


[nggallery id=fanworks]


Hope For You Yet, by DragonXVI.
Khajiit Lullaby, by Crazy-8.
Khajiit Lullaby cover, by Varynova.
Kat Fight by Silence.
Meowrrowind (a remix of Nerevar Rising) by Solifuge.
A remix of Mud’s “A Fur-eash Start” (used in Katia Excelsior) by Neural.
An orchestral version of Crazy-8’s “Khajiit Lullaby” by Satoru.
Just The Beginning, by Satoru.


A post full of illustrated, quality fanfiction by Doomkiwi.
And the sequel, also by Doomkiwi.
Like A Star by Roz.
Katia: Kill Stephane by Quintus.

_________Videos / Flashes_________

An excellently edited video of Katia in Skyrim. By Cynicalpicnic.
An informative video on how you – yes, YOU – can help keep a cat from crying. By woundedkneecap.
The Pineapple Chronicles, Part 1 By woundedkneecap.
The Pineapple Chronicles, Part 2 By woundedkneecap.
A “commoner playthrough” in Oblivion, attempting to mimic Katia’s starting situation. By Solifuge.
A panel from the comic recreated in 3D using Colors 3D (skip to the end of the animation and drag it around to see the effect) By MrTimotei

    • Kazerad

      How long has this been here without me replying to it? I have to check these obscure unfinished pages of my site more often.

      I like this a lot, it captures Katia pretty well, and I’m pretty sure it is the current record holder for “most living Prequel characters in one fanart”. (Abominor below probably has the record for ‘most characters’, but half of them are dead).

  • Hey. If you’re interested in a new title image, I made one.

    Y’know, if you’re interested.

    • Pretty cool, though I personally prefer the current one… just because of that picture in the background. Though, I guess that could go over it maybe.

      • Oshi–the picture CHANGES (the current title image at the top of the page, that is). I didn’t notice that ’til just now. >.>;

        • Yeah, the background and title are two separate images. The one that changes is probably the DIV background, while the title itself is a GIF with transparency. Changing the title graphic wouldn’t alter the background image.

  • I started a DeviantArt fanclub if anyone’s interested. It’s the only one on deviantart and it needs love.

    • Kazerad

      I’ll link it on the main page if you can give it a bit more description. Like, maybe a blurb explaining what it is a fanclub for.

      • Julienya

        It’s a deviantart Fanclub set up to share art of Prequel Adventure. People can draw fanart, post it to the group, and have dicussions. It would be interesting to see it on the main page, but it’s your comic and your website Kaz. If you have a deviant account, I’ll even share power over the fanclub.

    • Kazerad

      I saw this some other places but it’s nice to see you here so I can finally say: oh my god, this is great. The detail is amazing, especially the things like the armor and amulet. And those eyes on the wolf. You win all my high-fives.

      • Abominor

        Most welcome, Kazerad. It is a small token of appreciation for Prequel.

    • asdf

      The old version’s still better.

  • sharona

    i made a kate beaton ripoff just for this comic

    • Kazerad

      I’ve seen this some other places too, but I’m glad to see it from the author! Pay With Your Blood Katia is the most adorable thing. In an adorabloodthirsty way.

  • i just commissioned a picture of Katia doing her pineapple trick in the town square. it’s NSFW, obviously. am i allowed to post a link to that here?

    • Kazerad

      Oh man this is a question I never thought I would have to answer.

      I’m gonna go ahead and say “no” since I’m pretty sure that would make the fanart section go downhill really fast.

    • JJA

      There are no exceptions.

  • Expresate

    I’m looking.


  • Axon
    • CB

      I’m pretty sure this is the best thing.

      • justme

        Agreed! Especially cause she looks so sad/guilty

  • matty406

    Postin’ what I put on the forums. GLORIOUS VECTOR GRAPHICS.

  • Doomkiwi
  • ErrorlessVector

    Will all fanart be here, No matter how shitty?
    If so just go ahead and forget about that one I did.
    Nobody needs to see that.
    No really don’t.
    DON’T DO IT.

    • Kazerad

      Consider it forgotten! Don’t worry, you’re not the first person who has been like “oh god, I didn’t know this many people would see my fanart, please don’t repost”.

      • ErrorlessVector


  • Fangdangler

    i drew a bit of katia fanart, hope you guys like it

    • Kazerad

      Oh wow, it is so sharp and shiny! I do indeed like it.

      Sorry about the delayed response here, I’m still way behind on keeping this fanart page up to date. I’ve still got at least a dozen things somewhere that I have yet to upload.

    Katia Sidewalk chalk art! Heartside Grand Rapids, MI! Artprize!

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha yess! I wonder if anyone recognized her? If these analytics are correct there are at least four people in the general area who might have.

    • Nodzilla96

      Hey, I’m near Grand Rapids. Why didn’t I see this?

  • Daniel Brown

    Whar be the sad witch? xD; My typo for sandwich ended up a little thing that amused a couple of us a while back. :O I still have the images, if they’re not on the forums. It’ll be when last I posted, relatively. D:

    Anyway, awesome stuff! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Kazerad

      I’ve still got quite a bit of art to find and upload here. Right now it’s not my highest priority, but soon I’ll knock it all out and for a fleeting moment finally be able to call this page “complete”.

  • katia fanart hope its not too crappy. ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Kazerad

      Aw, it’s not crappy at all! Thank you very much!

      You know what, I’ve gone too long without updating this fanart page, gonna try to knock it out real quick while I eat dinner.

      EDIT: aaaaand done. For now, anyway. Until someone points out something I missed.

  • justme

    Oh! I didn’t realize this page was up. So are we supposed to post art in the comments of this page now? I posted something in the forum a little while ago, cause I didn’t know this page was done–sorry : (

    • Kazerad

      Either place is fine! I pretty much see all the fanart that anyone creates anywhere; I just take being posted here or on the forum as an OK to add it to the above page.

  • Noxid

    Presuming you’re uploading by username then you forgot my first one

    • Kazerad

      Now I haven’t!

      You also reminded me of another burning Katia one I forgot to upload, got that too.

  • Andrew – here’s one from me ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kazerad

      Someone pointed this out to me a while back; I was hoping you’d eventually post it here! Your style is so fluffy and loose, it looks great. Assuming no objections, I’ll add it to the fanart page proper as soon as I get a chance tomorrow. Thanks!

  • someone

    I don’t see the “impossible interspecies children” one.

    • justme

      Do you mean this one?

      Thanks! Since I know other people want to see it, I’ll remind Kaz

      I also did a warholian-style katia a little while ago:

      • Kazerad

        I’m really uncertain about whether I should post image edits here. On one hand, some of them are pretty creative (Warhol Katia and Impossible Interspecies Children are both good examples of this) while on the other hand there’s a lot of low-effort joke edits, and I’m somewhat concerned those artists will come forward like “hey, if those edits got posted on the fanart page, why not mine?”. In such an instance I’d either have to agree to post all the edits, or outright tell someone their stuff isn’t good enough. Both options make me a little uneasy =/.

        I don’t know, maybe I’ll just post the better edits and hope it never comes up? If anyone has thoughts on this, feel free to share.

      • justme

        Welp, I tried : (

      • Iarei

        “Iโ€™d either have to agree to post all the edits, or outright tell someone their stuff isnโ€™t good enough.”

        Yay! He means me, probably!

    • Kazerad

      Ahaha, the expression on that apple was a fine touch. Thank you very much! You have very much joined the ranks of people who draw my own characters better than I do.

    • brick

      The URL took me a few seconds to process…

  • Whittacker

    I made a wallpaper out of a recent panel.
    Unfortunately, it only looks good if you stand a meter away from the screen, which makes it pretty useless as a wallpaper.
    I’m not quite sure how I feel about it!

    • Kazerad

      Standing a meter away from your screen is how classy people use computers.

      Anyway, I’d add it to the fanart page but I’m still really apprehensive to add edits. It’s nothing personal; I explain my reasoning a couple posts up (in reply to Justme)

      • Whittacker

        Hmm, while I don’t really agree with your opinion, I respect your reasoning and… eh, oh well!

  • I just couldn’t resist and delivered some fan-art as well. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the process of creation.

    • Kazerad

      If you found the process of creation totally incredibly enjoyable, then yes, I probably enjoying this fanart equally as much! I’ll add it to the fanart page tomorrow if I get a chance; getting the next update ready is taking more time than I anticipated.

    • Kazerad

      And I am glad you couldn’t resist! Thank you for the fanart (and the 40 new readers it apparently brought in, according to my analytics)!

  • Hey there! Found this adventure comic a few days ago and absolutely love it. Never had experience with a web comic like this. Well done with story, writing, programming, drawing (all of the above). Just got caught up and had to make some fan art. Keep up the good work!

  • ManWhoGetsVeryAngryWhenYouDoNotUpdate


  • Ayako
    • Trevor

      That’s p good.

    • Kazerad

      It’s artistic nudity so I’ll go ahead and say it’s allowed, though I probably won’t post it up in the main fanart list since it’d probably come as a surprise to people who are just flicking through all the images using their arrow keys.

      Personally I always find these old art tributes really cute though, and your painting (I think that’s digitally painted?) captures the style of the original photo impressively well.

  • OMG I love your comic ๐Ÿ˜€ so i made a short 2 panel vertical strip for you. hope u like it :DD

  • Whoops… here’s the link:


    • Kazerad

      I laughed, and I think that’s the best compliment one can give a comic. Poor Quill.

      (I feel a little bad for the guy in your comments section who couldn’t play the last flash update because his arrow keys gave out, though. I hope he eventually found a way around that; next time maybe I’ll add WASD as alternate controls)

      • someone

        ESDF would be more universal. When the keys are hardcoded to the letters WASD (rather than the key codes, which I’m not sure Flash lets you see), a WASD gameplay is a real pain in the ass if you have an AZERTY keyboard.

        First few columns on QWERT and AZERTY:
        QWER || AZER
        ASDF || QSDF
        ZXCV || WXCV

        As you can see, ESDF is unchanged but WASD becomes ZQSD which is really not that practical to use.

        Then there’s DVORAK. Augh!

  • ELR

    Here’s a some fanart I commissioned:

    • ELR
      • Kazerad

        Aa…aaaaaaaaawwwwwww =D. That is completely, unimaginably adorable. I don’t know whether I should thank you or thank the guy you commissioned it from, so I think I’ll have to give a big thanks to both of you for playing a role in its creation.

        God, she looks almost huggable there, and this is coming from the person who tortures her in front of the internet.

  • rarborman

    Why you spell my name wrong? This means fanart war!

    • Kazerad

      Oh no! She has caught on to my plan to strategically misspell everyone’s name!

      • rarborman

        I knew it! Your evil scheme will never reach fruition while I’m around! =P (B’s knot A round)

      • who149

        Phase 1: Strategically misspell everyone’s name
        Phase 2: ???
        Phase 3: Profit

  • RedDyeNo5

    Let’s hope Katia fulfill her job as a courier.

    • who149

      Fitting as Fallout New Vegas was made by the same people as TES.

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha, great reference and the filename somehow makes it even better. Thank you so much.

  • Hai! Here’s a short comic I made after I played as a fire+axe wielding khajiit wearing mage robes in Skyrim >_>;;

    • Kazerad

      Hahahaa yessss. I think those last two panels have made this one of my favorite pieces of fanart ever. And god, that title. You’ve seriously outdone yourself here, Mr. Furnut.

      The graffiti is a nice touch as well. The lawyer certainly knows where to advertise.

      • yay thx! glad ya like it! ๐Ÿ˜€

        haha cat burn is fun…. -gets roasted by a carelessly thrown fireball that fell outta the sky- X_x

  • Corrina
    • oooh awesome ๐Ÿ˜€ this is quick art?? this breaks my mind o.o;

      • Well I didn’t actually time myself, but I’m pretty sure it was quick.
        Thank you, I’m glad you think it’s awesome! Though I’m not so sure it’s mind breaking.

    • Kazerad

      This is more than alright, it’s actually quite pretty darn awesome – especially for something “really quick”! Thank you drawing it!

      • Oh man, I’m incredibly happy to know that people think it’s awesome!
        It’s no problem, you’re welcome. :^D

    • Glav

      I like your style

  • Xan2.3

    Who says Katia isn’t actually the Dovahkiin?

    • Xan2.3

      It looks like the image links were lost, so here they are again: (Why is the Mage College all the way up in Winterhold? It’s cold there!) (Backstory, sorta)

      Not even sure if this counts as fanart but it would make one heck of a ‘quel.

      • Kazerad

        I’m not sure if it counts as fanart either, but there’s something kind of adorable about her trekking through the snow to get to Winterhold. And as the guy on the pictured imageboard already pointed out: the appearance is almost perfect!

        • Kyle Hyde

          ‘Twas none other than me, Kyle Hyde

    • someone

      The timeline? Skyrim takes place in 4e201, Katia was born in 3e413, in a clever MSPAism that makes her 20 for the beginning of Oblivion proper (3e433). So if she’s the dovahkiin, she’d be something like 222 old when she gets to get her dovahkiin on, if you get what I mean. (I mean that she’ll be too old to dovahkize around willy-nilly.)

      • Xan2.3

        True but magical mishaps occur all the time (this is Katia we are talking about). Besides Sheogorath could just get his sheogorath on, if you get what I mean, and have Katia transported to the future and become the dovahkiin.

        You know you want to see her wake up next to Ulfrick Stormcloak.

        • Righteous Almond

          Yeah, I’m sure Skyrim’s most racist leader/Nord would share a bed with a Khajiit for the night, no matter how cute. And I’m not even including “doing stuff”. The guy makes Argonians sleep on the docks and Khajiit can’t even cross the bridge. No amount of alcohol (Or pineaples and yo-yo’s) would make Katia that irresistable.

        • theplunderking

          lets be honest here. ulfrick is so narcissistic that if she did end up with him (i hate him more than the ork) he would tape a mirror to her face first

    • im sorry… it just.. had to be done…

      • Kazerad

        And I am so glad it was done. The holstered pineapple is a great touch.

      • oooh haha awesome ๐Ÿ˜€ oh god the pineapple >:)


  • mr.popo

    yeah, not sure if anyone else has mentioned it, but there’s some, *cough* “different” *cough*, fan-art, that might also include a picture or two involving a pineapple. Can’t post the link, but [removed, see below], if your REALLY interested in Katia.

    • Kazerad

      I’m aware of such fanart, yeah. Via searches and my analysitcs page, I see pretty much all the Prequel fanart on the internet – even if some of it doesn’t get posted here for obvious reasons.

      I edited the directions of how to find it out of your post, though, for the sake of anyone who doesn’t know what “rule 34” means. Suffice to say, if someone wants to find it, they probably already know how.

  • Salty Dog

    Are there any wallpapers? Cause there shoulod be wallpapers ~_~ Like High-res wallpapers..

    • Kazerad

      I think Daolpu had some high-res versions of the fanart he did, though I don’t remember the exact link off the top of my head. Maybe someone else has them and can reply here with it? If not, I guess I could go hunting for where he posted it.

  • GianniX

    My amaturish attempt at an old meme

    • Kazerad

      I know I’ve seen far too much of the internet when I actually get these references. Either way, thanks! I am honored to be slowly conquering all the Olde Memes of the Internet.

  • Norexico

    I’m too shy to think of something witty to type…

    • Kazerad

      Oh wow, I thought I already uploaded these but apparently the en-yay in your forum name (Seรฑor Taco) caused the upload to fail. I’ll get these up there in the next fanart batch, probably under the much more uploadable name “Norexico”.

      And I know I’ve commented already in the forum thread, but just so I can do it here as well: thanks! It’s always good to have some happy/competent looking Katia fanart.

      • Norexico

        Aww, your words greatly humble me, comrade. I do reckon that my “skills” are quite, well, they don’t do justice as much as I would like they did to this amazing webcomic.

        I’m practically enamored with the concept of the cheerful underdog who just wants to fit in, to have a place to call home and people to call friends;
        who wants to succeed even if just in trivial ways, and that despite destiny’s cruelty, she somehow manages to get back on her feet (or paws?).

        That despite being regarded as a slut or a whore she still keeps what many already lost, which is sweetness and hope, and shows us that virtue is on the “doing”, not on the “done”;
        that tomorrow is not another day to be gone, but a new day to come,
        for life is too scarce to wish one was dead.

        Anyways, just a little thought for our beloved khajiit Charlie Brown; may one day she kicks the ball out of that Lucy Gro-Upp’s grasp.

  • Seiteki

    My avatar right now, over at Facepunch Studios done by McNab. – Me – Guy who did it – Dropbox link

    Merry Christmas.

