rather that you’re very generous, giving away almost 30% of your winnings to the poor opposition that didn’t know what it went up against =P

    Looking forward to see the main story progress again though I will be missing QW, I hope it’s not too many years left before we see her again xD

  • Furnut

    That was awfully nice of you to share your monies. Anyway, that was a fun scheme. Looking forward to your next one 😀

  • Fum

    So, any info on whether WLF will alter the rules of contests? I’m pretty sure you showed them exactly why pure popularity vote style contests are flawed and favour those with thousands of minions over those with talent.

    • Bluedragon

      “…favor those with thousands of minions over those with talent.” Point understood, but indicating Kaz has no talent is going a bit far, don’t you think? As for the popularity flaw, reminds me of a certain country’s political election flaws. Those still haven’t been addressed either. I read a quite detailed scientific paper a while back on various voting methods, each intended to fix this sort of flaw. Some very ingenious ideas, but the bottom line ended up being the same – there is no fix short of not basing it on voting at all. Don’t see any way it COULD be fixed short of a non-voting contest. “Being villainous ALWAYS PAYS”.

      • That Robot from Lost in Space


        Political topic inbound!


        • Augur

          DIVE! DIVE!

          • Brooks

            AWOOGA! AWOOGA!

          • LoLbuster

            TO THE CHOPPA!!

    • minigendo

      Either they were very naive, or this was essentially the outcome they wanted.

      The point of the contest from We Love Fine’s perspective was to get registered users. To do this, it appealed to artists who would likely already have a following. These artists, in order to win, are encouraged to mobilize their fans to vote for their entry. For many such fans, they would have to register to do so. In effect, We Love Fine has like scored several thousand new registered users, for a total expenditure of something like $4000. If 1000 new registered users buy a shirt, We Love Fine has come out ahead, by quite a bit.

      If we Love Fine had wanted to discourage this kind of behavior, they could have done something like this: have you already made a purchase of something from We Love fine? How about if that thing was a Pony T-shirt. Congratulations, you may now vote on these entries. In this case, We Love Fine would have reduced this kind of vote stuffing, and even if it didn’t it wouldn’t have cared, since the profits made by people buying things only to register to vote would again have more than outweighed the prize expenditure.

      To summarize then, it is likely that this contest was, from the outset, a marketing exercise. One that has succeeded. No matter who got the most votes, as long as the number of new registered users was high enough, We Love Fine was the winner.

      Mind you, I don’t say this by way of any kind of complaint. I’m a big fan of the prequel adventure and loyally voted on all the entries. I’m just trying to point out that most likely no one at We Love Fine considers this eventuality a bad outcome.

    • Leiden Freuden

      Oooh, love the the snark.

  • That was incredibly fun.

    Now, let’s never do that again.

  • Tame

    Congratulations on ruining a contest. I’m sure you are jerking off with the rest of your furry readers right now. Enjoy your ill-gotten gains, you can stop pretending you are not a complete asshole now.

    I for one am boycotting welovefine, and if I see anyone wearing your design, I think I am going to toss a pie in their face.

    • Faceless Mook

      FINALLY! I began to think we’d never hear from the bronies. (Odd to see the “furry” reference coming from a bronie, but no one said they ever made any sense.) As for ruining a contest – er… didn’t he win the Judge contest for best design? I think so – but then I’m sure the judge was another jerkoff furry minion. Right?

      I know – don’t feed the trolls. But I was worried that we hadn’t had any for SO long, I’m quite relieved to see that they’re still out there. As for Tame, you can go back to jerking off with the rest of your brony watchers now. Nothing to see here.

      • Tame

        Nice to see you are capable of creating your own insults, oh wait, you basically just said “I know you are but what am I?”

        Thank you for your valuable input, Peewee Herman.

        • pheonixflyer

          For God’s sake, both of you get over yourselves. The contest is over, there is no need to drag up the anti-furry and anti-brony crap.

          • Faceless Mook

            (party pooper! It’s fun! Lupinator has the right idea.)

            Besides, HE started it! (in my best Peewee voice).

          • Tame

            I’m sure you’d like that.

