The playing cards have finally arrived from the printing company! Sorry for the delay. If you preordered them, you should be getting a tracking email within the next week or so. If you ordered anything without cards, you should have already received an email, and possibly your package. Please let me know if you have neither.
Last time I had a bunch of packages to deliver, I told people in the Baltimore/Maryland area that they could pick it up themselves if they wanted to get it sooner and save me shipping money. We called this event SADCATCON 2016, even though it wasn’t really a convention so much as me sitting in a sports bar, handing out packages, and doing slightly-drunk sketches for whoever showed up. It was still fun, though, so I’m thinking I’ll hold another one on Thursday, February 15th ALREADY HAPPENED at the same location as last time (the Buffalo Wild Wings at Arundel Mills mall, next to the gaudy Egyptian movie theatre). I can even give you the nice, rustic map I made last time:
I’ll be the person with a green coat and Prequel shirt, and I’m planning to be there I was already there from around 3:00 to 8:00PM. Since there are no T-shirt sizes or anything to worry about this time, you don’t have to tell me ahead of time to bring your package – I’ll just give you one of whatever you preordered. And even if you didn’t get anything, I’ll have extras if you want to buy one – or you can just hang out, get me draw things, and ask me uncomfortable questions. Do you really have anything better to do on a Thursday night?
See Saw you there, possibly! And also, if you missed it: here is the original preorder page and the first update, where I took the toys to the hospital.