    • Kazerad

      Merry Christmas to you too! I approve of your festive representational imagery.

      (though actually I had already seen it because I compulsively track where my readers come from. When I get a spike in traffic from Facepunch, it’s often because someone asked about your avatar)

      • Seiteki

        You’re welcome.

  • HEheh another comic for you :3

    • Kazerad

      Hahahaha yesss. I love this comic, and its title pun.

      I also feel like I should commend you for making the first fanart of the jelly vampire.

    • someone

      What’s happening exactly? Are the first few panels with Katia a dream influenced by Jellyfer spreading jelly on Quill Weave’s neck? I guess she must be using a cheese grater rather than a knife.

  • Here are a few for the collection:
    Once again, thanks for letting me use the originals.
    (i hope this is the right place to put this.)

    • Kazerad

      It’s a perfectly fine place to put this, yes! And you’re welcome!

      I don’t usually put panel edits in the fanart list up above, but there’s been some demand for wallpaper-sized pictures and I really like that widescreen Magical wallpaper you’ve got. Hopefully no one will mind if I slip that one into the fanart page.

  • Plopp

    While watching MadTV I remebered Katia’s tableware set.
    I thought she might prefer the snoorfpk.
    I must admit, I have no idea where I was going with this…

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha, wherever you were going with this, I am glad you went there. I have to say, if she ever created a utensil, it would probably look something like this. The second frame was a hilarious surprise, too. Thanks for that! =D

  • MLeth


    I just recently found out about this superfun site but I’ve been reading the story non stop since then! So I wanted to show my appreciation the MLeth way so I made this:

    Thanks for making such a fun story and character!

    • Riddle78

      Her ear is on fire…It must be painful! Love it! I guess she wasn’t ready to cast when a cat joke went off,huh?

    • Kazerad

      Thanks! Glad to hear you enjoyed the story, sorry about my delayed response, and thanks for the sweet fanart! I second Mr. Riddle’s sentiments above, and feel I must throw in an additional compliment on your excellent composition and shading. Thanks!

  • FaceBread
  • I played around with some new d-painting techniques today and wanted to do some fanart for you. 2 birds with one stone, I guess.

    • Kazerad

      Thank you for the excellent fanart, I am honored! Whatever new techniques you were trying, they turned out quite well. I can definitely see the Disney influence in it.

  • Gunge

    Just a quick thing 0u0
    The middle part of her robe probably isn’t actually a loincloth but OH WELL,,,

    • Kazerad

      Your quick things apparently look better than my slow things! Loincloth or not, this is totally lovely and thank you very much! =D Glad to hear you’re enjoying the comic.

  • Gennums

    Hey I drew the fanarts. A good seven hours of reading and it is really good so far! I found this comic through porn other fanart, it looked interesting. Anyway! Here is that fanart I drew. Way to kick off a New Year, with some fanart.

    • Kazerad

      First fanart of the new year, too, thanks! With both hands full of fire, she looks quite wizardly indeed (the glowing eye helps too).

      Gonna go stick it on the fanart page up above. Look at me, keeping my fanart page all updated.

  • Felidire

    Didn’t realize there was a fanart page – I drew this one I don’t remember how many nights ago while I was heavily (ironically) intoxicated.. Kinda like I am now.

    I should take a lesson from this comic.

    • Felidire

      Also made a censored version of this one –
      (whether you want it on here or not is up to you.) x3

      • Felidire

        Also… wtf, mega-spacing? o_o

        • Kazerad

          WordPress tries to justify text and sometimes it goes a little overboard. And by sometimes I mean pretty frequently. But it tries so hard.

          But anyway, thanks for the fanart! It’s neat to see people remembering the book-shield, and if not for the lens flare I wouldn’t have even been able to tell you were drunk while drawing it.

          As for the other one, not entirely sure whether it would be appropriate for me to repost up above. I don’t know, I have some stuff pretty close to it in terms of risque-ness, but I asked a friend’s opinion and she’s telling me it’s probably too cheesecakey to put there? Deciding cutoff points is hard.

          For the time being I think I’ll just leave it down here, out of the main list but there for anyone adventurous enough to explore the comments. Regardless, thank you!

  • Plopp

    ~scaredy-cat~scaredy-cat~cat pun~

    • Kazerad

      The size, composition, and title on this almost makes me think of the cover to a music album. Possibly one filled with nothing but high-pitched meows. That said, it is very cute and well-done! thank you for drawing it! =D

  • Styl1sh
    • Styl1sh

      The emote actually includes the fanart, lol ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Kazerad

        Oh wow, honestly would’ve missed it if not for you pointing that out! Styl1shly hidden, sir.

        Anyway, thank you! I really like how you worked the palette into the picture, and am impressed how well you managed to mimic the style used in the comic. (And nice link-hiding too)

  • Righteous Almond

    I noticed you didn’t have a Motivational Poster yet (Or you do and I haven’t noticed), so I made one using the pineapple and yo-yo trick picture. I couldn’t find a “Contribute” button anywhere so I’m just post a link to what I did here. Sorry if I can’t do that. >.<

    • Kazerad

      Posting here is fine! And thanks for sharing! I think you’re right, this is the first motivational poster anyone’s done. Though given the text, it’s a little funny that you chose the one picture of a pineapple that is on fire =P

      • Righteous Almond

        I thought it was a mix of pink and regular lemonade >.< Pink is an odd color to make fire, though.

  • An idea that popped in my head just today……..

    Hope ya like ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Kazerad

      I do like! Fanart is always likeable, especially when some manner of pun is involved. Though all the Quill-Weave fanart makes me feel a little bad she’s not doing anything in the story right now.

      I’m gonna have to go through an internal struggle about whether this is everyone-appropriate enough to put up in the list above I think it probably is, but I’ll want to get a second opinion from someone more easily offended than me.

  • Camberf

    Hey, I made this pixel art of Katia in Fortresscraft, it stretches from the lowest point to the highest (125 blocks). I enjoyed making it and I hope you like it, sorry for the poor quality- my camera isn’t working so I had to use the webcam on my computer.

    • Kazerad

      Oh my, that’s huge! Also, a surprisingly clear shot for a webcam picture of a television. I can’t imagine what it took putting that together pixel-by-pixel, but it turned out great! Thank you for sharing!

      • Camberf

        Haha, I wasn’t that bad- I have a program that converts normal images to pixel art (though I still had to build the thing, lol).

        I think I’m gonna make one of QW too, and I fixed my camera, so it should look better.

  • woundedkneecap

    I normally don’t make fan art about every comic I like, but this deserves some… so, here ya go!

    • Ja’Silicate

      Oh my god and now I’m blind thanks a lot

      • woundedkneecap

        I’m sorry, is that a comment on the brightness of the photo?
        Maybe is it a Quality thing, good or bad?
        I don’t get much feed back so if you could help me out?

        • Ja’Silicate

          You’re right, Silicate apologizes for unclrear wording. Taโ€™agraโ€™iss rabi, if you need. He thinks this drawing would have a better look if it was in color. He also says that, unfortunately, the face of this female does look plain, and this make Ja’Khajiit sad. Our ladies need more volume, if you understand what Silicate means. Meaning makes people mean, so, as desert-walkers say, ‘gzalzi vaberzarita maaszi’. Speaking about absurdity, as his experience allows to say, this Khajiit looks like someone who’s been to the frozen Khajiiti camps of Skyrim, right? Hah, fusozay.

          • woundedkneecap

            Wise, I thought because the short hair and one tone fur, that this would be in here likeness, but i see now that it needs much texture, shadow, and depth to achieve that, A little too one tone as it stands, I’ll go for another try when my time frees up. maybe i’ll include color (give that it is one tone).

            I did use the Khajiiti (that is plural form right?) that inhabit Skyrim as a base for Katia. As you understand, the variety with in sub-species of Khajiit vary greatly in leg structure, skull shape, and build. She was from Hammerfall, I guessed that she had to be similar.

            I would like to thank you for your time and thoughts, Ja’Silicate

          • Righteous Almond

            Actually, a Khajiit’s build has very little, if anything to do with the location it was born or resides in. Also, I think what he wanted was a less sharp muzzle, which looks distinctively male. Next, we have the whiskers, which it is customary to keep short for females, the same goes fr the female’s mane, but you kept that in check, even though most people forget about it. So, good job/memory. So in summary, less outward muzzle, shorter ears, and shorten the whiskers. Also, it might do you some good if you make the neck a little shorter and thinner, which is why most Khajiiti females appear much shorter then males.

    • Kazerad

      I disappear for a couple days and miss a big art critique thing going on in here? Fun always eludes me D=.

      That said, thank you for the fanart! I can definitely see the Skyrim influence in the head/jaw shape. I also don’t receive much fanart done in traditional mediums, so it’s always a neat surprise when pencil drawings like this crop up.

      • Woundedkneecap

        So I plan to make another, in color. I already made the outline with in line with all the suggestion. I just need to stop at hobby lobby and get a set of good color pencils. Disregard the old one, the new one will be done in about a week.

        • Kazerad

          You caught me just before I was about to upload it. I’ll hold off as per requested!

          • Woundedkneecap

            So I could not get the stuff I need to make what I planned; however, I did make fanart, just not the kind that I did above. I’ll upload it as I can get to my scanner, it’s very cool and the story that goes with it is neat. It also inspired another idea that sounds good. It’s been hard week and drawing the geometry of a khajiits face is a aneurism waiting to happen, that cartoonie characters are a blessing so I might just do those for a while. Sorry for the let down, hope the other one compensates.

          • woundedkneecap

            Check it out->

            To make up for not having the colored Skyrim version of Katia done yet, I drew this. It’s Katia from the comic PREQUEL, I wanted to do something different than just a one off of the comic, I may have gone to far.

            It was late Saturday, otherwise know as early Sunday, and I decided to finish drawing the Katia (Skyrim style). I was sitting in my computer chair, skimming through TV channels for some white noise. Once I was settled I pulled out my rough draft and reference drawings; I also turned on the computer to look for more Khajiit head shots and nice head shot of Katia to keep her likeness. That’s where things took a turn; Typed in Prequels website to see if it was up yet…

            Error 403, darn, lets check Google… WAIT, I got to specify the search; wouldn’t want to get attacked by Rule 34, lets just stay in web instead of images. This one seems nice, ow wait it’s TV tropes, it will do… (hour of reading tropes that PREQUEL uses)… I haven’t made much progress, I should get started… (30 minutes of drawing and erasing the same set of lines) … this sucks, I give.

            I glance back at the Clock; 4 am OMG! just as the happens, I notice Kings of New York was on Television, in the middle of the ending in the club. Now, I’ve never have been for rap music, nor the early ethic rap, but golly I was swinging my hands in the air. I wouldn’t have done that unless I was that tired. It hit me, DJ Katia. I started this and some of my favorite movie soundtracks played till 7 am. One that stand out to me is The Aquatic life of Steve Zissou, not proud to admit but I really like the soundtrack of that movie.

            …And that’s how I draw stuff like this!

          • Kazerad

            Hahahaha, that is quite a story and I love its final product. Lots of great little details in there, like the “merchandise” sign, the pineapple printed on the record, etc. And those shutter shades! Clearly, Katia has finally found her place in the world. Thank you very much for creating this.

          • woundedkneecap




            Both done by Grutor on the MSPA forum. You may of seen it on your suggestions.


    I can upload a better, higher resolution one on Deviant Art, if you’d prefer. But not right this moment. Because I’m lazy and it’s getting late and I need to get to bed.

    • Eh, I just realized how comicwhory that seems. Eh. Well, people should go read it anyway. ๐Ÿ˜€ *noregrets*

      • Kazerad

        Comicwhoring is perfectly okay when done under the thin guise of fanart! And I think this might be the cutest fanart that has emerged thus far, so it’s double-okay. Other fanart will no doubt try to outcute it, but this has snarfle noises. It is a tough act for anyone to follow.

        • C: I can’t even begin to describe how happy that makes me. I didn’t even really put that much work into this one. Which just makes it all the better that you like it.

  • Camberf
    • Camberf

      Lol I don’t know how to hyperlink..

      • Kazerad

        I do know how to hyperlink, so I fixed the original link for you. That said, wow, this turned out quite well =O. Definitely gonna upload the full-size version in the fanart list up above, what to properly convey the sheer magnitude of their construction.

  • AK
    • Kazerad

      And thank you for it! It looks quite nice, and the linework is very good for what I’m assuming is ballpoint pen.

      The graph paper kind of works, too. She looks a bit sad to be trapped behind that grid.

      • AK

        I drew it on a boring lesson at school ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Nitram

    I created katia in minecraft. Do you like it?

    • Kazerad

      I do, Thanks! It looks quite monolithic, and makes skillful use of MC’s limited palette.

      (From the angle in the picture, it’s almost like she’s assessing the strange, blocky clouds floating overhead)

  • Prince T. Baggins

    Something I spliced together like a Dr. Frankenstein enthusiast. (I can’t draw for shit.)

  • Prince T. Baggins

    Katia, moments before screaming and shouting various curse words.

  • Prince T. Baggins

    Katia about to throw a fireball at Gharug… unaware that he had recently stolen a ring of fire-walking.

    • Kazerad

      3x Fanart Combo! Your collage-work is impressive; I can recognize some parts that were recycled, but you tied it together pretty well. I know one of my site moderators was particularly entertained by the one of Katia and Unimpressed Gharug (though I personally like the one of Katia losing her mind).

  • I have fanart for you :3.

  • It just dawned on me that the original link I gave you MAY not work. If it doesn’t try this one.

    • Kazerad

      That is very well drawn and rather touching as well. Thank you very much! =D

      (and both links appear to work fine; one must just be the short version)

      • Thanks ~<3. I've actually ordered a new tablet and I might make a fancier version of it later. It was quite fun drawing Katia :3.

  • Grouwel

    Hey, love the series, I just made a re-vectored image of Katia striking a heroic pose. Hope you enjoy it.

    Also a friend of mine also made a picture of Katia and Quill-Weave that I thought you might want brought to your attention as well.


    • Grouwel

      Oops…don’t know what happened there, try this one instead of the first link.

      • Kazerad

        I am overwhelmed by the sheer, awesome adventurousness leaking out of that image. It also reminds me that I really need to have her strike that pose again sometime soon. I’m still waiting for the perfect moment, I guess.

        (your friend’s drawing of Katia and Quill-Weave is really cute, too. From the comments on the image I’m assuming she won’t mind if I post it up there with the other fanart?)

        • Grouwel

          Thank you for your kind words! It’s encouraging to see a well known comic artist to make time to respond to their fans. That pose is amazing though, when the time comes to use it all will be awed by its majesty.

          Yes I believe she would be okay with it (she’s pretty self conscious of her art but I talked to her about it and got her to agree).

  • tjk

    Over half a year since the last submission? Blasphemy! I made a little doodle of Quill-Weave. :3

    Very nice fanart on this page, for a very nice comic. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • tjk

      Wait, I just realized I’m retarded; the latest comments are at the bottom, not the top. ;_; Disregard those first nine words.

      • Kazerad

        Haha, don’t worry, it’s an understandable mistake. And even if it’s not the first fanart I’ve received in six months, thank you for it! Poor Quill-Weave hardly gets any fanart compared to Katia (though I guess that comes with not being the main character).

        • tjk

          You’re welcome. :3

          I did another fanart! (I posted it on the Prequel thread, but the spam filters thought I was spamming so it filtered my post.)

          • Kazerad

            =O that turned out quite well! It looks downright arcane. I know some people were looking for Prequel wallpapers; hopefully this will more-than-satisfy that craving!

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha, that face. Realistic shading and facial planes are a great reminder of just how hilarious giant eyes can be. Thank you, so much.

  • I used Katia as the subject for a bit of painting practice today. I’m not usually much for fan art these days, but you totally deserve it!

    • Mr. Whatever

      D’awww. Adorable.

      • Kazerad

        I agree fully. I feel bad going for so long without responding to this; that has to be one of the most adorable portrayals I’ve seen. You did a really good job combining the cartoony features with the painterly texturing. The result looks amazing! Thanks!

        • Thanks! I’m glad you like it, I had a lot of fun painting it.

    • Woundedkneecap

      Thats very good, apsolutely love it. She looks so “tangible” (best way to say it). Very good!

  • CynicalPicnic

    Here’s my little contribution. A little disappointed with the quality drop, but blame Youtube for that one; description sums it up pretty well.