            You know, I would have had more respect for whatshisface if he hadn’t given back $1,000.

            What a piss-poor villain. He’s on his knees begging for forgiveness.

          • Max

            Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you were a butthurt brony.
            It seems you’re just a moronic asshole.

          • Graknorke

            Tame, I don’t think you understand the point of distributing the rest of the money.
            It wasn’t to get forgiveness (why would someone who’s already won need forgiving?), it was to show that he could. A display of superiority in power. By giving money back he’s showing that he doesn’t even need it. The display of crushingly overwhelming force was merely on a whim, because he has the villainous authority to do that.

      • Drakkard

        Being furry aaand a bronie, I’m feeling myself a bit uneasy reading this, lol

        • Nodzilla96

          Didnt Kazerad give $100 to all the other participants because he knows he steamrolled the contest with his minions? Not because he’s asking forgiveness, but to be a good sport and let the other artists be rewarded for their efforts?

          • RampantSeeaTurtles

            That’s what I got from it.

    • Your tears are delicious.

      • Zzzzzx


      • Sheogorath

        but babies can’t type, silly donkey!

    • I request a gluten-free pie. Preferably lemon or key-lime.

      • That Robot from Lost in Space

        For you great wizard it shall be done.

        Seriously though you are an wondrous programming wizard.

    • Tylendal

      Ooh, free pie.

    • andwhyisit

      It wasn’t a fair contest. The whole point of this was to get WLF to fix the rules so that future contest were fair. That and give Kaz the opportunity to villain roleplay in a villain vs. heroes contest. Blame WLF because they didn’t just allow such rule bending but actively encouraged it, because it obviously meant more people signed up to their site.

    • egg brother

      I would like to point out that this person does not speak for the brony community.

  • Alden

    I’ve never been a fan of you because i just don’t read your comic, but i thought you were an artist with integrity since that time Andrew Dobson got told by you, but now, i’m just shocked that a person in your position can be so malicious in order to mess with other artists and communities. I’m really having trouble to assimilate that you are such a horrible person. Now some people will try to defend/justify you by saying that you gave the other artists some money, yeah, because that was totally not a PR move and it also doesn’t amend the way you acted through this whole thing. I remind you that Atryl has your messages, but unlike you, he doesn’t have anything to gain from stirring up more drama. Not even mad, but when someone gets away with being a terrible person something has to be said. Now i’ll wait for the incoming swarm of your fans telling me that i’m mad while praising your undeniably deplorable actions and disgusting attitude.

    • Faceless Mook

      U Mad? (sorry, couldn’t be helped.) As no one complaining about this seems to recall, Kaz WON the Judge’s contest. SOMEONE obviously thought his design was the best that was in no way related to Prequel, and that SOMEONE was prestigious enough to have been chosen to judge. That says something – though butthurt bronies would never acknowledge it. It doesn’t fit the narrative. Might very well be he’d have won the whole thing without the Call To Minions. In the meantime, as Lupinator pointed out, your tears are delicious! (A bit salty for my taste, but still delicious!)

      • generic nickname

        as a brony, and a prequel fan…
        i pick kazerad

        • Tylendal

          I can’t upvote, so I’ll just add my support to what you said. I love how sharing the money after the plan backfired somehow makes Kazerad a worse person.

    • nigger

      Welcome to the real world, where everyone are assholes.

      • Riverfish2000

        People, what a bunch of bastards.

    • Mr Duck

      well he wasnt playing the hero roll. if you are complaining about him well being a villain then get that stick out of your ass then.

    • tjk

      Sorry man, but Atryl and other bronies were trying the same thing, and I believe the mods of the WLF contest encouraged this voting method as well.

      It’s an absolutely awful thing that has no place in a contest, but it’s like if you had a race, and everybody was allowed to and encouraged to use steroids. It just that Kazerad owned a steroid factory.

    • What msgs?

    • Zzzzzx

      meh. (removed)

    • LoLbuster

      dude, dude, DUDE! you came onto a webcomic just to rage at the author? i bet you have better things to do then that.

  • Ransom

    Congrats Kaz.

