You nervously sidestep the topic and attempt to do introductions instead. Hi I’m Katia Managan, what’s your name and what do you do I guess. Sorry.

Oh gods, awkward silence. You should’ve jus-

She introduces herself as Quill-Weave. She’s a novelist, and mostly writes stories about the gritty, merciless struggles of the lower classes. She admits that might be why she finds you interesting; you have basically introduced her to a whole new level of lower-class. You thank her, but aren’t really sure if it was a compliment.
You go ahead and explain that her room is pretty much totaled. There’s paint all over the place, several punctures through her wall, a broken window, a shredded bedsheet, a defaced book, and a pimped-out unicorn prowling around. You also apparently killed her fish. She tells you not to worry about the fish, though. She actually hates all pets, and only gets them to watch them die. She says it’s a writer thing, you wouldn’t understand.
You tell her that you’re willing to do whatever you can to make the damages up to her. Maybe you could clean up? You’re also okay at painting, maybe that could come in handy? She subtly implies that she isn’t ready to trust you with paint, but says she may have something you can help with…

She’s leaving tonight to do some research for her next book, but needs this letter delivered to the nearby city of Kvatch as soon as possible. All you’d have to do is travel to Kvatch, deliver the letter to the local bookstore, and then return with the reply. While you’re there, you could pick up a new copy of the book you defaced.
She’ll give you money for the new book, as well as enough for you to spend the night at Kvatch before you head back. She’s willing to trust you with the money, since she needs this letter delivered quickly and she’s found no one else available.
At most, it would take two days round-trip. She is confident that absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong.

You are ecstatic. You promise you won’t let her down and that you will be the best and swiftest letter-deliverer Cyrodiil has ever encountered. Quill-Weave uncomfortably chokes out that first she’s going to go buy some clothes for you and your orc friend. What do you usually like?

You ask her what she means.
She wants to know what kind of clothes you like to wear. She wants to help you get back on the right foot – that is to say, properly fed and clothed – and she has never actually seen you when you weren’t naked. Maybe you could just, like, draw how you like to dress? She could try to find something close to it.

This is the first time in your entire life anyone has ever asked what you like. Regarding anything. You have never thought about it before.
> ==>
egg brother
A Different Crazy Cat