  • Corovaneer
    • Corovaneer


    • Kazerad

      Hah, these are pretty nice! I love that dismayed face in the second, and the pencilwork in the first is quite nice. I would say these are both definitely avatarworthy; when I stick them in the fanart list I’ll add a note that they are up for grabs.

  • Lisa
    Background character love /o/

    I thougth those two would fit well together because Katia “annoyed” both of them.
    I guess it’s something like “you look just like that Khajiit I met on the well earlier, isn’t that funny?” – “yeah really funny”

    • Kazerad

      Aww, background character love is one of my favorite things ever. You have done them both justice! (and that about him looking like Katia makes it even better). Thanks!

  • Ryan

    I made a fanarts

    • Kazerad

      And thank you for doing it! That is totally my favorite scene so far too. I think you portrayed it well.

  • IgotNutinBtr2do

    Got some real original time-period-appropriate fanart here fresh out the oven. Keep being amazing.

    • Kazerad

      Time-period-appropriate indeed. I like what you did with the clothes, making them a mix between her current robe and a modern hoodie. Thank you for the fanart (and for perpetuating this wonderful DJ Katia fad) =D

  • here’s another one (following the DJ bandwagon)

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha, nice textures and lighting there. It’s neat seeing the different directions people take this ridiculous fad.

  • Scolibomb
    • Kazerad

      Aww, she looks so perturbed by this situation. There is something adorable about that. And I totally love how squishy you made everyone look (I secretly wish I could draw like that). Thank you! =D

  • …and another one

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha, awww, she looks so sad to be on the cold, rainy side of the glass.

      I approve of her sadness, of course.

  • h4ngman

    So, it appears as katia has successfully screwed up at being a cat. Well done, dumbass.

    Also, her using eye of fear to make up for the lack of cat.

    • Kazerad

      She has finally failed at the one thing she has always wanted to fail at: being a cat.

      But seriously, I think this is the first time someone has done a human Katia. I really like that you remembered to keep her hair short (presumably still just a couple months of growth following the tragic barber accident).

  • Purrlstar

    I drew some fanart!~

    I love the comic so much, keep up the good work! ^w^

    • Kazerad

      Thank you for the fanart! She looks great there. And I am honored to have created, in your opinion, the best crossover ever =O!

      I’ve occasionally considered taking the first bits of Prequel off the MSPAFA site, since it’s just an unfinished fragment. But now that I know readers are still coming in from there, I think I’ll leave it indefinitely. So thanks for that too <3

  • Ok, this is starting to become a bad habit.
    here’s another one

    • Kazerad

      I would call this a good habit, but my opinion might be biased. I think this might be my favorite wallpaper you’ve done so far – the high contrast shading and simple colors work really well. I would use it myself if I weren’t busy sporting the ethnic diversity mural TJK’s “practice” wallpaper.

  • Actua

    A sketch I’m still working on-
    And a two and a half second animation with subtitles. Mainly used your own work but I added my own bits.
    (Putting text in gifs sucks.)

  • Actua

    One Sketch needing cleanup and coloring and one animation that uses your art as its main body. Only about 2 seconds long. Never knew gimp could make animations till today. Who knew?

    • Kazerad

      I know I already said this on the forum, but I like these a lot! The one of Quill modeling is really cute, and the animation is very good in the second one. Thank you very much for both of them! =D

  • Archemetis

    I recently started reading and couldn’t help myself.

    • Kazerad

      And I am very glad you couldn’t help yourself, this looks lovely! Thanks! Glad to hear (or at least see evidence) that you’ve been enjoying the comic so far.

  • Prince T. Baggins

    I don’t have much story for this one. Got bored one day and opened up an image editing program.

    So apparently it is Katia’s birthday.

    • Kazerad

      Aaaaaawwww, she looks so moved. And is that Quill-Weave’s door she’s going through? That makes it kind of sweeter.

      • Prince T. Baggins

        I took the color of the background from Quill Weave’s house, so I would assume so. (However, the door is inverted.)

        • woundedkneecap

          Just a question, prince.

          Did my crazy rant in-character of her subconsciousness inspire this? I gotta tell you, birthday cake inspired me to write that…

  • BarrenRose

    Lost my tablet. So I did some traditional. Definitely would love to draw more in the future with some colors.

    • Kazerad

      I would love that as well, this one turned out very nice! Especially the pencil rendering on those eyes. Thank you very much for drawing it!

  • Prince T. Baggins

    Am I the only one confused by the DJ Katia images? Is it some kind of meme I’m missing out on? I hate the feeling of not being in on a joke!

    To express my confusion, I made this.

    Now for the love of God, someone explain this!

    • Kazerad

      As far as I know, it started with a picture Woundedkneecap drew of Katia, in shutter shades, DJ’ing. And then a bunch of other people started doing the same thing, and now it even has its own subcategory in the DA fangroup.

      Katia’s reaction in your drawing is appropriate, I think.

    • woundedkneecap

      you know that feeling of pure frustration when you draw, erase, then redraw the same photo-realistic khajiit head outline for 2 hours… then you hear a hint of rap music late at night; that’s what happens

      Prince, that’s what happens… fear me…

  • DestinedFateX

    I have some ideas for fan-artwork:
    1.) Katia in a bikini on the beach, laying down; Whether she looks at the screen or not is your choice.
    2.) Katia wearing a dark red dress, stylishly sitting on a chair or sofa while sipping wine; Room and background can be dark.
    3.) Katia as an assassin (aka Ezio).

    • woundedkneecap

      I might try number 2, but it’s gotta be classy, I think i’ll use that girl in burn notice as a base as well as katia.

      That said, I loaded up a bunch of Prequel panels onto my ipad and practiced drawing katia in my bedside sketch book. I boiled it down to four key features!

      Eyes, Ears, Brows, And Mouth. Those are the only things that need to change from sketch to sketch (other than the head shape depending on how close you are to her face)

      …perhaps making a fan fic… easier… (I’m being facetious)

      • woundedkneecap

        To much bold… sorry, i’m ruining the environment with all that bold!

  • I call this one, ‘Character Development’
    (for hopefully obvious reasons)

    • Kazerad

      I think it’s obvious enough, yeah. I like how you captured a chronological progression, a progression in her expressions, and a gradually more refined art style in each successive frame of the triptych.

  • damn it Kazerad, why did you have to make such an adorable character?
    anyway, here’s another one for the collection

    • Kazerad

      Collection’d! Your ability and willingness to switch styles is quite admirable; it’s always neat seeing what you come up with next.

      (And to answer your question: I had to make such an adorable character because I am part of a secret government conspiracy attempting to bring about world peace through the strategic application of cat pictures on the internet. But shh, don’t tell anyone.)

      • Everything Is A Federal Fucking Issue And Also Trying To Make You Miserable!

  • Heya, I have been a reader since the start, and have loved your story every step of the way. Thanks for creating Katia, she has and always will be my favorite fictional character. I decided to sketch up a few copies of images from the comic, I know, I am not much on originality am I? But, I took a long time trying to make these as accurate as possible. Anyways, it took me days to find a place that I could scan these. They aren’t much, but hey I tried my best. <3 <3 <3 Katia, and lots of love to you to Kaz! Pineapples and yo-yos for all!!! The image quality isn't great, here are the links… | |

    • Kazerad

      Why hello there, Miss Managan =O! Thank you for the kind words, and for the fanart! Your best efforts turned out uncharacteristically well this time! And no need to apologize for drawing from a panel; copying accurately from observation is a difficult skill that many artists neglect to develop. If you can draw well from observation, most other aspects of drawing come relatively easily.

      Now get back in the comic and be sad again!

      • Thanks for the kind words :3

        You are right I need to get back in the comic before something terrible happens… oh wait… too late!

  • If the arch mages robes give the wearer a +100% mana regeneration speed increase, would that give Katia a non-atronachs base regeneration rate?
    Truly, a question for the ages (or mages).

    • Nice, I love your style, beautiful and very original.

    • Kazerad

      I second the protagonist, this one looks really nice. All your wallpapers are pretty good, but the colors and composition in this one is a cut above the others. The rule of thirds did its job nicely!

  • nic

    in the flash 11 is there anyway to skip the ‘walking around’ part, and go straight to the comic?

  • Section eleven of the flash collection is the game alone, so if you wish to skip it simply go to section twelve. The flash game is awesome though, if you haven’t already play it, I would suggest you give it a try.

    • ^Oops, this is a response to nic^

    • nic

      no i like it but i was looking for the comic.

      any idea when there will be another flash for the pages?

      • Nope I don’t know, sorry. Kazerad would be your go to guy for that question. Maybe he will spot your question in here. If not then you could ask through a PM to him on MSPA forums. The flash versions were just recently updated though, so I would assume it will be awhile until the new ones are added because most of then tend to contain 100 or more pages.

      • Kazerad

        The little compilation flashes are all made by Sindow from the Something Awful forums; I’m not actually involved in their creation.

        • Greg

          Would you know how to get in touch with Sindow, I’ve looked around and I can’t find him/her. Reason being I wanted to learn how he/she made the flash. If I could have their email or a site I could find them on (Something Awful seems to not keep track of member) I would be most grateful. Thanks

  • nic

    i was hopping Katia would accept being Dmitriโ€™s apprentice.
    she would make such a cute little necromancer.

  • Steve Potluck

    Katia Managan, looking in a diection. By Katia Managan.
    ( 259 / 264 )

    I spy with my little eye a spelling typo. Specifically, “direction”

    • Kazerad

      And I was so close, too. Fixed!

  • A little something simple for anyone looking to prequelise their desktop.

    • Kazerad

      Simple but elegant! You made a good call on matching the subtitle font, I think (sorry I couldn’t be more helpful with that!).

  • Keep hope alive.

    [I love your comic. Been reading since very early on. You inspire me and hopefully I will hunker down and spend some real time showing my appreciation [[with flicks of my stylus]]. For now…. have this thing]

    • Anon


    • Kazerad

      Dear god that looks amazing D: ! If that could be described merely as “this thing”, then your normal work must be stunning.

      That said, thanks for reading! I’m always touched to hear I inspired someone (especially someone who draws a million times better than I do).

    • Woundedkneecap

      Holy crap! That looks so good, again my words only can express it as looking so “tangible”. You are a great artist.

  • Norexico

    Dunno if fanart, but I made this out of an impulse

    I think it’s funny

    • Norexico Strange…last link was deleted.

      • Kazerad

        I don’t usually put edits up on the main fanart thing (just because they are so numerous), but I appreciate them nonetheless. Especially funny ones like this. I love Woody-Katia. And Buzzgorath, of course.

  • A piece I did last night >___<""

    • Norexico

      That’s pretty awesome, man! I personally love the whole fresco-looking technique and how you got the painted underwear to look like.

    • Kazerad

      I think I might’ve already said this in the command thread, this is wonderful! Thank you! All your 3D (or, in this case, partially 3D) work is really impressive.

      (And that body rig in your gallery makes me so jealous of your skills.)

      • Oh thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Applies to the latest comic.

  • Perhaps one day, katia to will be able to have a mages guild of her own with books on the shelves, portraits on the walls and massive piles of money on the floor…
    One step at a time –>

  • Not as fancy as the usual ones but this one moves! (and is mostly your artwork… sorry…)

    • Kazerad

      No need to apologize! I usually don’t mind my stuff being reused, since typically you guys are better at using it than I am. And this is pretty great – though if you pause it, she looks rather upset that the yarn is getting away from her! Or maybe she is just second-guessing her decision to play with yarn in a thunderstorm.

      The Mona Katia up above is lovely as well. The ring was a cute (subtle) touch!

  • Katia Managan in glorious high definition!
    (sort of…)

  • All Is Lost

    All of the art on this page is completely incredible.

    I wonder how many people see the fan art first, and then find Prequel?

    And, tangentially, how many people know about Prequel, but not MS Paint Adventures.

    • Woundedkneecap

      Type in the word “khajiit” into google image, doesn’t take long to find dear katia…

      Simply put, a lot.

  • I present to you, khajiit Outside At Night In Underpaint.

    … That’s gotta be cold and the impending rain’s not going to help much….

    • Kazerad

      Nice rendering, though I can’t help but feel it needs something sneaking up behind her. But hey, still lovely! Thank you! =D

  • Ryan
    Really cute version of Young Katia.

    • Kazerad

      Pretty sure you are not the artist, sir! Or if you are, someone else already showed this to me and took credit for your work!

      But either way I have to agree that it is really cute, yeah.

  • Vins

    Erm… just out of curiosity, does Kazerad still update the fanart session? If so, how often?

    I wonder because I’ve been around for a couple weeks already and didn’t see this page change.
    I do reckon Kaz has recently been through finals and sickness, but even considering that I’d like to know it the fact is an answer on it’s own or what. Thanks in advance.

    • Kazerad

      I do update it! I just got super behind recently, but I’m trying to get it updated right now.

      A lot of popular webcomic artists stop managing fanart pages after a certain point, once it becomes too much to manage, but I plan to fight until the bitter end.

      • Vins

        That explains everything ,:L

  • Lopus Etterie

    I have a few things of fanart. Two of them aren’t exactly Katia herself, but somewhat represent the fanbase(WHen I’m drawn, that represent the fanbase, unless I specify otherwise.) in the manner of decision making.

    Katia Managan:


    PREQUEL intro:!

    Miniature Scale of Fates:!

    (Please note that the Scale of Fates says “Katia” down the base. PREQUEL is labeled above the base.)

    Scale of Fates – Decision Path:!

    (My scanner decided not to scan all the way down(The base said Katia on it), so the bottom got cut off a lot.)

    Enjoy. <3

    More should be coming up later today.

  • Lopus Etterie

    I have another piece of fanart prepared. Enjoy. <3

    And sorry about my horrid drawing skills!

    Cherry Dance:

    • Kazerad

      I remember replying to the others in the commands thread but didn’t see these last two there! They are very cute! Your style overall is pretty adorable, and thank you for the fanart!

  • Prophet Lord

    Probably shoulda submitted it here instead of the forums in the first place:

    • Prophet Lord

      … i guess I’m bad at html tags but:

      • Kazerad

        I don’t usually post panel edits in the fanart section up above, but I think I should probably put this one up there because a good number of people wanted that panel in wallpaper dimensions. Thanks!

  • Prince T. Baggins

    Half fan art, half suggestion.

    Violence isn’t the answer. Violence is the question, and the answer is yes!

    • Kazerad

      Suggestion noted! I’ll make it happen immediately!

      (just kidding, but thank you for the fanart none the less! The darkened shadows around the edges were a nice touch, they make it at least 50% more murderous)

  • woundedkneecap

    “Misery loves company! And holy shit, you totally win the Prequel Fanart Award or something for drawing better than me faster than me and more regularly than me. Seriously, you are the King Fanartist, it is you. Maybe closely tied with AMKitsune, of course.” – Kaz…

    Thank you, but really the difference is you have stuff to do, I have not much to do. (that might be changing)

    I really thank you for helping me rediscover art. When I seen Katia, seen her struggle, seen the other who draw her, I decided that I could do that to. It’s almost like a token of my care; however, I don’t feel that way, it has always been a just something that played off my brain, and it stayed there until I put it to another medium.

    Now, seeing what I can be, I plan to expand my art to more than just a hobby. I been offered the chance to illustrate a children’s book, and I’m looking for it… except that it takes time away from Prequel.

    Thanks Kaz,

    King Fanartist, novice Graphologist, and dedicated fan,

    • woundedkneecap

      nope, never mind. I quit.

      F**k illustrating Children Books

      • Prophet Lord

        I’m with you! Screw legitimate jobs, I have cat people to draw!

    • Kazerad

      You’re very welcome! I am honored to have had such an effect on your life. =O

  • Prophet Lord

    Katia may have proved she can do fine on her own, but I think she’d start to miss us voices pretty quickly.

    • Kazerad

      The expressions in this turned out really nice! She looks so lonely in that final panel, without all you guys shouting at her.

      (luckily, as of me typing this, you guys are already back in her head screwing her up again!)

  • I don’t know if it can really be counted as fan art, but how about a Prequel Skyrim mod?

    (if for whatever reason you like this enough to put it up with all the other fan-stuff, could you link to the original instead of copying the file and hosting it yourself. There’s a good chance that this mod’s going to receive a few updates in the future.)

    I hope everyone gets some enjoyment out of this (and that it actually works properly…).

    • Kazerad

      I finally got a chance to try this out and I have to say it is pretty great. Like, I was expecting it to mostly be an homage, but it actually strikes me as a fairly balanced spell. My only real criticism is that the zombie sound effects are a little silly, but I guess it would kind of make sense for summoning people from the distant past?