    As for the comments,

    Well, that escalated quickly. At least no one got stabbed with a trident…yet.

  • Mikhos

    I have to say, actually seeing bronies and other such fans under the comments section mark this operation as a complete success. Oh, and life really isn’t fair, it just wants you to taste victory then screw with you and kill every sense of hope you ever had… with bullets.

  • Blezmo

    oh, okay

  • Gratz man, no sarcasm here, you showed how broken this system is.

    I just really wish you contacted me like a person and not roleplaying, cause I was like ‘darn, up to yours too, buddy!’ We could have give an awesome show you know, I liked the idea, but it was too late already.

    At the finals I didn’t even bother, I didn’t really have the time nor energy to do anything, and it kinda lost the charm with all the stuff happened before. Next time you’ll be honest wit me to begin with, will ya? 🙂

    I’m kinda the ‘nice guy’ in the fandom, at least I hope I am. I distanced myself from the fandom’s negative activities as best I could, every time I opened my mouth the haters and people who have too much time jumped on me, so I just draw instead.

    My problem with the thing was (the voting system) is, it’s good if you release fans on the voting system because there’s a higher chance they will buy a pony shirt, but someone who’s doing this for the fun and their fans aren’t the so called ‘bronies’ or even haters won’t walk on the streets on pony shirts, so it’s bad for THEM (WLF) and I don’t know why it doesn’t bother them. So yea, as you said before, the voting system is broken. really.

    Again, gratz, and be a little more obvious with me next time, at least in private, will ya? 😉

    • Kazerad

      Thank you! And yeah, I regret that my initial DA note to you came across as legitimately hostile; we missed out on a potentially fun back-and-forth because of it. And don’t tell anyone, but I think your fanbase could’ve given me a legitimate run for my money, too! If there’s a next time, I’ll be much more careful with my words. I’ll be very interested in seeing if this causes WLF to rework their contest rules at all.

      I can understand your choice to remain relatively uninvolved in Round 2, since it came up during Bronycon and a bunch of other stuff. If it’s any consolation, Sambaneko took the opportunity to make pretty cute comic about it, so there was at least a bit of organized heroism!

    • FuckAtrylInTheAss

      Ah, playing the old “I wasn’t even trying in the end.” card, are we? I also like the “I was in control of the whole situation.” vibe you’re giving off too. Try harder next time, and when you lose, try to retain at least some dignity.

      • Leiden Freuden


        • Zzzzzx


      • TwilightStrider

        Don’t be that guy. Don’t be that guy.

    • Ransom

      Hey, just wanted to say I appreciate you posting here and being a good sport. Especially since the comments are pretty much an inferno at this point. Much respect.

    • Tame

      As a fan of your work, I’m disappointed in you, Atryl.

      Next time you try to rally your fans to your cause, you better be willing to stick with it, and not pussy out in the end. You lost some respect today, that’s for sure.

      • You didn’t read my comment up there then 🙂

        So you say if you act with haste and don’t background check something, do something stupid, you should stick with it no matter what? Realizing you acted with haste and ‘pussy out’ is not the same thing. Many relationships, friendships and other great things were destroyed by the attitude like yours. It hurts you and others on the long run. Be clear, honest and admit if you screw something up, that’s what I call having balls, taking responsibility and being an adult. I also told my followers on my sites what’s up, you might missed that one.

        I suggest you watch the ‘STANground’ episode of South Park whenever you get the chance.

        • Tame

          Doesn’t really matter if you feel you acted with haste. The overall cause was good, and this guy has proven himself to be a dick undeserving of the prize. There are many who are angry and upset at the outcome of all this, and the fact that you have decided to switch sides all of a sudden, is kind of a slap in the face.

          Good luck getting anyone to ever take you seriously again.

          • Deleted a long post, no point arguing with you.
            Have a nice day 🙂

          • Riverfish2000

            *Salutes atyrl*

        • Zovosks

          “…your faithful student, Atryl.”

          See, if more bronies were like you, this entire ordeal would’ve never happened.

          • Nodzilla96

            I think Tame is one of those guys that gives you shit, even when your supporting his side, so I’m probably not gonna bother with this….

