Furbag wrote: |
How much farther down is this thing going to go? |
IntrusiveThoughts wrote: |
So… what would happen if you just… jumped off the vine? Would you eventually hit something, or would you just fall forever? |
The mysteries of Quagmire are a closely-guarded secret to maintain the plane’s mystique.
Which is to say, the ground does exist, but you’re not supposed to tell anyone. Eons of falling seeds have germinated a veritable jungle of soft vegetation miles below. Should someone ever miss a jump, place a tarsus in the wrong spot, or otherwise plummet into the starry abyss, they would fall for several hours before safely landing among the twigs, sap, and leaves. They would then be subject to a grueling, days-long climb up one of the numerous rope ladders the Queen of Nightmares installed across Quagmire in the event of this happening.
It’s actually an extremely unexciting process and if your life were a written story, the entire sequence of slipping, falling, and climbing back up would probably be skipped for time.
John wrote: |
So, what’s it like in the Citadel? Is the rent good? Do you or your landlord pay the bills? What’s the resale value? |
You have never been inside the Citadel. It is Vaermina’s personal, sacred domain, sealed behind an impenetrable door.
However, should you ever find something of interest to the Weaver of Dreams, or otherwise feel compelled to reach out to her Dark and Inscrutable Majesty, there is a drop slot through which lesser Omens such as yourself might leave letters, correspondences, notices, reports, or – your personal favorite – greeting cards. It is also big enough to send gifts, like a very small vase.
You have never gotten a reply, which leads you to believe she must already have many small vases.
BallsackWonder wrote: |
Ring doorbell multiple times |
Worry wrote: |
If you haven’t been contacted in a while, could that mean you are unnecessary? |
Ja’Hreet wrote: |
Have you been… forgotten, here? |
Just because you are forgotten and invisible does not mean you are unimportant.
You think of it as being similar to a guard on a wall. The commander does not think about the guard, or care for whatever mundane reports the guard would deliver. For the guard to not be there, however, would show weakness. It would turn a guarded section of wall into an opening enemies could exploit.
In that same way, you are extension of Vaermina’s will. Literally, you are a figment of her creatia; a thought that would otherwise occupy her mind instead made manifest. When a conjurer reaches into the waters of Oblivion, yours is a voice that might reach back. You are a reminder that those waters are not deaf or empty. You are the Goddess’ reminder that those waters want to be feared.
Yours is a mighty purpose.
TheGibusGuy wrote: |
Do you have anything to eat with actual nutritional value? |
Omens, like all Daedric beings, do not need to eat! Doing so is merely a choice for enjoyment.
The tree in your lair does occasionally produce succulent fruit, though. There is a… satisfaction in piercing the outer skin with your mandibles and nibbling at the bead of juice that wells up from the breach. In cracking through the firm flesh and being overwhelmed with the subsequent wave of sweet smells. Just thinking of it evokes a vestigial hunger in you; you can savor such a snack in this manner for hours.
It looks like there’s one there now, tempting you.
> Atrantu: Give fruit as gift