May 162011

Dermonster wrote:
Say hi and ask his name!

By the way, have we exchanged introductions? I’m Katia Managan.

The man sighs and introduces himself as the Stranger. Spelled with a capital “s”. You say that you are tempted to ask where that name came from, but in your experience people with secrets are usually incredibly dangerous. The Stranger commends you on the capital observation.

You gesture for the strange, dangerous man to scoot over so you can share his seat.

KingTwelveSixteen wrote:
Commence with the small-talk!

So, Mr. Stranger, this is a lovely castle, isn’t it? I’ve never met the countess, but I assume that she is equally lovely?

The Stranger says yes, he sees her frequently and she is pretty much his favorite countess.

He sounds like he spends a lot of time here. You ask the Stranger if he is here to attend the dinner or if he simply works at the castle.

Neither, he says. When he’s not on the road he just likes to hang around in the throne room. You know, sit and stare at that capital piece of countass. All day long.

Oh, you say. That’s… not weird at all.

You decide you’ll just ignore the Strange, Dangerous Man.

TheFinalWraith wrote:
…While Trevaia and the Guard did you a valuable service in telling you what topics you shouldn’t bring up, they nonetheless neglected to mention what you should do if by some horrid twist of fate you can no longer just smile and nod or answer questions, but must instead provide a new conversation topic.

Good point. You guess you could talk about yourself or your homeland, but bringing up your, er, work history would probably not be appropriate. Maybe you should come up with a cover story in case anyone asks.

What were those unmentionable topics again? No mentioning her husband and no mentioning the Imperial Legion for some reason? Talking about Hammerfell politics might be hard if you can’t talk about the Legion.

  • some random dude

    the stranger goes *fap fap fap*

    • David Kim


  • matty406

    Stranger puts on his DAT ASS face.

  • Titanium


    • Anon

      >: ¬ E

  • Moonwalker

    The Gray Fox has dat ass look on his face, omg!

  • Raspberry

    Sorry if I’m being nitpicky, but…

    He sounds like he spends a lot of time here. You ask the Stranger if he is is here to attend the dinner or if he simply works at the castle.

    Neither, he says. When he’s not on the road he just likes [to] hang around in the throne room. You know, sit and stare at that capital piece of countass. All day long.

    • Kazerad

      No need to apologize! Lately people have been discovering a ton of extremely minor typos and word omissions in the old pages. I’m not even sure how this much stuff slipped under the radar for so long.

      • Kreton

        I’ve never met the countess, but I assume the she is equally lovely?

        Another minor typo.

        • Kazerad

          Oh wow, nice find! Tens of thousands of people have read through this without bringing that up. You very well may have found the Last Typo, ever.

          Then again, I thought that about the last guy who found one.

  • Skelitor

    It’s not that creepy once you know that THAT’S both the Grey Fox and the Count of Anvil.

    • C

      In fact, it’s actually adorable that he’s still thinking of his wife.

      Still kind of creepy, though.

      • Snout

        It _is_ creepy that he has any thoughts about his wife in his head after being married for so long, yes. 😉

    • MisterD

      Hey, she’s talking to a count and she’s barely afraid! She’s making progress.

      • Gren

        OMFG YOU’RE RIGHT! It seems her royalty sensors weren’t working properly this time. Even though she was able to somehow recognize Martin’s lineage when she arrived to Kvatch. A tiny slip there, Kaz.

  • GreatFairy

    I like how you can still partially see his face in the last panel.

  • Angylee

    The Gray Fox! The Count! Love how you put him in the story! CAPITAL!

  • Uknown

    When will u show your true identity gray fox?!

  • dtlux14

    You look like the kind of person who uses skulls for interior decorating.
    Though, um, I guess I did that earlier today too.