      • Recognizing your mistakes and owning up to them is worthy of respect. For that reason, I think you need to worry more about yourself than Atryl.

    • Mikhos

      Sir Atryl your artwork is awesome and you have gained my respect.

    • Hi Atryl!

      Alas there is one significant flaw in the argument… the “Change of Heart” t-shirt is selling quite well, according to WLF’s communication… so… what was that about “the people voting won’t be buying a shirt” thing again?

    • I hope I didn’t miss you before you wash your hands of reading replies to your comments, Atryl, but as a joint fan of both Prequel Adventures AND MLP:FIM (and someone who took part in Kazerad’s “take over the voting” plot) I just want to apologize for the crap you’re getting.

      I will admit to being a bit disappointed that you didn’t realize Kazerad’s intent from that DA message he sent you. I saw that reposted somewhere and I’m like; “how are people taking this seriously?” but… eh, I’m on the outside so maybe being directly on the receiving end gave it a different feel, or maybe you had people giving you second hand info that pre-biased you, I don’t know. Either way, I wont hold that against you, and I respect the fact that you’re willing to man up and admit that most of this situation is just from a misunderstanding. You didn’t have to do that, and the flack that people are unfairly giving you for that seems to suggest it would have been in your best interests not to. So props.

      There’s actually more to the fan voting thing though. 1) While it’s true that no antibronies would be caught dead in a shirt that was obviously MLP themed, an abstract piece like Change of Heart doesn’t get hit quite so badly by that effect, and people who just don’t care about FIM, but are fans of Kazerad have a solid chance of snagging it just for it’s look. 2) Just because Kazerad offered the idea of voting AGAINST MLP artists if they weren’t fans, doesn’t mean that his site only has antibronies as its audience. As I pointed out before, I found this site BECAUSE I’m a brony, and I’m sure I’m not the only one here. 3) Just because a bunch of people were using the excuse of voting against “legitimate” MLP artists, doesn’t mean that there weren’t also a lot more voting because they honestly liked the piece. If Kazerad is accurate in reporting that he got something around 3000 more votes than everyone else, I’m willing to bet that at LEAST the minimum number of votes needed to win consisted of legitimate fans, and probably is closer to around half the total votes that he received. 4) Just because some antibronies voted or the design doesn’t mean legitimate fans wont still like it anyway. 5) If anything, the drama is benefiting EVERYONE who made the honorable mention or other prize winning slots, because MLP fans ARE getting drawn in just because of the drama, and even if they don’t like Kazerad’s design, you have people who never would have come to the site at all who get a chance to see the second place entry and go “yeah, I totally like that one better!” (I don’t know if anyone other than first place gets made into a shirt though, but people will still at least have a better chance of noticing those artists.

      I will agree that the system has problems, but this particular case didn’t fail at all, but only showed how it could fail.

  • Bluedragon

    Atryl, as a loyal Kaz minion, you have my respect. I’m gonna go follow you on DA. Next time, you got my vote just because you got the point of the whole thing. You OK dude! Bronies ain’t so bad.

  • Max

    Damn, the butthurt of the people at EqD is priceless (not surprising, as they follow a site run by an Dragofucker with a Waifu problem).
    People still thinks you harassed Atryl about it. Guys, it wasn’t harassing, the letter was okay and Atryl dropped the ball because of the voting thing, not because of the letter, he even admitted it himself and that’s why he removed it.

    • Irrevenant

      I’m checking it out now and Scootabelle is hilarious.

      • TwilightStrider

        Okay, I have to admit, I was one of those butthurt people alongside Scootabelle. I really don’t care about this war anymore. I just gonna stroll along and still be the brony I should be. I should love and tolerate.

        • Tame

          I am Scootabelle, and I’ve pretty lost the will to fight the battle as well. It’s pretty shitty when someone like Atryl cries to his fans for help, and then turns around and shits on the very people who came to his aid.

          Not that he likely cares, but he’s lost my respect as a person.

          I’m still boycotting welovefine though, since this whole thing is due to their inability to run a fair contest.

          • Irrevenant

            You know pointing out how the contest wasn’t fair was one of Kaz’s goals, right?

