Yeah, you’ve probably taken enough of Quill-Weave’s stuff. You already owe her a lot, both figuratively and literally. It’d be rude to keep taking advantage of her hospitality. Anyway, that bottle is making you think things you don’t want to think about.

You clear your mind by cleaning up that mess you made with the watermelon. It’s too bad your idea to hollow it out and turn it into a Fruity Tote didn’t work out. That would’ve been pretty neat.
Wait, you hear the front door.

You welcome Quill-Weave back and tell her that the orc already left, nude. You both agree that was pretty weird of him; maybe it’s some orc thing you don’t understand. You also mention that you used her tapestry to make a bag to carry some supplies, you hope she doesn’t mind? She says it’s fine. It’s not even a real tapestry, it’s actually just a blanket she hung up like one.
Here’s some clothes. She hopes they’re close enough to what y-

Huh. You got those on fast. Laces and everything.
You explain that you’ve always been remarkably quick at getting in and out of clothing. Some people would consider this a skill, but for you it’s always been more of a liability. She understands. Anyway, you can’t imagine this ability ever having any practical applications, ever.

Now that you’re fed and decent, here’s the letter, 25 Septims, and a map of Cyrodiil. You just need to head northeast along the Gold Road until you get to Kvatch, take this letter to the proprietor of the bookstore, and wait for his response. In that same store you’ll be able to get a new copy of the book you ruined; it should be about ten Septims, leaving you fifteen for food and lodging.

You mention that you’ve heard some bad stories about travelling alone. The trip won’t be… dangerous, will it?
She says as long as you stick to the main roads you should be fine. Imperial Legion soldiers patrol the roads on horseback and are stationed at most inns; they’ll help you if you feel like you’re in danger. If you run into any trouble, just keep moving as fast as you can until you find a soldier. But if something goes really wrong… here-

It’s a potion of invisibility. Chug it and run. These aren’t cheap, and she’ll expect you to pay for it if you use it, so don’t drink it unless you have to.
You thank her, but admit you were expecting, like, a weapon. Something to defend yourself with, if you had to.
She reminds you that these are bandits and monsters you’re talking about, not balls of yarn. What do you think you can do?

Quill-Weave uncomfortably apologizes for the cat burn. She didn’t know those upset you.
Jebediah Oldenheimer
Adult Puppet Show
Edmond Dantés
Gro grog bash malog snoop dog Grog
egg brother