      A bit later I’ll probably take a screenshot and then upload that to the gallery; I’ll put a link to the DA download in the description like I did with the Oblivion follower mod.

      • Ah, the zombie noise problem…
        I can’t believe that I forgot to include to fix for that in the description. Anyway, installing this should remove (most of) the zombie groans.

        Also, this is something of an ongoing project and I plan on adding relevant content as it appears in the main story. To give you a couple of examples, as of version 1.2, the college of Winterhold now has a ‘donations chest’ and you can now buy Cheapest Mead from Whiterun ( No other drink in the whole of skyrim is cheap enough to cause you to blackout and wakeup next to the someone else’s bed).

  • SplinteredReverence

    I’ve been so busy lately. But it’s so awesome to see my work on your website. :3 Thank you for uploading.

    • Kazerad

      You’re very welcome! Thank you for giving me something awesome to upload!

  • Aniitti
    Weird OOC fanarts for you! First of all I’d like to thank you for making Prequel, I absolutely adore the story together with my sister even though we never pop up to say it.
    Secondly, I was first aiming for some lunatic Katia because I just had this unresistible urge to draw it, but then it went from there and now I’m not even sure about what’s going on but I hope you like it anyway! I was suprised to find out that drawing Katia was actually relaxing. Might just draw more fanart for you later on.
    Rock on! o/

    • Kazerad


      I definitely do like it :O ! The colors and composition are beautiful (that king in the background!), and any weirdness only makes it better. I’m glad to hear you two are enjoying the comic, and I’d be totally honored to see more work from you in the future!

  • Vins

    The following was already posted in the command thread, but I’m bringing it here anyway.
    Just to be safe.

    Well, I was planning to redraw that Reaction Guys meme by replacing them with a few from the subconscious crew in celebration for when Katia smashed the cheap mead bottle.
    The problem, though, is that I now am only allowed to have access to my computer at weekends, meaning I’d have very little time to ink the shamelessly traced thing.
    By the time it’d be done, many updates would’ve happened. With that said, have the drawn-over meme: le reaction subconscious
    My sincere apologies in advance. -_-
    (On a side note, it has the size of two wallpapers above each other. Just a heads up.)

    • Kazerad

      I think this probably represents how a lot of people reacted to that page, yeah. It’s always fun to see Prequel-ized memes – and I like that Club Pineapple reference you slipped in there too. Nice work =D.

      • woundedkneecap

        Your caption is a wrong. It’s actually Vins, me, K’helt, and Evil Argonian.

        • Kazerad

          Oh, oh wow. Now I feel like a super racist for seeing a khajiit and automatically assuming it was Katia D=. I thought she was just masculanized a bit to fit the original meme. But on the bright side, I guess I have a newfound sympathy for all the characters I write who can’t tell Khajiit apart.


          • Vins

            I lol’d ๐Ÿ˜›
            Also glad to see you liked. ^_^

  • Two things: First off, I did a pixelart.

    Second, I found this wonderful little thing a bit back, and it really deserves a spot here.
    Artist is Zorryn.

    • Fixed the weird-looking head shape problem!

    • DestinedFateX

      I’m sorry, but that “wonderful little thing” you found “a bit back” that “really deserves a spot here” on this site was actually already on the site. Also, your Pixel-Art Katia reminds me of Elmo because of the nose. Not that it’s bad, since I could probably never get close to making anything like that.

      • Ah, my apologies. I didn’t see it in the list, my bad.
        And yeah, the nose needs some work. Thank you for the feedback, though, it helps a lot!

    • Kazerad

      It’s good to know I’m not the only one doing Prequel pixelart! Thank you very much for the fanart!

      As for the other pic, I try not to post pieces in the gallery unless the original artist posts it here themselves or gives me permission. Of course, it doesn’t matter much with that one because Zorryn actually did post it here!

      • Oh? Well, I plan on doing more for you, so look forward to that!
        Incidentally, the program I use is this interesting little thing I stumbled upon called Aseprite. It’s been pretty good to me so far when it comes to spriting, so I thought I’d inform you of its existence.

  • DestinedFateX

    Yo Kazzy, how do I make an icon appear for my posts here?

    • Kazerad

      I’m not entirely sure; the functionality came pre-built into WordPress. I think it uses Gravatar to display an avatar based on your email or something.

  • woundedkneecap
    • Kazerad

      Oh no she is on fire! Or wait, she is the fire. Haha, seriously though this is neat; the smudgy style reminds me of an impressionist painting and portrays the fire and energy very well. And the blue on the amulet makes it look so disagreeable about the whole situation.

      • woundedkneecap

        artsy reply, YEAH!

  • doomkiwi

    My stuff still isn’t on here. I feel so unloved kazrad.

  • William
    • Kazerad

      Oh wow, it definitely does =O. I second everything that was said by the Facebook group; you and Roxanne totally outdid yourselves. I’m particularly impressed by the amount of detail that went into the clothing. When I get a chance I’ll pass these pictures along to AcerbicAves (the artist who originally submitted the robe design; she’ll get a kick out of seeing her design cross the threshold into realiity.

      • William

        Oh good, i knew someone had designed the clothes for her but had no idea who or how to find them. And to repay the lovely compliment: Prequel is a really amazing webcomic, I’ve never had such an emotional connection with a character before (since my childhood). During the time in which she acted for herself, my heart froze and i shed tears of joy. I thank you (and the fans) for the adventure and for a feeling that all of us need; hope for success.

  • Book
    • Kazerad

      I don’t think this needs any comment.

  • In the lieu of fan-art, I got around to running an Oblivion Commoner Run on my Livestream some months ago, inspired by everyone’s favorite Khajiit. I nerfed my stats as hard as I could, deleted my spells, and started out of Anvil with no gold or equipment. I shared a video with some highlights of my adventuring career, which started out pretty dismal… and in true Katia fashion only got worse from there.

    Part 1 is here:

    Got to get around to uploading Part 2 some time soon… wherein Katia somehow gets roped into storming an Oblivion Gate.

    P.S. I also made a special musical gift just for Kazerad, and his imaginary cat made out of sadness and booze: Linko!

    • Dan

      sounds like cats dying and crying, then suddenly! Tiger Rage!!!!

      Love it ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Kazerad

      I remember seeing this playthrough linked on the forums back when you first uploaded it! Though it was back before I had that video section up above, so thanks for re-bringing it to my attention.

      That Nerevar Rising remix though, wow. That certainly is a… thing. (I love it).

  • Dan

    Pineapple Chronicles, YAY!!

    • woundedkneecap


      Kind soul… with such an outcry of joy, I feel I could ask you this.

      Is it OK if I change the format to a MSPA? It’s a lot of work and I’m no animator. I’d learn how to make GIFs to try to make up for it, and I figure that audience participation would be much more enjoyable. Any thoughts?

      • Dan

        Like a modern version of PREQUEL? That would be a pretty cool idea. Although, that might copying what Kazerad does, copyright and all that. Perhaps if he didn’t mind too much…

  • Stankloid

    A public service announcement on the danger of cat puns:

    • DestinedFateX

      “Khajit Equal Rights Accociation”….. Should it not be “Khajiit Equal Rights Association”?

      • Stankloid


    • Kazerad

      If I laughed at this, does that make me a bad person? I hope not, because this is very laughworthy.

      Thanks for the fanart, and sorry about the super-untimely reply. I don’t manage this fanart page near as much as I should.

  • Prophet Lord

    Another wallpaper edit. I loved that panel of her screaming so I enlarged it. I need to find a better way to make the prequel title though. Any ideas?

    • Fantastic frame choice for a wallpaper. As far as the title image goes, try vector tracing the big ‘prequel’ part and retyping the ‘making a cat cry the adventure’ part at a high resolution (iskoola pota is a good font for it) then vector tracing that part as well. That should make the title look nice and smooth and match the style of the rest of the image.

    • Prophet Lord

      Resubmitted with a proper title (and fixed the edges):

  • Prophet Lord

    Hey, Kaz, what font is the Prequel subtitle?
    Iskoola Pota works but it has minor differences that just irk me.

    • Kazerad

      I have absolutely no idea, I’m afraid D=. I rasterized it long ago and since lost any references to the original font. The closest thing I can find on my computer is Nyala, and the M in that looks all different.

      • Prophet Lord

        And the g is off too. Which was my main problem with Iskoola Pota as well. This is now one of the most frustrating things in the world…

  • Ok, that last update was one of, if not THE, most artisticly varied and developed ones to date.
    As such, I just had to do something with one of my favourite panels.

    • Kazerad

      =O I daresay it looks better than the original! The darker shading really makes it more dramatic.

  • Prophet Lord

    I just now made the realization that all the images Kaz puts up top have captions. Craziness.

    • Kazerad

      You can also scroll through them all with the arrow keys!

    • Kazerad

      Ahahaha, I can’t believe you animated the ear thing. You are an awesome person and an amazing 3D artist.

      • Glad you like it! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Prophet Lord

    Not entirely sure why I made this. But yeah:
    Just something I imagine would be hung in Katia’s room. A portrait of her family.

    Oh, and question for Kaz. Fan art is now only to be posted here right? None to the actual forums?

    • Kazerad

      Anywhere is fine, really; I just try to encourage posting it here since I periodically close the suggestion thread.

      And this is really cute. Too cute, and I’m afraid you’ll have to be arrested for overadorability.

    • woundedkneecap

      I go to NYC for a week, A WEEK, and the cutest update comes out when I’m without the time or the supplies… every damn time, I’m getting ninja’d everywhere, man! /ART RAGE /First world problems

      I like your picture, PL

  • Dazko

    I’m not to sure on how the whole submitting fan art thing works so I’m gonna stick this here alrighty.

    • Kazerad

      Sorry about the slow response; I’ve fallen way behind on keeping this page updated. But yeah, you figured the fanart submission out fine! And thank you for doing so, this picture is great =D. I’ve always been fond of shiny, vectory styles – not to mention I’m honored to have my work cited as your current favorite webcomic.

  • Prophet Lord
    • Kazerad

      It’s already had two; now you folks are just getting hug greedy.

      Though as far as hugs go, this one is pretty damn cute, I must admit.

  • KTB

    please excuse my horible quality but its my first atempt at any sort of art with a computer.

    • Kazerad

      I guarantee it’s better than the first things I ever drew on a computer. Thanks for the fanart! It’s nice to see the Nightmare King getting some recognition of his own, without Katia involved.

  • woundedkneecap
    • Kazerad

      =D this is very pretty; I agree with the commenter on your DA page, it’s a cute pose.

      Though, would you mind at all if I uploaded AMKitsune’s colored version, with credit to both of you? I think the colors he chose really add something.

      • woundedkneecap

        I agree, AMK did a fantastic job and I was going to suggest the same thing.

      • woundedkneecap

        Hello, it appears you forgot about this… no worries, Kaz.

        • Kazerad

          Oh crap, I did >: ! Apparently after asking if I could upload the colored version, I promptly forgot to upload either. Fixing!

          • woundedkneecap

            Kaz, that description… Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not funny.

  • Vins

    Err… I did send this before, in the forums, but I think it was overlooked, so here it is again:
    As I once said, this is the sketch I gonna use for an animation I have planned, but considering I have been busy even whilst on vacation, it might be done only somewhere next year. As such, I believe it’d be okay to give this little “spoiler”.

    • Kazerad

      Ack, I remember seeing this but must have lost the quote at some point. It’s a cute picture (especially her expression) and makes me wonder what the full animation would be! Spoiler appreciated!

  • Roz

    Here you go guys, a little story I put together in dedication to all of this.

    I hope y’all like it cuz I enjoyed writing it.

    • Kazerad

      I did like it! In addition to being very cute and well-written, I’m pretty sure this also has the honor of being the first full-on Prequel fanfic. Well, first fanfic that’s not blatant pornography, anyway. But that’s still something!

      I’ll put together a “fanfic” section on the fanart page above, though I’ll probably link to the story’s page since I find the formatting a bit nicer.

      • Roz

        Fine by me, thank you so much! Knowing this is liked just makes it all the more worthwhile! And yeah the one posted on fanfiction does seem to be a bit better format-wise so I don’t mind.

  • here’s a sorry excuse for large pixel fanart i made

    i’m sorry

    • Kazerad

      Aw, this is too good for you to be sorry! I forbid you from sorrying for this. You did a good job working at such a small resolution; the art style reminds me of Another World. Thanks for making it!

  • Prophet Lord

    Made a wallpaper. Kinda shitty quality, my bad. Didn’t have a whole lot of time to work on it. If someone wants to do a better version, more power to them. Just thought it was kind of a cool concept…

    • Prophet Lord

      Probably a better link

    • Kazerad

      I have to agree, that is a pretty cool concept. You juxtaposed them together well.

      (Though if I was choosing one of your works to use as a wallpaper, I think I’d still opt for the one of Katia hugging the Guar plush.)

  • woundedkneecap

    I don’t know how, or why, but Katia needs to be a shaman.

    • Kazerad

      She has proven very good at acquiring skulls, and I assume this is basically the only skill a shaman needs. You’ve finally found a job, Katia!

      I like what you did with the feathers, and their associated bird-punning properties. Nice work =D

  • SewerRat

    I found this comic a few days ago, and I absolutely love it! I felt compelled to draw some fanart, so I did.

    • Kazerad

      And thank you for doing so! I’m glad you enjoy the story, and always honored to receive fanart. I agree with the DA comments, your drawing captures the movement very well, and the way you shaded the robe looks really nice.

  • Armael

    So uhh… I lack social skills to say anything, so I’m just gonna leave this here.

    • Kazerad

      I’d feel bad outdoing your social skills by saying something long, so hopefully a quick “thanks!” and “I like it!” will suffice.

      Thanks! I like it.

  • The Strange Stranger

    How do I upload fan art. I have a awesome pic, and THIS IS URGENT!

    • Kazerad

      Host it somewhere and post a link here! I will see it and then upload it as soon as I get a chance! Or you can email it to me! My email is [email protected], though I don’t check it near as often as I should.

      Obviously I can’t let people upload pictures straight to my fanart page themselves because that would be placing a lot of trust in the Internet. )=

  • The Strange Stranger
  • The Strange Stranger

    Here’s another one

    • Kazerad

      I don’t usually post image edits on the fanart page, but I do appreciate them nonetheless! It’s always fun to see Katiafied versions of classic characters and memes. Hello Katia works surprisingly well.

    • also do you know dan miller? the creator of Kid Radd?

    • Kazerad

      This is extremely adorable, thank you! There are far too few happy tears on this page (or this… entire website). The pencil rendering adds a lovely effect too.

      And no, I don’t know Dan Miller personally. I loved Kid Radd, though. It’s a shame the original strips look so bad in modern browsers, he did some very cutting-edge stuff with it at the time.

  • I give you, political propaganda!
    (an edit of an edit…. editception?)

  • Well, thanks a lot. Now my dreams are going to be haunted by shadowy figures of demonic royalty.
    (seriously though, that’s one hell of a kick-ass design)

    • Kazerad

      Oh wow, I am way behind on keeping this page up to date; these posts are from almost a month ago D=!

      Both this and the propaganda poster turned out really nice (it makes me want to vote for All Consuming Fire! And his running mate, Choking Black Smoke). The background is excellent, too; I’d use it if I weren’t already using another background you made.

  • I don’t know if using a grid overlay and creating a copy of an image with Minecraft bricks is really art, but here is something that took quite some time with some of my friends and I. Totally worth the time we spent on it. <3

    • woundedkneecap

      That face will never escape my memories…

    • Kazerad

      I think when that much painstaking effort is put into something, it HAS to be considered art. I mean, holy crap, you have antialiasing and everything. I hope you guys recover from the experience… yet at the same time, I am flattered you did it. Thanks!

  • And yet another.
    (This and the last one need quite bright screens to see properly. There be details in them there shadows)

    • Kazerad

      This is actually my background at the moment! I thought it was that good.

      I’ll make sure to credit both you and Briskby when I post it up above.

  • Kat
    I really love this webcomic, it’s so cute :3
    Please continue to update more often~

    • Kazerad

      Glad to hear you enjoy the comic, and thanks for the fanart! The concept is funny, but I think it’s the first comment on the Deviantart page (“aren’t monarchs poisonous?”) that really makes it.

      • Kat

        hah, thanks
        They are too, which was unintentional but I’ll take what I can get :3

  • ruda

    My friend has a birthday soon and he is a huge fan of Prequel so I made a drawing of Katia as a gift. I hope you don’t mind it. He is the person that made me love your comic. Thank you for creating it! ๐Ÿ™‚ – I guess that’s what would happen if anyone has asked her to help organizing birthday party, poor Katia

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha, I love this, thanks for sharing! And don’t worry, I don’t mind at all; I’m just happy to hear you both enjoy my work :). Hope he liked the gift!