          • Frankly, what are you expecting them to do? Have a closed session that no one participates in? There’s no community involvement, and no reason for any of the people who would actually buy it to participate.

            so fans have to be allowed to be a deciding factor, but how do we GET those fans? Well, by letting the artists draw people from their own pool of followers.

            Now you seem to take issue with the fact that Kazerad suggested people vote “against” other MLP artists, but frankly, what was he supposed to do? Just be like “okay guys, ONLY vote if you’re a true brony, remember, Celestia is watching you.”

            You may not like his approach, but it was a GOOD approach, because it got his fans involved, and it was supposed to get other fans involved too. I get the impression from you more that you had gotten really caught up in the idea that you were actually defending your fellow Bronies from a malicious outsider, and you’re more disappointed that it essentially turned out to be a hoax (or embarrassed that you fell for that hoax, despite the evidence) than I do that you believe that Kazerad was actually a douche.

            I really hope you manage to get the proper lesson from this whole situation.

          • Some Guy

            Isn’t it a popularity contest, and Prequel was going against something that also has a really big army of people ready to defend it.

        • Irrevenant

          That’s a good attitude to have.

  • Though I never comment (except in hopes to have my commands be included) I will say this: The people complaining about how the contest was won, are idiots as Kaz specifically asked the ones in charge if it was acceptable to use his own fan base to garner votes. Secondly, he obviously gave away most of the money he earned for the purpose of not being a complete *expletive deleted* while still retaining a paltry third of the prize he won by exploiting the rules (like any proper villain). And finally, for anybody saying that giving away 2/3ds of the prize money made him “not a villain”, remember: not all villains want to simply crush the heroes. Some like to make sure the heroes have a chance to get back so they can have more fun.

    I apologize for having a slightly excessive post, but seeing people get worked up about a contest being exploited in protest of broken rules irritates me. Finally, to quote the Dark Knight version of the Joker: “It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message. Everything burns.”

  • Thesis

    It feels so good to be evil.

  • That Robot from Lost in Space

    Best way to get the message across would be more of the lines of “Get off your high (as absurdly high in the sky) horse” and being overly sensitive and excessively analyze this situation rather than just take for what it is. Sure, as someone in a completion, it is highly unethical to rely on your fanbase to gain your objective but if you actually Read the first round dialogue, Kaz or rather, Quil, knows this too and also not only acknowledge the hard work the other artists put to their works but encourages “giving credit where credit is due” and not just give 1 top rank to just Kaz but to those that impressed fans. (I personally thought the chrystallis sillouette was gonna win 2nd)

    Also unless one’s has had the opportunity to meet Kaz in person, It’s far more easier for someone to assume and criticize him as an unprofessional asswipe (as familiarized with him with) through total speculation of his motives through his actions.

    I will note though that if any post was an attempt to stir up the comments as an act of subtle trolling up to this point, I applaude you. But if are one that want to stand firm on your claims that his behavior was entirely unethical, let me note. The contest was for celebrating the villians and Kaz merely wanted to have fun doing so, discord style.

    An good antagonist in a story is one that is not only manipulative, but also one that is cunning and sly. In the world of business, these skills are some of the most important to be used in reality. Sure it was shameless promotion but was an necessary cost in order for not only keeping afloat, but also this very site itself along with it. (or that’s handled in a different way). But also in a sense everyone benefitted from this very contest. Though not being chosen as the winner, the other artists gained new exposure and interest from the expanding reaches of kaz’s fanbase. It’s amazing how far across the Internet prequel fans come from and for those who may look like the victim also win.

    Tl;dr: stop being a baby and deal with the outcome. Also make a more sensible and through argument than just gripings on injustice.

  • Mana

    From what I know, the people running the contest knew of, and allowed his methods of getting votes, so nothing was ruined at all.
    And on top of that, after winning, he skimmed off the top to give to everyone else to be rewarded for their designs anyway. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy to me, even though I think the entire point of his entry was to pose as the villain. And yes the method was rather villainous but I don’t see any personal reasons to hate him over it. It was just in good fun.

