Hey! You’re not a… bird?

You understand the cat jokes, but where the hell did the bird thing come from? It’s not even offensive.

You tell Quill-Weave that you assumed it was going to be, like, a sleepover or something. You figured you’d both just cram into one bed, or maybe you would make a pile of blankets to sleep on. But you can understand if she’s not okay with that.
She says yeah, that would probably be kind of awkward. She really doesn’t have that many blankets and is used to sleeping in her underwear like a total hermit. She’d kind of rather you just find somewhere else. It’s nothing personal.
You tell her you are fine with underwear, but it’s okay, you understand. She’s already done a lot for you, and you don’t want to impose. You’re thankful she invited you to dinner, and you really appreciated how she agreed not to drink anything while she was there. It might not have seemed like much, but that meant a lot to you. Most people wouldn’t do something like that, you say. Thanks.
You’ll just grab your hood and be on your way, then. It’s fine. They’ll probably let you sleep on one of the pews back at the chapel.

It is a big enough bed, Quill-Weave says. If you seriously want to do the sleepover thing it probably wouldn’t be too weird, right?
You promise you won’t make it weird, you say! You don’t want to, like, be a burden or anything, if she’d rather you stay somewhere else though.
She says it’s alright. She thought about it and you’d just be sleeping here for like half a night before leaving. It’s no big deal.
You thank her profusely and promise you’ll be out of her hair as soon as possible. I mean, metaphorical hair. Fins? You’ll gather up your stuff right now so you can leave right away tomorrow morning and she’ll have the place to herself again.

You were kind of worried about staying at the chapel, you explain, since you’ve never been very good at sleeping on hard surfaces and it also would have been easy for someone to steal your amulet. If you lost that in the night, you might have accidentally burned down the chapel or something. That would be awful!
Yeah, Quill-Weave says, she knew a mage once who accidentally started a fire at a bar. Someone tried to pour a bottle of water on it, but it turned out the bottle was actually full of clear rum. Can you believe that?
They DO look about the same, you reply. You think most people can smell the difference? You don’t know; your nose is kind of bad, especially for a Khajiit. But visually you can see where someone would make the mistake.
By the way, would it be alright if you borrowed a pencil? You’re thinking you might want to take notes tomorrow, in case you have to remember anything.

You don’t know a lot about notetaking, though. Maybe you guys could exchange writing tips before you go to sleep? You heard she had some.
> ==>
Someone Somewhere
Lawx Lawlz
Pel Talapos
Dalen Vreth