  • Betzy
    • Kazerad

      And I love how you drew how she looks as a kitten! It is adorable, in a crying child way.

  • Hi! I just started reading Prequel and I’ve gotta say, it’s amazing and I LOVE it! c: So I drew Katia for you c:

    • Kazerad

      Glad you like it, and thanks for the fanart! I love the style you’ve employed there, it’s very fluffy and lively.

    • Kazerad

      I’m a huge fan of minimalist stuff like this, and that clean look you gave the rest of the image is really nice. I can’t help but think that it would be kind of neat to see this on a T-shirt or something.

  • Blue Moons Wolf
    Katia poledancing.

    • Kazerad

      Hey, you didn’t draw this, it was in the comic!

      But seriously, nice avatar.

      • Blue Moons Wolf

        Damn, I should’ve said. Sorry if it looked like I was stealing it…

  • Here’s a painting of a dead guy

    • Kazerad

      That’s no ordinary painting of a dead guy, that’s a painting of the same dead guy twice!

      But yeah, this looks pretty neat. I think the rough style works, especially on the ghostmitri.

  • uyoiou


    • Kazerad

      (but no, seriously, I love it. Thank you for fanarting)

  • compaqness

    Katia and (obviously) fire:

    Took awhile but I got it done! (lazy flames though) Hope you dig it!

    • Kazerad

      Oh man, this is great =O. Some people have done tiny sprites before, but the amount of detail in this gives it a great style. I could totally imagine it being in an RPG. I certainly do dig it!

      • compaqness

        Hah, thanks ๐Ÿ˜€

        I was going to make a smallish sprite of Katia, but after catching up to that dream sequence, I felt daring enough to bring it up a few pixels. So yeah, glad you dig it ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Jeizar

    The link to the PDF to make the papercraft of Katia is broken, the new link seems to be this:
    (i searched a bit because i wanted to make it :))

    Also there’s a lot of exelent pictures around here !
    Fans >> keep doing things!

    • Kazerad

      Ack, thanks for the heads up! I just went ahead and linked to Kdaver’s main papercraft page so people could get the PDO too if they wanted.

  • Herr Schwarze
    • Kazerad

      I remember seeing this on DA a while back, and am glad you posted it here! (which I am taking as implicit permission I can post it up above!). The ampersand tail was a nice touch.

      • Herr Schwarze

        Of course! And thanks.


    This was going to be a multiple page series but alas, I am too lazy (which in this case is probably a good thing ๐Ÿ˜€ )

    • Kazerad

      I’m not sure what the other pages could even say, because you pretty much hit all the highlights there. Regardless, the storybook feel is really cute and it made me laugh, so thank you!

    • Kazerad

      You most certainly may, this looks great! I watched the video too and was incredibly impressed by how easily you used the smudge tool to draw those fabric folds. I commend your craftsmanship, and thank you for the lovely fanart!

  • tjk

    Like my previous one, this was partially traced to keep Katia entirely true to the comic page I took this from. Hope that’s still okay!

    • Kazerad

      It’s perfectly okay; you always do some pretty neat stuff with it. The messy cloudy effects on her body are pretty cool and definitely wallpaper-worthy. I’m thinking I’ll stick the big version you linked in the fanart list above, so people on large resolutions can easily wallpaperize it.

  • Bluedragon

    Hoping this isn’t too un-SFW. She’s got the paint after all!
    Working on this Skyrim mod. Still work to be done and permissions to be had, but (assuming it’s ok here) I did put some work into it! Here’s hoping it’s not too slut-cat! If not, well – I tried! Darned bumpy Skyrim models anyway. ^_^

    • Vins

      Y’know… after witnessing that mod of yours, I couldn’t help but start thinking Katia might be displaying “a little more” of herself than Kazerad’s style allow us to acknowledge. Sorry, but… can’t un-see! @A@

      But hey – you should still be praised for giving yourself the work and trying! As we all learnt from our lil’ Managan, trying is (sometimes) better than not trying at all. Your go at it on it’s own, I give you that, makes you a genuine “manafan” (that’s definitely NOT gonna catch in, I know).

      • Bluedragon

        Thanks for the reply Vins. Though I must admit that the term “can’t un-see” wasn’t precisely the response I’d hoped for, I do appreciate your honestly. Guess I’ll keep this little mod to myself!

        BTW I do like the term “manafan”, but I guess it might be mistaken for some sort of magic-powered air circulation device or possibly an aginig Mexican pop-music group aficionado. Maybe Managanafan?

  • Some Guy

    I still think Axon’s picture was the best. Not the best looking, but it made me laugh. I just wish I knew the artist to the following picture, so I could ask them if they would want to be uploaded to this gallery. (Sorry for the e621 link, but that’s where I found this. It IS SFW in case anyone is wondering, but I make no claims as to the ads or any other picture there)

    kinda questionable link removed?

    The look of absolute terror on QW’s face makes me laugh.

    • tjk

      That should be marked NSFW; anyone can make a comment with a NSFW avatar, the advertisements are almost always NSFW, and one click would inundate you with furry porn.

    • Kazerad

      Oh, right, that guy is a 4chan anon; a while back he gave me permission to upload any of his stuff to the gallery at-will, I’m just way behind on it. I’ll nab it in the next upload!

      For the time being though I’m gonna edit out that link since the site is pretty questionable and, like TJK said, the banners and stuff don’t care how safe the image is.

      • Some Guy

        That’s probably for the best.

  • Ranzick

    uhh, i tried doing some armour idea i always had buttt, why not put it in the fanart thingy XD lol i dunno im not good at it : P

    • Kazerad

      You don’t have to be great at drawing to draw neat things! The picture is cute and it’s a nice armor design; it looks very easy to move in, which can’t be said for a lot of others. Thank you for drawing it!

      • Ranzick

        ohh, thanks! glad it’s ok at least ๐Ÿ˜› anyways thats what i was hoping for some nice light armor that looks like its easy to move in functional but also modified to be stylish for a show or show show *etc* besides always thought finger-less gloves would be perfect for her XD

  • moo?
    • Kazerad

      Hahaha, very pieced together there. All the tailrings were a classy touch. And the earring. And the… bicep ring? Or warmer? It’s ring shaped in its own way.

    • Kazerad

      You are an artist eons ahead of your time. Hundreds of year from now, art critics will look back and discuss the subject’s subtle smile, or the cool, blue color choices used around the edge of her face. The greatest literary minds will discuss the deeper meanings behind the cryptic caption. The Mona Lisa will be thrown out so this can hang in its place. Art will change forever.

      And it’s all because of you.


  • I hope these count as not being ‘simple edits’.
    Anyway, Halloween stuff!

    • Kazerad

      Oh man I just know people will be like “can you list my edit there too?” if I put these on the fanart page, but I don’t think I can stop myself. These are just too lovely. I adore those tiny touches like the tiny bat, the film grain, or that painted purple heart. These images have officially gotten me in the Halloween Spirit.

  • Vins

    Not sure if overlooked or disregarded, but here it goes again.
    Done shortly before the last nightmare session, already predicting a possibility.

    If this doesn’t really count as fan art, sorry for beating the dead horse 6_6

    • Kazerad

      Oh nooo, I’m usually so good about remembering to upload everything >: !! I remember seeing this and thought I uploaded it, but the file must have never made it all the way. It is a very cute picture and you replicated the (first) dream style in it very well. Thank you for reminding me of it; I assure you no dead horses were beaten by anyone.

  • Okay I thought I might throw my own little attempts at fanarting up here for people to see


    Hooray for style experimentation and first-time-anthro-type pieces

    • Kazerad

      Hooray indeed! I remember running across these on DA a while back and am happy to see them here. This page, or entire website possibly, can always use more bright and cheerful drawings. And Katia’s cosplay is especially adorable.

  • Vins

    Kaz, I’m starting to believe it’s about time to make the comments style of the fanart page just like the ones of the updates, with the page-like thingy and all. Seriously, pretty much three quarters of this page is for the comments. >_>

    • Vins

      Nay, it’s 90% comments. ._.

    • Kazerad

      I think you’re right, I’ll have to either redesign this page eventually or fix these comments to paginate. For some reason the comment pagination plugin I was using isn’t kicking in here. I’ll start snooping around for alternative plugins when I get a chance.

  • Darkfoxen <— I know shes not really supposed to have long flowing hair but I couldnt resist!

    • Darkfoxen

      Same pic with photo background —–>

    • Kazerad

      “Supposed to” is a very relative term – if the end result looks really cool, then that is probably how I was supposed to have drawn her.

      But in all seriousness thank you for the fanart, she does look pretty cool here with her hair grown out. I’m gonna stick the photo background version in the fanart gallery just because so few of the other pictures there have any kind of background at all. It will make yours special.

  • Heya Kaz!
    Decided to draw a thing out on a whim.

    • Kazerad

      Shin! I remember you, you’re that awesome guy who draws things! And I have to say you totally got way better at drawing things since the last time I saw your posts in the MSPAF art forum. Someday I have to put aside some time to catch up with all you peeps from there.

      • Haha, awesome is probably a bit of an exaggeration, but thank you! (You made me blush)
        I’ve had some trouble getting back into the drawing business for some time now, mostly due to work, projects and other things. This was the first “realseys” drawing I did in quite a while. Hopefully I’ll be able to crank out some more stuff this week.

      • Well, it happened earlier than I expected, so here’s another thing for you:

        Another thing I forgot to mention: I don’t actively visit the MSPA forums anymore and haven’t for quite some time now. I’ve moved on to… well, mainly my own community now. I sadly don’t have the time to catch up with big forum things either and getting back to MSPAF seems kinda odd for some reason.

  • DetectiveBuddha

    my friend wanted me to make a wallpaper for him of Katia. so i end up coming here to look for some ideas. and now im addicted to this comic. i fucking love it. thank you for a new obsession. also heres the wallpaper

    • Kazerad

      I think that might be my favorite story ever for how someone started reading the comic. I’m glad you like it, and I hope your friend liked the wallpaper! Now that it’s posted here I’m sure he won’t be the only person to use it.

  • Knock knock,
    Did you hear that Sigrid? Someone’s at the door.
    You should go and see who it is…

    • Kazerad

      This was so close to actually happening in-comic, if only she had burned the club before breaking it. Either way, this is an awesome picture and you should feel good for concocting it. The light background/dark katia look really nice together.

      And wow, I am like a two months behind in updating this fanart page D=!

  • Satoru

    Totally didn’t realise that this was where we submit stuff, so I apologise for posting to your MSN!
    I hope this makes it on to the submissions, downloads are still available, and if they run out, they’re available on request. :3

    • Two words, love it.

      • Satoru

        Thank you! I’m glad to hear it! I always get nervous about the finished product and how it sounds to others, and I’m actually working on another larger project for Katia’s next adventure arc, the teaser for that is here:
        I’d appreciate any suggestions towards it. :3

        • I think you captured the Elder Scrolls feel really well, I can’t wait to hear the finished product of that second teaser. My only suggestion is that you keep doing exactly what you are doing, there is no need to change that which is already great.

          Keep up the splendid work!

          • Satoru

            I appreciate it very much.
            I’ve got a whole bunch of new instrument samples coming my way some time next week, so I can have the super-sweet Orchestra I’ve been looking for ๐Ÿ˜€
            Thanks again!

          • I just checked out the final version of your newest song, once again amazing. You should post a link here so when Kazerad swings in he can check out both.

          • Thomas Satoru

            Thanks, Odin. Let me know if you ever need any music, that’s the most I can offer for the immense flattery. :3

    • Kazerad

      If Katia Managan loves it (see above), I think that is all that matters. Very nice expansion of the original melody! I particularly love how you worked in the Elder Scrolls motifs.

  • Well, here’s something different,
    I’m actually submitting this on behalf of my sister.
    It’s a pity this doesn’t happen more often really as she’s SO MUCH better at art than myself.

    • Kazerad

      So many hands! Art ability runs in your family apparently, this is really cute and you can tell your sister I love it. And tell Katia she still has one safe move she can make to get out of that check!

  • Vins

    Took me a while both to draw and to upload, but here it goes.
    comments from my part in the description.

  • Stankloid

    I posted this in the command thread but am reposting here. A Prequel’d version of this meme just had to be done:

    • Moo?

      Sweet jeebus it is so true

    • Kazerad

      Thank you for this. Classic memes could always use more Katia WIZARDS.

  • Thomas Satoru
    I finished this a while ago and I think you’ve seen it, but for everyone else, here you go!
    Hope you like it.

  • Vins

    The nifty flash version of prequel is no more! The link leads to an error page D:

    • Vins

      Now leads to a blank page :/

      • Kazerad

        There’s a new version, though I think Sindow is still retooling it a little. I’ll check later.

  • that one drunk argonian

    now I’m not quite certain how I’m supposed to submit this but here you go one drunk lizards arts. ^^

    • that one drunk argonian

      oh blast it didn’t work…. :((((

      fine then:

      • Thomas Satoru

        That’s freakin’ awesome. Seriously.
        The fact that her thoughts are so far from where she is now really captures her hopeful, positive side, much more uplifting than seeing Katia crying and burning everything. Good job!

        • nic

          SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • nic

        would it be possible to see just her wearing the robes?

    • Kazerad

      Aww, she is so happy with her dream. Thanks for the fanart, though I recognize the mage robes as being from a picture drawn by SkepticArcher and would want her permission before uploading an edit of it.

  • woundedkneecap

    It has been awhile, Kaz. I miss it, drawing Katia that is.

    Maybe Katia won’t Ho Ho Ho it up again, eh?

    “King Fanartist”

    • Kazerad

      This drawing is overflowing with holiday spirit. She is so excited. Merry Christmas to you, too, Katia!

      (but seriously, I love it, thank you. Long time no see!)

  • Drinks
    Whipped this up the other day as some painting practice.

    • Kazerad

      Aww, it’s lovely! Thank you for turning your practice into fanart; the result looks excellent.

  • Suule

    So… I decided to go and make some Katia arts…

    • Kazerad

      Hey, I recognize you from the thread! And now I know that anon was secretly a furry.

      But really, this is a great crossover and nicely rendered. Thank you for fanarting it!

      • “And now I know that anon was secretly a furry.”

        Hahaha, aren’t we all? XD

        • DestinedFateX

          I KNOW I AM [NOT]!

          • You needn’t deny it… for it is your destined fate.

    • Vins

      She looks as adorable as in the comic. c:

    • Kazerad

      Oh wow, it’s a sign how far behind I am in replying to my fanart page when an image link breaks before I have time to save it D=. The link that still works looks excellent, though, and I remember the second one looking great too! You did a very good job recreating her, gigantic eyes and all.

      • Thank you ^^

        I still actually have the send one saved on my computer, if you want I can give you it.

    • Doobs

      Check my dubs

    • Kazerad

      I edited the time on your post so it now ends in dubs, which I think is fitting.

      But seriously, the expression on this is perfect. Thank you for making it.

  • sonicw555

    i made a little OC about prequel story that i would like to share

    i hope you guys like it

    • DestinedFateX

      IT BEGINS.

    • Kazerad

      As far as OC characters go, I think she looks pretty cool. The Skyrim-esque slash across her face was a nice touch. =D

      • Sonicw555

        Thank you, im glad you liked it, means a lot

  • MrTimotei

    I took one of the pictures from earlier in the story, and added some other effects, and made it 3D, using Colors 3D! for the Nintendo 3DS.
    You can view it here,
    You don’t need 3D glasses. And, quick note, if you watch the playback, and fast-forward all the way through to the end, and click and hold on the image, it zooms in, so you can get a sense of the 3D.
    Hope you like it!

    • Kazerad

      Man, I wish I could stick this in the regular image gallery up there but I can’t think of any easy way to preserve the depth; I’ll just have to link it with the music and stuff below. This is really neat; you made some great choices in how to layer the background (that faint white texture was an especially neat addition).

      • MrTimotei

        Thanks for the feedback, dude!
        I really appreciate it!

  • Stankloid
    • Moo?

      I spent about 5 mins looking at that… and thinking how good a background it will look…

  • Daniel

    My own drawing in the gallery? I was sure you’d forget. Thank you!

  • ProphetLord

    Katia’s time as a cultist becoming a lot less fun:

    • The captain disapproves of these cultist activities.

      • Kazerad

        The description on this makes it at least 100% better. I am totally going to steal that when I put it in the gallery.