  • RampantSeeaTurtles

    It’s amazing how many different behaviors and opinions you can get in just one comment thread.

    • Bluedragon

      Yeah, I come here daily just to check out the comments (and to see Evil Quill Weave again). Once in a while I get to see an update too! Bonus!

  • Lorventus

    As a Brony and a lover of Prequel I am rather annoyed, not at Kaz, but at the raging Bronies. Seriously, we’ve got a thicker skin than this and this whole “Artyl should have won” nonsense is nonsense. Atryl’s designs were lovely, as art, but terrible t-shit designs. If you have never worn a T-shirt with a large silk screened image on it, let me fill you in, they suck. All of them. The large area of paint doesn’t breath for shit and that leads quickly to discomfort, forget about wearing them out on any day that isn’t dry and slightly chilly and even then expect a clammy chest when you take the bugger off. Kaz’s design is elegant, has plenty of negative space and is stealthily pony related. Sure it’s not a techinicolor masterpiece, but when it comes to T-Shirts, that’s kind of a good thing.

    Also, ZOMG FREE PIN DO WANT. Now I have to buy the shirt… I just wish the colors were inverted, I have too many black shirts…

  • InsomniacOvrLrd

    You’re a douchebag for winning a popularity contest with your popularity.

    Oh wait :T

    Personally, i’ve done the same thing. It IS absolutely despicable that these sort of contests continue, with all the evidence that in an environment like the internet it simply isn’t fair. There should be a panel of judges who work for the site and who will give an unbiased look at all the entries, and the results should be determined from that specific pool.

    Using your weight to win a weight contest. It’s certainly fair, but the contest itself is a joke. To all the butthurt whiners, learn to real world. I’m sorry.

  • DestinedFateX

    Congratulations on the win Kaz; I haven’t been paying much attention to the contest, but by the looks of it you played the role of a villian (lol)? Either way I liked your design, it was abstract yet attractively simplistic; I would have tried voting, but I had to wait for a PC replacement. To all the bronies who were “injured” by the outcome of the contest….ehhh, I don’t actually know what to say. I just hope none of you guys get too upset of such a trivial matter, I mean if there was a design that you really liked I’m pretty sure you can still buy it.
    : )

  • NK

    Where can I get links to QW’s original campaigns (the ones where she was encouraging voting)?

  • ColorfulHorse6

    You are a cheating monster, jerkbag. Nice webcomic though.

  • Voldemort

    Next order on the evil agenda, kill Harry Potter.

    • Kazerad

      No one cares about your underage mancrush, V.

      Like seriously his only relevance in the world is that you keep dying whenever you try to kill him.

      • Bluedragon

        This is the most perceptive summation of the entire Harry Potter series I’ve ever seen.

  • Rengyan

    Well, yeah, I come here again just to say.

    Lizard boobs.

    • Bluedragon

      I Support Lizard Boobs! (As often as possible)

      • Bob

        You’re SICK, SICK PEOPLE.

        I like that. 😀

      • Barrack Obama

        I, as Barrack Obama, president of the United States also support Lizard Boobs

    • Latin

      I support #lizardboobs2013. These contest-info-pages were total fooder for the R34 god.

  • LoLbuster

    its funny how everyone is mad at how Kazerad decided to act in the contest. i mean Kazerad was technically the only one to play in the spirit of the contest. He had to make something evil so he made an army of evil fans (maybe some not so evil) to support his evil T-shirt by evily taking the money which the judges evily stole by giving him judges pick which kazerad evily retaliated by repeating what he did the first round. Kazerad is an evil bastard which ironically is a good thing 😀

  • That Guy Who Chased You In All Those Childhood Nightmares

    Kaz, I would rccommend linking the other contest-related Quill-Weave posts here as well as the actual bonus comics. You know, the ones where she yold us all of your nefarious plans. Not o ly where they freaking hilarious, but people seemed to go absolutelt ape-shit over her outfit last time.
    Just sayin’

  • Katt

    Lurker kitty not so Lurker anymore

  • Moo?

    I have the t-shirt on right now >:D (<– EVIL minion face)

    • Moo?

      The pin is still pending…