See if we can get some information about her. |

Zahrasha? You heard there was someone in town who looked kind of like you. Does she come by here?
Oh, no, the wizard explains. Zahrasha is just one of his Khajiit friends from up at the university. You look a lot like her. Not because all Khajiit look the same or anything! That would be incredibly racist and inappropriate.
That’s okay, you say, it’s probably just the lighting. Anyway, I’m Katia. I recently acquired some unusual… magic problems. Whenever I get offended by a cat joke, even one I thought up myself, stuff catches on fire –

– kind of like that.
You dig uncomfortably into your past and tell the wizard everything. You explain that you’ve never been able to use magic, despite trying your hardest to learn how when you were younger. When you started to get really frustrated, your parents even had you tested by some wizards. They said you’d never be able to use magic, but they didn’t know why. One of them suggested it might be a treatable disease called “astral vapors”, but even the most expensive medicines didn’t help you. You’ve kind of tried to forget about that time in your life.
Sometimes fires would start around you, but you figured it was caused by someone or something else. But then yesterday it started getting… worse. The fires got bigger, and yesterday you almost got killed because of it. You guess the fires got worse after you touched this sparkly blue thing you found in some ruins? It was kind of a dumb, impulsive move on your part, and you promise you won’t touch mysterious magic things in the future.
The wizard strokes his lack-of-beard thoughtfully. He says it is quite the puzzling predicament, but he has a theory. He needs to know when you were born. You give him your full birthday: 8th of Sun’s Dusk, 413.

He tells you to wait here; he has to check the library for a book. He also wants to see if his amulet collection is still here. If he’s right, he thinks you’ll like what he has to say. Just give him a few minutes.

With the wizard out of the room, you let your arms down to rest for a bit. You choke out a nervous laugh and tell the elf woman that just yesterday, you were still genuinely convinced that people needed a long beard to use magic. She tells you that’s very silly. Wizards work with open flames all the time; for a magic user to even consider having facial hair, he’d have to be… mad! Frankly, she wouldn’t even use magic if she had fur. Not to be racist or anything. You tell her it’s okay, you understand.
Maybe even just gathering alchemy ingredients from outside town. |

You confess that you are also a bit short on cash, and looking for a way to get some spare spending money. Or eating money. You’d be very interested if the guild needs anyone to run errands, or collect plants in the fields outside of town.
She says that she can’t think of anything they need right now. They’ve mostly been doing research and the occasional healing job that the chapel can’t handle. The roads are relatively safe as of late, making ingredient collection a rather enjoyable and scenic activity. The coast in particular is beautiful at this time of year. Occasionally other people do stop by the guildhall looking to get more unusual ingredients, of course.

Ah, how opportune! There’s Matt. He’s a chef who specializes in traditional Argonian cuisine, which she understands is spiced with poisons that would be lethal to most species. He stops by every once in a while to buy more ingredients. Hi Matt! Don’t forget to wipe the marinara sauce off that kitchen knife.

What a nice boy. Hannibal says we have to triple our prices for some reason when selling to Matt, so maybe he’d be willing to buy ingredients from you if you’re interested?
You tell her that’s okay, you think you will find someone else to work for. She says that’s fine, it’s your choice. Anything else she can help you with while you wait?
> Katia: Disregard obvious assassin
Lord Blake
Mr. Whatever
David Kim
Jorin Gedamke