    • Kazerad

      Or is it just a different KIND of fun??

      (I love cultist Katia pics. Thank you)

  • Prophet Lord

    Trying to learn a new art program, so I drew this.

    • Kazerad

      Well I’m not sleeping tonight. Nice job on the nightmare aesthetic, very simple but very effectively done.

  • tegerioreo

    After reading the latest update of Prequel, I was flipping through my resources to prep some stuff for my forum adventure “Steampup” and I found this picture of a woman juggling knives .. and, well, one thing led to another, and here is a really dumb fan art of Katia done in the style of Steampup.

    • I approve of this.

    • Kazerad

      I approve of this too. I know I said this in the suggestion thread already, but I am a huge fan of the style you use in Steampup and it’s great fun seeing Katia in it. Thanks!

  • Man of Mer

    Just testing. First post. GOODBYE.

    • Man of Mer

      Also testing a reply. Do not remove this to assure posting is successful. Thank you.

      • That was a true work of art, I think this should be added to the gallery.

        • Man of Mer

          Ah, thank you someone finally responded.

        • Man of Mer

          thank you.

          • Kazerad

            What’s going on here? D=

          • I am what is going on here!

  • Man of Mer
    I don’t know how to send links. A descendant of Managan, Felia Uro

    • Kazerad

      This is a perfectly acceptable way to send links! Especially when those links are neat fanart. If this for an eventual fanfic like the description implies, it looks like it’ll have a pretty exciting premise and I’m looking forward to seeing more.

  • moom241

    I dun made this one. Well, most of it.

    • Kazerad

      You forgot to give credit to Miguel de Cervantes, the inventor of windmills!

      But seriously, thank you for this. Katia can always benefit from a further descent insanity.

      • moom241

        You’re right! I’ll have to go and change it right now!


  • Billbob The Woodelf

    I’m learning how to use openCanvas, and this is the first thing I made with it. It’s Katia if she took the deal with that 100% human. Kvatch is burning in the background.

    • Kazerad

      Vicious and morbid =D. The ruined ear was a nice touch. As was the burning Kvatch.

  • furnut

    From the comments…made a joke front page comic cover of The Adventures of SlutCat and SwordDog! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • furnut

      er i didnt draw genitals so i hope its okay to put it up there on the gallery. If u want, I can add a blurry mosiac at her crotch xD

      • Kazerad

        Man, I think adding a mosaic would just make it look way more explicit than it actually is. It’s pretty innocent and cartoony so it’s probably fine. Also, it’s hilarious, so it has that going for it too. Now it just needs an art team to make the first full issue.

  • Hey, The artist of the TwoKinds comic just posted this:

    Pretty swag work!

    • Kazerad

      Oh wow, that is pretty swag! I always feel very proud and excited when established webcomic authors do fanart for my stuff.

  • Skoon
    • Kazerad

      Oh hey, I remember seeing this floating around the internet in various states of completion a while back. Glad to see it finally made its way here!

      The picture is lovely, but the description is really what makes it. Also QW’s expression, presumably regarding the situation.

      • haha Yeah it took me a while to color it. I think six months between the sketch and the final. Life got busy.

        I’m glad you like it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Vosmy

    Thank you for comix and it’s cute heroine! Keep up the good work!

    • Kazerad

      Aww, and thank you for the fanart of said cute heroine! The pose is adorable, and the reflections were a nice touch.

  • I think I’ve figured out where the trapdoor in the mages guild leads…

    • Kazerad

      Who told you what’s under the trapdoor!!

      But yeah, I can see this crossover. I can see it very well.

  • Coatl

    I love your story c: everything: art style, humor, characters, and having played Oblivion myself quite extensively I must say that you do a really good job at working with the lore – please keep it up :v

    • Kazerad

      =O oh wow, you’ve got Katia there in every stage of katianess! I think the young one is my favorite, of course.

      Thank you very much for the fanart. I’m glad to hear you enjoy the comic and can appreciate the way the lore is used!

  • I really love u r art and story
    so.. i drawing katia she soooooooooo cute and awesome <3 and and~ ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Kazerad

      I think your style somehow managed to make her exponentially cuter. These are lovely; I will mount them in the fanart gallery at once!

      In the “More like this” bar I notice two more pictures by you, drawn after these. You mind if I stick them up in the gallery too? Assuming you see this message, that is, which I guess isn’t likely when I fall two months behind on updating my fanart page.

  • Kuro
    Seems Quill-Weave is having a ‘fun’ dream about her recently acquired ‘friend.’

    • Kazerad

      Hahaha yess, just in time for Valentines day. Or at least it was, back when you posted it (I am waaaaay behind on updating this fanart page, aren’t I?). Either way, the drawing is very cute, thank you for taking the time to make it!

  • Bluedraggy

    I think I’ve finally got something for you Kaz. If you’ve visited the facebook group recently, you probably saw I’m working on a katia armor mod for Skyrim. Finally got it available over there at and here’s a screenshot I’d be honored to have added to your fan gallery – (I didn’t post here till I had it finished enough that I felt it deserved it).

    • Kazerad

      I remember this! Glad to see it finally released. I’ll put the picture up in the gallery and a link to the Nexus page so people can download it. Thanks!

  • Man of Mer

    Just recently viewing your comment Kaz, what site is a good place to post a fan-fic? Also more fan art will come, almost done!

    • Kazerad

      I think Deviantart takes fanfiction, as do some fanfic-specific sites (someone a bit further down this page has one on

  • moom241

    Well now my just looks silly in front of all these much better contributions.

    Ah well. Here it is.

    • Kazerad

      No matter what, it’s still the coolest drawing I’ve received of Katia in a space shuttle.

      But seriously, it is very funny. I agree with the person who left a comment, her expression really says “Why did I agree to this?”

  • Man of Mer

    I need to know if this looks small, ’cause I posted this on my phone.

    • Kazerad

      Looks legibly sized to me! Poor Khajiit, driven to question the scientific plausibility of their own existences.

  • woundedkneecap

    Aww… Anon’s Stalker/Chernobyl themed ones are so cool, and I JUST started playing that again.

    • Love that series, check out Survarium it is a multiplayer shooter made by the same Devs as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Last time I type that out fully lol).

  • Daelakama

    So, what? Just drop a link down here?
    H’okay :T

    • Kazerad

      Dropping it here certainly works! Thank you for the fanart; you captured the fear of the situation very well.

      Also, you stand out as being one of the few people to correctly interpret the yellow part of Katia’s eyes as her iris! You must be a cat owner to know that they actually do have eyewhites back there.

  • Nodzilla96

    Kah’jiit lullaby in guitar = eargasm

  • Another one for the pile.

    • Kazerad

      I think you have possibly drawn or colored more Katias than I have at this point. And probably better than I have too; the coloring looks very nice. Thank you!

  • Nodzilla96

    Ok, this phailed twice so lets try again!

    A Videogame. With Cat Puns. EVERYWHERE.

    • Nodzilla96

      I’m getting a better picture too, so don’t upload this one Kaze!

      • Nodzilla96

        AhHA! Here it is, the game with cat puns!
        In order: a CATastrophe, Still Cat Nappin, Rolling in Cat nip, PURRfect!, CATagorically the best!

    • Man of Mer

      Son, I am amaze. Where did you come across such a spectacular device?

      • Nodzilla96

        Omaha Nebraska of all places. I’m here for a speed skating meet. I played it too. It gives you….wait for it…….either a ball of yarn, a bouncy ball, or fruit shaped erasers! I fucking lost it in the middle of the lobby after spending $5 to receive a pineapple.

        • Prophet Lord

          This is the greatest thing I’ve ever heard.

          • Nodzilla96

            Lol unfortunately, in the process of speed skating, I cracked a couple of ribs and cut my arm, so I was unable to purchase the machine. I know this isn’t fan art, but this is too damn funny to be left out. Don’t let me down Kaze.

    • Kazerad

      I’m not sure I can really justify it being on the fanart page considering you didn’t make it, but I can definitely appreciate its existence – and furthermore the fact that you won a pineapple-shaped eraser from it.

      I am pretty sure this machine would get incinerated if Katia ever got near it.

  • Prophet Lord

    I know it’s a bit late, but I was busy yesterday.
    Anyway, Happy late St. Patrick’s Day!
    Enjoy the full wallpaper:

    ( Tiny version: )

    • Kazerad

      Reason 900 I need to update my fanart page more frequently: so holiday-specific wallpapers get on the list before the holiday is over.

      Still Saint Patrick’s Day or not, I really like how this turned out. I think I commented on it in the commands thread, but just in case let me reiterate that it is pretty awesome. And Katia is pretty bad at drinking that beer.

  • Nex

    found this one, dunno if it have been posted somewere already.

    • Kazerad

      A few people pointed it out, yeah. I generally don’t upload something to the gallery unless the original artist posts it here, but I’m glad you thought to bring it to my attention none the less!

  • well did some doodles so might as well submit them here

    doodled this on a oekaki channel over on pawsru (nsfw) but its on DA with this link
    call it endgame for lack of sllep and cba to name it otherwise lol

    also did this one a wile ago its just a verry bezare AA meeting / dream with katia and swrd dawg and a pinapple a yoyo and a bottle of booze ……. just look at the randomness ๐Ÿ˜‰

    meh enjoy my drunken doodles =) i know i did lol

    • Kazerad

      You know, I think being drunk somehow makes the fanart that much more Prequel-related.

      That is one bizarre AA meeting in the second image. Sworddog, what are you doing in there? You aren’t old enough to drink!

  • Pepsidude

    Not sure if this is fanart, or if it belongs here. I decorated my car in APB in the style of Prequel, sorta. I messed up a bit on the decal though.

    • Kazerad

      I’d call it fanart, yeah; I know a few people have made some Prequel-related mods (mostly for Skyrim). Plus if you’re driving a car with my webcomic’s address on the side, that makes you a cool person as far as I’m concerned and worthy of recognition. I will stick it up in the gallery at once!

  • egg brother
    • Kazerad

      I know I already said this in the command thread, but these turned out nicely. I will upload them to the gallery proper momentarily!

  • Prophet Lord

    Playing around with Photoshop.
    I’m terrible at shading.

    • Kazerad

      You are still probably better at soft shading than I am. Nice action pose!

      Though I think Katia may have unintentionally just ruined those gloves by clawing through them.

  • Quintus

    So I wrote this little story on an impulse. A short one; like, flash fiction short. Hope y’all like it.

    • Kazerad

      Oh, wow, grim! I definitely do like it. You did a good job conveying her subconscious as well. I feel crazier just reading it.

      • Quintus

        That moment when I realized I wrote a fanfic concerning events that happened over a year ago.

  • Was messing around, decided to give Katia a bomber jacket. Turned out pretty good I think.

    • Kazerad

      I agree. This is a style she should consider.

  • Nodzilla96

    Now just put her in a cockpit, add fire and debris, and we have a cat bomber being shot down.
    I’m think of getting a dress for katia based off of the bioshock infinite game and have Asotil starring booker, holding katia as they ride a skyline. Imagination: check. Coloring skills: check. Drawing skills: ABANDON SHIP CODE BLACK!!!

    • Quintus

      That’s funny, I think of something completely different when I see a bomber jacket…

      Let’s just hope Katia doesn’t meet any chainsaw-wielding maniacs.

  • I suppose this counts as fan art, despite the fact that no-one (besides Kazerad) actually knows what Gaius Atrum’s nightmare cultist looks like.

    • Kazerad

      Since I haven’t actually shown the nightmare cultist yet, if I ever do I may have to pull inspiration from this. It’s delightfully unsettling. It’ll probably give me nightmares even without any otherworldly intervention involved.

  • Quintus

    So inspired by the bomber jacket up there, I wrote another impulse flash fic. When Resident Evil 4 came out, one often saw threads in forums asking, “How far would x get in Leon’s mission?” With this I attempted to answer that question as best I could for Katia.

    โ€ฆ I’m working on some more substantial stories. Trust me <_<

    • Kazerad

      That was adorable. Which is something I never thought I would say about a Resident Evil crossover. Substantial or not, it’s still a fun read. Thank you!

      • Quintus

        “Adorable” isn’t quite what I expected, but it’s nice to hear it!

  • Man of Mer

    Hi there, just feel like saying something.
    But seriously does anyone know anymore fan fic making sites?

    • Kazerad

      You could try Deviantart? It’s not necessarily built for fanfiction, but it can host prose as well as it can any other type of art.

      • Man of Mer

        Ok, Sure. I’ll try it. but I’ll just search for other sites before I do so.

  • Man of Mer

    By the gods! By the gods! By the gods! It’s the first chapter Kaze!

    • Kazerad

      Not a bad start! I look forward to seeing where it goes.

      (though on that first sentence I think you mean “obscured”, not “obscure”. This is an obscured sun while this is an obscure one!)

  • lol saw this in tv and had to share here ๐Ÿ˜‰ thought it would be prequel relevant ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Man of Mer

      Ha, quiet ironic! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Nodzilla96

    Insprired by Katia in a bomber jacket, here’s Katia, in a bomber, in a bomber jacket, being shot down. Not my best drawing, done by hand, and I’m new to this. Also, Katia is very hard to see, so bear with me.

    • Kazerad

      That’s not Katia in a bomber in a bomber jacket being shot down, that’s Katia in a bomber jacket in a bomber being shot down! I feel so misled.

      (But seriously, thank you for this. It is funny and I like it. Which is probably a sad thing to say about a plane getting shot down, but when it’s Katia in that plane it just sort of makes sense. Also I fixed your link!)

      • Nodzilla96

        Sweet! That was my first drawing. Like ever. I didn’t even draw in kindergarden so this is a feat. Maybe I will remake this and make the window bigger and add colors! I call it
        “Stratocat” or “King Krusher,” or il let you make the name since those two are pretty awful

        • Nodzilla96

          Ok I’ve got the perfect name. “Pineapple Express”

  • Nodzilla96

    Yet ANOTHER fan art! This time katia went on the offensive, and is pretty surprised when she won, but it’s not time for a cat nap now, you got one on your tail! (no pun intended)

    • Nodzilla96

      Also give credit to JJA because I used his cutie pie mark to make a plane insignia. Copyright issues blah blah. This plane also needs a name; best so far is Fyrebird.

  • Prophet Lord

    I apparently stole this idea:
    and did a pretty terrible job in comparison.
    So to make up for it I did this:
    And this:
    I will also make sure to, from now on, check the forums first before drawing.

    • Prophet Lord

      I really wish there was an edit post button so I could have fixed the mistakes myself. But those links last two links are no good.
      They should be:
      in that order

      • Quintus

        I see AMKitsune did it after you, but where are the ones who supposedly did it before you? Yours are quite good, by the way.

        • Nodzilla96

          Either way, you are a better artist than me. I kinda suck, and that armor reminds me of Spartans. Where in the world did she get that staff though? She’s poor…

          • Nodzilla96

            Commented on the wrong art. Sorry! Your Backgrounds are good too you thief! ๐Ÿ˜€

          • Man of Mer

            Look, I made a future for her in which she joins the penitus oculatus, special agents of the Empire. And let’s just leave it at that bruh, okay?

          • Nodzilla96

            Nah bruh, we need story behind it bruh

          • Prophet Lord

            Could you please continue your comments on Not-My-Post not on my post?

          • Nodzilla96


  • Such a beautiful scene, I had to have a go.

  • Man Of Mer

    After a few art classes, and many hours on windows paint, THIS is the best drawing I’ve ever done.
    Oh,and by the way I forgot my password to Nikko13, so I made a new account.

    • Nodzilla96

      Good drawing! Better than my hand drawn stuff. I really like the armor but how did she get it? She’s poor remember?

      • Man of Mer

        This is her in a possible future, and why not? She looks awesome!

  • Nodzilla96

    Katia, Learning that she’s 1 of 5 in the universe on Pandora! I loved BL 2, and you will too with Katia, The Siren!

  • MikeyTheFox

    A bit more of Second Life stuff from me.

    Quill-Weave’s house. The outside of it isn’t really done but the inside it.
    And at the end you can see my lovely up to date Katia Avatar with Arena Armor and a lovely red eye ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Nodzilla96

      Pretty good house, but I think that she may have another non explored room (for proportion, idk) and the new katia is very cute, expecially with the animation.

      • MikeyTheFox

        Thanks! Also actually no she doesn’t, There are only 3 rooms in her house in Oblivion. The Front room you walk into with the stairs and front door. The Kitchen, then her bedroom.

  • Man Of Mer
    • Nodzilla96

      Hey, not too bad!

  • Koravel

    where are all the prequel-related oblivion/ skyrim mods? i wish to download all of them!

    • Bluedragon

      I’d just head to and do a search for “katia”. You may need an account there to download tho. Well, for Skyrim anyway. They prolly have a site for oblivion too.

      • Koravel

        nah i already checked that plus another 2 mod sites. i cannae find em. it’s like whoever’s done the mods has done the unspeakable in that they havn’t shared :c most i could find was pictures.

        • Man of Mer

          You need more souls?

          • Koravel

            … What? no i just want all the prequel skyrm/ oblivion mods so i can use all of them

          • Man of Mer

            My solution to many of my everyday problems is MORE SOULS. But yeah, can’t help you there.

  • Quintus

    Someone told me I should write some shipping.

    So I did.

    You can probably tell shipping isn’t my strong suit.

    Note: I wasn’t expecting flash fics with titles in the form of “Katia: [verb] [person]” to become a thing, but it looks like it has. I’ll try to buck that trend soon.

    • Man of Mer

      Sad, but very interesting. Poor Katia, not able to confess her love.

    The original version of this is already in the gallery above so you may or may not want to add this version.
    If you do, I’d ask that MaximusWalrus also be credited (as I merely shaded/coloured it).

  • So, Can I have my fanart here too?

    • Nodzilla96

      Why this is a well made fan art! I’m sure Kaz will treasure this.

      • Blindy

        Really? I feel verry glad that you apreciate my drawing!

    • Man of Mer

      No offense but uh… what’s with the slight nip shading? I mean, if that’s how you draw go for it, I’m not stopping you. Overall, good job! :}

      • Blindy

        Err, fanservice?

        Sorry. But, nips are nips, and should give’em the attention they deserve. Althought I am not quite sure about this specific kajiit anatomy detail.

  • Hi there! Just wanted to show my love for Prequel ๐Ÿ™‚ (I haven’t posted anything before… so, hi!)
    Hope you like it ๐Ÿ˜€
    (I take advice… there are great artists on this fanart section!)

    • Nodzilla96

      This is pretty good! Seems like she’s thinking about the poor puppy inside the amulet…

      • I wonder if the puppy is thinking of the poor me?

  • So I was playing Powder Toy a little bit ago, and I had an idea: Draw Katia’s face on there then melt it.

    • Excuse me sir, is that my face you are melting there?

  • The latest in the Panel x.5 series if you’re interested.

  • So Katia and I got married. Sorry guys she’s taken now.

    • Man Of Mer

      Congrats. Wonder how the offspring turn out…

    • Alcohol tolerance… it really really isn’t my strong suit, is it. I mean, I recall this guy melting my face not long ago heh… oh how time flies.

  • heres the original trainer of the pineapple trick

    ok i got the weekend of work and some cash for more booz so hopefuly some more drunken randomness of the lovely kitty ^^

    *zips off*

    • HEY!!! I am a khajiit, not a cat… that… that’s racist! D:

      • the cat teaches the kajit many tricks ;p ……and properly introduced her to that cult’s partys

  • Man Of Mer

    I have a question I would really like answered. How tall is Katia? Doesn’t have to be completely accurate, just close to or relative height.

  • tjk

    So I made a fanfiction

    oh god i hate fanfiction

    why did i do this

    • o_o

      • tjk

        “omg r u rely katia?”

        • Yes, and your Engrish is remniscent of my Ta’agra :3

    • Man of Mer

      Ha. Fanfics, how horribly one can turn on you.

  • Commander Managan is the one saving the world? We’re so screwed.

  • tjk

    Instead of doing something new and unique I did this I hope you like it okay bye

    • Your statement is invalid, this is both original and unique. Nice job!

  • Quintus

    My first decent-length one-shot Prequel fanfiction. No points for guessing the inspiration.

    • Man of Mer

      So sad. But I’m very confused about that one part where it talks about a young khajiit.

      • Prophet Lord

        Just got around to reading this. If I’m not mistaken, it appears that section is a sort of flashback. The young khajiit is referring to Katia in her youth having a rather unfortunate conversation with her father.

        Good story. I enjoyed reading it.

  • I know it’s not the first time this has been done, but I made a Minecraft skin of Katia!


  • NinteNerd

    so we just… dump the image link here?
    a generic quill-weave.

    • Moo?

      Oh sweet Talos… I have been blessed by the Nine.

  • I don’t usually like updating things once uploaded, but I think this is one instance where it’s worth it.
    The Silent Cultist has been updated to look a bit creepier.

  • tjk

    This time I made a portrait of Quill Weave! I don’t think I did her justice; the Katia one came out much, much better… Oh well!

  • Messer S.E. yo
  • Man Of Mer
  • tjk

    Kazerad has disappeared from here. We will never see an update in the fanart section again. )’: I even tried saying his name in front of my mirror three times.

    But I did a wallpaper of Quill-Weave! Because she needs more fanart.

    EDIT: What’s this? My comment is awaiting moderation? I sure hope this is because I was caught in some spam filter, because if everybody else is making posts I can’t see, I’ll be sad. ):

    • Kazerad

      It’s a default thing that happens when a post has more than two links. I unmoderated it for you!

      I haven’t abandoned you guys, I just don’t have time to reply to everything right now – and I’d feel bad replying to just some of the cool things you guys do because I really like them all D=. Not to mention this fanart page is getting pretty bloated and probably warrants a full-on redesign. I don’t know for certain what I’ll do with it yet, but anything I add now I may just have to re-add shortly thereafter if I change the system around.

      • tjk

        Ah; sounds good! I didn’t know you still check on here. Here’s an idea I had:

        1. Separate the comment section and the gallery into two different parts
        2. Keep the actual fanart gallery here, sans comments, and sort by the newest submissions.

        The submission part would still be rather bloated, but, I remember you mentioning that WordPress doesn’t want to let it be separated into pages… But if you could separate comments into multiple pages like you do on Prequel comic updates, then that would work pretty well; the comment section is about 95% of the page anyways.

  • tjk

    so i did another one in my boredom because we need more prequel wallpapers

    • Hawt… haha… get it? Heh puns are not my forte.

      But seriously that is cool I always thought that image would make a nice avatar or wallpaper, and now you’ve gone and done that, nicely done I like it.

  • MikeyTheFox
    • Man of Mer

      In the beginning they’re all considered naked. But that seems pretty usual for her.
      Nice edit!

    • Nice picture I lol’d. Gaius better tank well or we are going to have some serious problems here.

  • Ok, now that Man Of Mer’s original has been here a few days now, it’s probably about time I posted my version of his ‘Follow Baurus’ pic.

    • Man of Mer

      Speechless. Thanks so much man.

  • Eating

    Hey Kazerad, just wondering if you have any objection to me making a shirt or two with Katia on it. I have to ask because of copyright laws and stuff (and also because you seem like a nice guy). Personal use only (no money involved), may be worn in public, all credit to you, etc.

    Also, keep posting the adventure!

    • Kazerad

      I don’t mind at all! Take pictures.

      And will do!

      • Eating

        Awesome! It won’t happen for a while (I’ve only stencilled one shirt ever, and I haven’t tried colours yet) but I will make sure to post when I finish.

        I’ll probably post the stencil designs sometime soon though. Thanks a bunch! โ€ขโ€ฟโ€ข

        • medicman4444

          making ya one ts is brilliant fun

  • Man Of Mer

    Greetings Sir Kazerad,
    I wish to make Prequel go viral on a reasonably familiar crowd, specifically the elderscrolls wiki. All I ask for is permission to send a link of the Prequel main page and post it on a talk page on
    Will you allow this intrusion?

    • Kazerad

      “Intrusion” is a pretty funny word for it! I don’t mind at all.

    • medicman4444

      eeeekkkk nooo the hipsters will invade ;P

    • Man Of Mer

      Just posted it! By the Nine, I hope this works. Get ready for a wave of new readers! Cross your fingers people!

  • I invoke the presence of the author and creator. Accept this ritualistic goat sacrifice as tribute and come forth, Daedric prince of torturemancy!
    *stabs goat*

    Now that I’ve got your attention, I’ve recently made a simple wallpaper version of the Katia badge/pin image. Nothing too fancy, just up scaling it into a 1920×1080 wallpaper. I haven’t uploaded it anywhere in case you wanted to keep the image somewhat exclusive to badge winners. If that’s the case, no problem. If not, just say so and I’ll upload it for all to see.

    • tjk

      I was actually going about retracing the badge pics he uploaded to /v/, printing it out, vitrifying sand I carried from the beach in my own sand, and pinning the badge through my own flesh.

      Pretty sure I’d pay $5 for one though. I can’t actually get $5, but I can get a $5 Amazon Gift-card. Hey, Kaz, seeing as you’re summoned already and whatnot, you like small bribes? I can also get you one month of XBL if you prefer.

    • Kazerad

      I answer your summons, acolyte! Also, tjk, it’s impolite to piggyback off someone else’s goat sacrifice. Come on, this is like basic cultistmanship here.

      Anyway, I don’t really mind if you post the wallpaper; I think most people have seen the image at this point anyway. Though I’m pretty sure I did make a number of adjustments on it since that WIP I posted, so it may be outdated and not necessarily reflect the buttons.

      And @tjk: I’m afraid I do not take bribes! Though I of course will still appreciate it if you vote for me the next time I try to roll an art contest.

      • Prophet Lord
      • And here it is
        A little something for anyone who wasn’t lucky enough to win a badge.

        • tjk

          This is awesome! It’s my new desktop background. ๐Ÿ˜€

        • Quintus

          I made this my desktop wallpaper. Now it reminds me whenever I see it that I didn’t get a pin. When is Kaz going to merchandise that shit?

        • In the name of being accurate to the original image, I hereby declare this wallpaper to be… Updated!

      • tjk

        They won’t let me near the goats anymore, not ever since that incident at the petting zoo. ): But I did vote for you! You mean that little-horse contest, right?

  • Quintus

    Once upon a time, Quintus’ internet crapped a big one. So he turned off his computer, grabbed a notebook, and wrote the first Prequel story that came into his head.

    Quintus had just watched a bunch of Clint Eastwood movies, and these may have bled into his thinking somewhat.

    May have.

  • MikeyTheFox

    Some updated versions of my Katia avatar in Second Life

  • Prophet Lord

    Unfortunate Mix of Boredom and playing too much Borderlands

  • And here I go, once again ripping off someone else’s work (Prophet Lord in this case)
    Seriously, I’m like some sort of ‘art parasite’ or something!

  • woundedkneecap

    Well, I did it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh well, love the comics still Kaz, keep on keepin on.

  • Well, that’s another art-style in the bag, kind of.
    does an edit of a picture of a fan character count as fanart? We may never know… Until you decide one way of the other.

    • Quintus

      “When I say ‘just business’, I mean that I LOVE YOU! When I say I no interested no more, I mean that I LONG FOR YOU! And when I say that I missed you, I–” I’m sorry, I’m thinking of the wrong Catalina.

  • Nexivian

    Hope you enjoy my strange attempt to draw something vaguely adorable for once.

  • OK, make sure you’re sitting down.
    It’s not amazing (by any stretch of the imagination), but it’s original! Not modified from anyone else’s pre-existing artwork!
    I know! Unbelievable, right?

  • Catakitsy
  • Lowblock


    After at least 5 hours of recoloring frames, deleting, cutting and copying bits of sprites, and generally wasting time I came out with this. I hope you guys like it!

    • Prophet Lord

      Definitely worth all the wasted hours.
      What you’ve done here is very special.

      (Also, you forgot to color in her mouth.)

      • Lowblock


  • Blue Dragon

    Well, I think I’ve spammed this to every OTHER place I could put it. Time to plaster it on the fanart page!
    Although this time I’ll pic a different image than the one on Facebook group just for a change of pace…
    This is actually my way of trying to bring more readers to Prequel and hopefully get more votes for WLF entry.

    • Man of Mer

      Why is this pic sourced at It has nothing to do with Prequel or TES.

      • Bluedraggy

        Oh, I just needed a place to store the image that wouldn’t give me fits – I own that site, thus…

  • zortharg

    WOW! That Juco1.gif sure is something else. Even if it wasn’t animated, it would tower over the best of the rest and make all the rest look like a baby’s scribblings, but as it is, damn. She simultaneously looks like she’s ready to take on Goku and yet so cute and cuddly, who could bring themselves to fight her. And I’m sure Leonardo da Vinci would approve of her proportions: I’d say that’s about the ideal “human” female physique/figure. The only thing it needs is for the rest of her body to sway a little and for her to breathe maybe, rather than just swinging her tail around and having the fire and bandana move.

    If the author wants anonymity I acknowledge that, but I’d really like to see more of his work. Or her work. Is that possible? Is there a link?

    NightingaleRB.png – is that one of the villains from Courage the Cowardly Dog?


    Now it’s Quill Weave’s time to shine.

  • Furnut

    I also uploaded this to my website, urging people to come vote. hope this helps! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Bluedraggy

      LOVE it Furnut! Do more Evil Quill Weave! Hope it helps the voting, but regardless of that it’s great! Alternate Universe spinoff time.

      • Furnut

        thx ๐Ÿ˜€ well there’s less than 10 votes left now. lets see if we win in less than an hour from now >:D

    • Man of Mer

      Please, it’s so small on smart phones. Mine specifically, and I have to squint my already squinty eyes. I can’t read the text.

      • Furnut

        see if you can download it, then view it full sized. the original size I uploaded is at least 3x bigger. Dropbox autoresized by itself on your browser, so I can’t do anything about that. sorry ๐Ÿ™

  • Another for the Quill Weave pile
    Well, it’s not really a ‘pile’ per say. More of a ‘small stack’ when compared to the mountain of Katia pics above.

  • woundedkneecap

    Just my take on that panel.

  • Nodzilla96

    Calling all Drawers! I am in need of some fan art that is worthy enough to be forever pasted onto a t shirt for prequel! Winning Design/Designs will receive 1 copy of the t-shirt with the fan art they have provided!

    1: No borders, as they are an extreme pain to shop out, not to mention it adds cost to the shirt

    2: Make your entry large enough to be put on the shirt! Making it extra large is fine, but too small cannot fly!

    3: Make something appropriate! No Nsfw/Nsfl drawings, as these shirts will be previewed in the fan art section, not to mention Kazerad, the unholy one him/her/itself could be previewing some of your fan art!

    4: Have fun, and try to think about making things that could draw in new readers! (That is if you wear your shirt outside instead of framing it or whatever)

    5: Please have a name/username provided with your entry, as I want to provide the prize/prizes to the correct person/s

    Any other questions? contact me on the Mspa Forums! Username Nodzilla96

    Good luck to you all, and may the best man/woman/beast/thing win!

    • Here’s my entry,
      Hopefully it’s suitable enough.

      • Nodzilla96

        It’s much more than suitable my friend! And since you’re the only entry so far, you’ve got an advantage.

    • tjk

      1. Does it have to be on an alpha layer? As in, transparent background?

      2. Can I make multiple entries?

      • Nodzilla96

        You can have a white layer if needed, for I can get rid of that very easily, but yes, transparent backgrounds are also appreciated. As for multiple entries, that’s absolutely fine as long as you don’t spam the site with entries that are;
        1: not yours
        2: poorly made, even to my non-artistic standard
        3: Just slightly different to the last entry you made

    • tjk

      I was busy drawing! However, I’d like to know, where/how will you be selling these T-Shirts?

      On DA:



      If you choose mine, message me so I can send a higher res version with a transparent BG. (Full res is 3000px wide).

      • Nodzilla96

        The art is appreciated! The t-shirts will most likely not be sold beyond this contest. Unless I can convince Kaz to take control of shirt orders or give me permission to distribute, (without profit of course) then these will probably be the only ones made!

  • Eating

    >Weโ€™ve been through this already. You have no wizard beard!

  • Nodzilla96

    Does anyone else think we need a voice actor for our furry friend?

    • Man of Mer

      Indeed she does, I’ve always wondered what she sounds like, given that she has a Redguard accent. But Redguards in Skyrim sound like anyone else.

      • Nodzilla96

        Yes, her accent and tone would be influenced by both Redguard and Khajiit cultures. Maybe someone could mix Khajiit and Redguard voice actors into one with some magical editing?

    • no i have her voice in my head and someone else doing it would just kill it T-T

      unnlessss its going to animate and dubb the whole comic ๐Ÿ˜€ still a better love story than twilight ;p

  • Nodzilla96

    Cmon guys! I need more than one entry for this contest…. unless you’re busy drawing. If you’re doing that, sorry, carry on.

    • tjk

      I was busy drawing! However, Iโ€™d like to know, where/how will you be selling these T-Shirts? Will the winning artist get any cut of the profits?

      On DA:

      • Nodzilla96

        I will not be selling any t-shirts for profit, as dictated by our unholy leader. The winning artist will get a copy of the t-shirt I am creating, as only a few copies will be made. If you wish to purchase a shirt, I will see what I can do, but I’m not sure at this point. If I get enough requests, I will make a page for a t-shirt design site to provide said shirts (with no profit to me) Very nice art BTW

        • tjk

          Okay, sounds good!

          I’ll probably have a few more entries, time permitting; how long do I have to make a new submission?

          • Nodzilla96

            The end of the contest is currently unknown, due to lack of entries. I am imagining the 10th of September, but it could be shorter or longer, depending on the flux of entries in between.

    • ack i can only draw so fast without booze T-T the cost of stout at this hotel is ridiculous >_< london sux as ppl keep pestering you when you sit around places drawing XD (and bumping into you breaking you grafites ๐Ÿ™

      • Nodzilla96

        sounds like your drunk now! Get drawing boy.

        • westminster sux also ยฌ_ยฌ no cheap booze anywhere >:( so far london is just too expensive for this alcoholic :/
          draw mawr at hotel XD

  • Nodzilla96

    Ok, any contest entries will now be required to be sent to my MSPA forum account. Username Nodzilla96

    • Nodzilla96

      Don’t forget to post you’re art here as well!

    • tronn

      Looks like your contest needs a better class of bad guy. Luckily for you all, I’m happy to oblige:

      • Nodzilla96

        Received and saved! Too bad there isn’t a vote for these entries (yet)

  • this one was more of a chore to finish than usual.
    It really is amazing how debilitating a lack of enthusiasm can be.

    • Nodzilla96

      recieved! Your lack of enthusiasm made a good piece of art at least!

      • Nodzilla96

        Looking good so far!

  • My submission ๐Ÿ˜€ Sorry it looks a little simple and maybe small too? D:

    How do I send it to your MSPA forum account?

  • Nodzilla96

    Quick update: I crashed my bike coming home from a race and I broke my bike, my favorite backpack, and my laptop. I am physically ok, but still banged up, so I won’t be able to receive entries for a little bit. In fact, I’m going to sift through the comments to find all these entries. Again.

    • Sorry to hear about that :C

      • Nodzilla96

        Luckily I found a local T shirt maker that makes shirts for a lot cheaper than online, so I may be able to get 2 or 3 shirts. Maybe even have 3 winners!

        • That’s great to hear! More winners would definitely be better ๐Ÿ˜€ How many entries do you have now? Is it enough to start judging?

          • Nodzilla96

            Currently I think we have about 7 entries. I’m looking for double digits and maybe end it on September 10. Still working on the whole judging thing. I gotta compete in my Speedskating thing tommorrow, not to mention getting a laptop from a friend. Will update moar soon

          • T-T someone buy me some free time to do more on my doodles

          • blargh sooo dam bisy past week!! urgh atleat payday is hear and i can drank again

          • Nodzilla96

            You now have until September 15th. Hurry, there are 2 winners.

    • tjk

      This is awful to hear. ): I hope you had backups of anything vital from your laptop!

      • Nodzilla96

        It was a school laptop, so anything vital is in their hands. I lost every entry file, so now im gonna have to sift through the comments for entries again. BWEH

  • Prophet Lord

    Here you go Nodzilla:

    • Erm, are you sure it’s there?

      • Prophet Lord

        Yeah, link was broken. I requested the post to be changed, and it didn’t. So I requested it be removed completely, but it’s still here.
        Try this link:

        • WOW. Really nice, but I think katia should be inside somewhere.. That’s just my opinion ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Nodzilla96

    Ok, got the new laptop, which is lightning fast compared to my other one. Everyone say “Thanks Hoch!”

    • Thanks Hoch!

    • tjk

      Hey! Hoch! You’re pretty cool! Thanks!

  • More Fan art from me, Skoon! Just a doodle of my favorite Argonian.

  • I think I’ve finally created something worth looking at, especially if you like the old west!

    He just wants a little physical contact.
    She, on the other hand, does not.

  • Prophet Lord

    So. Surprised I didn’t see something like this made earlier.
    A new Panel Edit Wallpaper!
    And an alternate version:

    If you want me to change the resolution please let me know.

    • Quintus

      Prophet Lord, a lot of your wallpapers have the Prequel logo positioned such that it gets buried in the Windows taskbar when I try to use them. You may want to watch out for this.

      • Prophet Lord

        Strange. I test them on my monitors first and generally they’re good. I know one of mine is messed up but i realized it way too late to fix it (my first wallpaper has this problem, but only the subtitle is hidden).
        I know I tested this one though (just retested all of them, all but the first one is fine for me). Then again I use Windows 8 so maybe that’s an issue.

        Where would be a better location for the title?

        • Well, it works fine for me (I’m using windows 8 too)

        • Quintus

          What resolution is your monitor? Mine is 1920×1080 (16:9), but I’ve tried them on 1366×768 laptops as well and had the same problem. All were running Windows 8.

          For a better location, I’d say the center of the screen, like the one that depicts Katia crying. You could keep it where it is, but a bit higher for us widescreen users. The top-right corner might also be a good place, but if you put it too high, it might get cut off there as well.

          Edit: For reference, here’s how this latest one looks on my desktop:

          (Okay, this one’s not so bad in retrospect. But that subtitle is part of the logo!)

          • Prophet Lord would have to move the title just a liiiittle bit higher

          • Prophet Lord

            How do you have Images positioned on on your desktop?

          • Quintus

            Desktop image set to “Fill.” I’m fairly certain that in this case, that scales the picture down to match my horizontal resolution, centers it, then crops the top and the bottom. Setting it to “Fit” results in ugly black bars, and “Stretch” distorts the picture.

          • Prophet Lord

            That explains it. I’ll see about going back and changing sizes. just not entirely sure how I’m gonna test them.

  • Man of Mer

    What a shame, we are all posting amazing pieces of art here. Yet the great Kazerad neglects to glance upon the glory of the fan art page. I don’t blame him, he’s doing his job to update as soon as possible. I am only tired of the same old people recognizing this. Not that I hate any of you, but aren’t you too tired of waiting for rusty old links to be added directly to this site?

    • What can we do then?

      • Man of Mer

        Well as always, sit and wait.

        • i feel a sacrificial offering must be made to summon the overlord ;D

  • Nodzilla96

    Any more contest entries? No one has given me an entry for 2 weeks now!

    • Seems like there are not many artists here participating in this contest D:

      • Ur subconsciousness

        It’s time to stop the contest and vote for the best T-shirt.

        Vote… VOte… vOtE… VOTEEEE

    • the-well-man

      I plan on entering, it’s just that I’ve been a bit busy lately. I’ll definitely have my entries done by the 10th though, provided nothing unexpected comes up.

    • i give up then T-T managed to digatise one pic but not got time to sort it out yet

  • ChiTiger

    I hope you do not mind but I made a MineCraft skin of katia I just want to know If it is ok with you If I keep it on PMC (and sorry I did not ask you prior to making it)

  • the-well-man

    Well, I managed to get my contest entries done much sooner than I had expected, so here they are:
    Also, while I’m linking to art, here’s a wallpaper-sized version of that pretty sunset panel from a while back:

  • Katia approves of lots of things.
    Now she has a way of showing it!

    • I seriously want this on a pin. We can have two designs, one with a white background and one with a black background. Oh never mind skip that! We can have people choose their own background colors!

  • Nodzilla96

    Ok, the contest will be ending on September 10 (unless enough people ask for more time) so get drawing!

    • How will the winners be informed?

      • Nodzilla96

        Winners will be informed in multiple ways.
        1: Winners announced in the fan art comments
        2: Winners receive message on mspa forums
        3: Winners receive message on deviant art/ whateveryouusedtoenter’s account
        4: A massive cake with your face on it will be eaten (this is undetermined)

        • Nodzilla96

          I am thinking of making a vote, but I need to find a reliable voting site. Suggestions?

          • the-well-man

            The only suggestion I can think of at the moment would be to make a poll on Deviantart, with a link to each of the entries in the competition. I’ve never made one before though, so I’m not sure how effective this would be.

        • Oooo cake! I love cake! Especially chocolate cakes :9

          • Nodzilla96

            too bad I can’t eat it now. Got food poisoning from a party. Bweh.

  • A little more risquรฉ than normal so you may or may not want it in the gallery.

  • Nodzilla96

    Well, all I see is an outline of katia doing her dancing. No nudity or anything like that, so I see no issue. Well done good sir.

  • Sunsets in Kvatch are amazing when you have Katia around.

  • Nodzilla96

    Ok, I have decided on two winners. One will be a regular prequel t-shirt, while the other winner will be a nightmare version. I love the nightmare versions and I thought that it would corrupt my judgement, so BOOM. Two winners.

  • Nodzilla96

    It has BEGUN. Voting for your favorite design! Choose one, enter, and come back September 20th for the official winners! Try not to enter more than once; the anti cheat will discard ALL your votes if you vote multiple times.

    Nightmare Prequel contest

    Regular arts

    • tjk

      Oh boy! Can’t wait to see the outcome!

      • Nodzilla96

        tk, im looking at the polls and it looks like you voted 5 times.

        • tjk

          If I had, it would’ve been deleted because of the anti-cheat, wouldn’t it? I showed the poll to an IRC chat I’m on, but I didn’t tell them which one is mine! They might’ve figured because my username is the same on IRC and DA, but I told them not to vote for mine just because it’s mine.

          • Nodzilla96

            Ah, sorry. The Anti cheat just warns me when there is a possible scam going on (for example, a huge amount of votes towards 1 design) and since it was yours, I was assuming. No votes have been deleted however.

    • I notice that KillerfishSG’s submission has a lot of white space around the main image.
      If it won, would it be cropped out before printing or would it be printed exactly as it is?

      • Nodzilla96

        yes, the white is an alpha layer

        • Nodzilla96

          this means that it wouldn’t have to be white, but the design would probably work best with a white shirt anyhow

          • Nodzilla96, I did some adjustments to my submission and removed the background. Here’s the link to the new submission. Thanks!

          • Nodzilla96

            Ok, if you win I will use this design instead.

          • Thank you!

    • Seems like I’m a little late. Let’s start voting!

  • Moo?

    To Kaz,
    I wrote a article about you on wiki fur (because a friend told me there was a article on prequel there) I then thought “the link to Kaz is red MLEHHH!!!” I then proceeded to write a article on you that shows how cool you are.

    Yours sincerely, Moo?
    P.S What dose ps stand for?

    • Moo?

      Oh it’s gone now ๐Ÿ™

    • tronn

      “Post Scriptum”, after text.

  • Here’s a poster showing how epic Katia is:

    Wallpapers here:
    – Version 1:
    – Version 2:
    – Version 3:

  • Nodzilla96

    Ok, as promised I am now revealing the winners!

    Our first winner on the regular t-shirt is…. AMKitsune!

    Our nightmare winner is…. Smash Cooper!

    The T-shirt orders will be put in today after I finish some other things, but I wish to thank all the other entries for taking the time for this little contest.

    The shirts will be posted on the fan art section before I mail them as well. Winners will need to give a mailing address to receive their prize as well

    • Prophet Lord

      (โ•ฏเฒ _เฒ ๏ผ‰โ•ฏ๏ธต โ”ปโ”โ”ป

      • Nodzilla96

        Hey, no table flips. I will arrange more art related contests but everyone did well.

        • Will be waiting for the next one! Great job AMKitsune! ๐Ÿ˜€

          • the-well-man

            Indeed! Congratulations on winning you guys!

        • tronn

          Out of curiosity do you want to share the numbers?

          Congratulations to the winners, too!

  • Nodzilla96

    Ok, although I am not doing another contest, I need some prize ideas. Under $50 is appreciated but give me your best people

    • tjk

      A $49.99 dollar giftcard!

    • Nodzilla96

      That works, but lets go deeper. What other interesting, prequel/Elder scroll related stuff can you guys think of?

      • Man of Mer

        A Septim replica with Katia’s face? Skyrim quest marker magnet? A plushie pineapple?

      • the-well-man

        A “Sad Nord” poster? A plushie guar (like the one Katia has in the staircase dream sequence)? A yo-yo with AMKitsune’s “Katia-approved” seal on the sides?

      • Must.. have.. Plushieeeee!

      • resisting urge…… a strap on arrow knee pad *runs limps and hides

        circle coaster of above septim replica, or custom ‘challenge coin’ of that suggestion (their like a military award/gift thingy probably expensive idk dad collected them years ago)

        hammar bead katia things ^^

        sawrd dawg plushy!! (grab cheap golden retriever plush and attach gray felt sawrds and brown felt straps

        that lockpick ๐Ÿ˜‰ (giant paperclip straightened out and squiggle bent at the end ^^; )

        plush nord mead bottle ๐Ÿ™‚

        a thats racist khajiit pin ๐Ÿ˜›

        ummmm errr opaque white pineapple vinyl sticker for that pineapple powered laptop look

        errrr wooden spork and spoon booby prize ^^

        • appently my collector friend says the old military metal challenge coins are now casino type custom chips out of engraved plastic ^^

    • tronn

      Chili’s gift cards are the traditional Prequel-related prizes. It’s a thing, see.

  • I might as well put this here

    Actually, I could pop this here as well. People seem to like it enough.

  • Here’s a full view of Hoodie Katia!

    On a unrelated note, my pineapple is missing again. (Is it?)

  • Nodzilla96
    • Nodzilla96

      Ok. I may have a no international rule next contest. Shipping cost me 89 bucks for AMKitsune’s. That’s 3 shirts or more

      • ๐Ÿ™

      • you could always pass on the printing to a local company in their country via another kaz minion we ARE MEANT AND ARE ONE!

        • Nodzilla96

          good idea.

  • Grand Theft Auto V could only be improved with something like this! Enjoy!

    • Sweet Jesus!

    • Moo?

      Better then when I saw Trevor’s face pasted on it.

  • This is late, but it will do.

    • Better late than never!

  • Nodzilla96

    Did you people get your shirts yet?

    • I most certainly did, thank you very much ๐Ÿ˜€

  • SomeShadyGuy

    I guess I’ll leave this here.

  • Awemaster

    I’ve been lurking around the comments section for a while and now I feel confident enough to put this up.
    I’m not quite used to drawing on a computer than with pencil and paper, so I wasn’t entirely sure this was worthy.

  • FrenzyFirenze
    • Bluedragon

      I picked my favorite AND favorited my pick. Nice work B.P.G./FrenzyFirenze. Particularly like the hair – it looks… appropriate.

      • FrenzyFirenze

        Thanks for liking and complimenting the picture, but that was a one-time thing. I probably won’t be submitting much of anything to that account in the future… and yes, the idea is that her new hair is part of the illusion spell. I figured she could use some illusion magic to mend things with the two khajiit she pissed off.

  • Varied Cookies
  • Hopefully this is suitable enough to be here.

    • Nodzilla96

      This is great. Not really lewd, just a wet cat!

    • I give it 2 paws up ๐Ÿ˜€

    • medicman4444

      nar its noting as rude as anythign we draw

  • VC

    Wow, you have been busy on this page.

    • VC

      Huh, the comment editor isn’t working for me, but wanted to say that the new sections and all looks great!

  • Quintus

    I haven’t written anything for a while, so to get out of my slump, I wrote the story equivalent of a pencil sketch.

    Kazerad and I once discussed narrative point of view in Prequel, and I’m not altogether convinced the comic wouldn’t be better served in first person, present tense. This story sort of demonstrates what I mean, so you guys can see what you think.

  • I can’t believe I forgot to add this here. Anyways,

  • Murk346

    Mlin Fedar: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ so cool i edited one of your pictures, which took a hell of a lot of time because when i saved it the colors went INSANE like dots were everywhere and stuff, so i had to recolor everything twice cause i messed up, then i had to grow it x4 to actually make it not show those damn correct colors.

    • Murk346

      Fudge… That first part “so cool i edited one of your pictures,” was sarcasm and change “make it not show those” to “make it show those”.

  • errr yeh did thisd for tshirt thing but never digataiszed it fast enugh

    i’m gingv back to my rum l8rs

    • and i seem to have posted it on my other da account durp

  • woundedkneecap

    I can still get here. I am alone here, or perhaps I am not.

    Hello World.

    • tjk


  • Dr. Edgy

    “Katia, looking at the first tab open in your browser. She’s surprised at what she sees!”

    Tab 1: “pineapple and yoyo trick – Google Search”