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Atum_Doxhun: Sorry about the colors, I don't have many Promarkers so I had to mix a few colors

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PermanentFace: This is a valuable addition to the booru.

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Atum_Doxhun: @PermanentFace:

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Atum_Doxhun: @PermanentFace:

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AMKitsune: After looking at this, I am now educated.
The world needs more educational Katia.

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Atum_Doxhun: @AMKitsune: tag added: "educational_Katia"

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Rick2tails: I feel slightly smarter now

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DarthVader: This art is amazing!!

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Sashimi: @Atum_Doxhun: Make no apologies, this is wonderful!

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Toryu-Mau: ... I wish textbooks had illustrations like this.
I'll bet a septim there's going be be a noticeable difference in student motivation. >):^]

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Atum_Doxhun: @Toryu-Mau: thanks
More useless stuff and illustrated didatic alphabet charts are on the way

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AMKitsune: Now that we know how to read Daedric, we need to learn to how to write Daedric.

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Atum_Doxhun: @AMKitsune: art thou a wizard?

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AMKitsune: @Atum_Doxhun: No, but I'm learning
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SilentOrbweaver: Great stuff. Something about how carefully and neatly the characters line up makes me happy inside.
I can even see the little leftovers from the guiding lines, there must have been a lot of them!

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Atum_Doxhun: @SilentOrbweaver: thabk you
I did sketch every single one of them while using a scalimeter to transfer their sizes with right proportions

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WassapDude94: Great,now i can talk to demons

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WassapDude94: Wait, i dont need to know daedric to translate the tips, ive got a better way to do so

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FriendOfFennecs: Awesome! Now I can read the fun tips in a fun way! Thanks.

Also, I feel really silly for not realizing it's simple stylization and I could have been just copy-pasting them into a plaintext editor this whole time.

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Atum_Doxhun: @WassapDude94: @FriendOfFennecs: большое спасибо всем!

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WassapDude94: @Atum_Doxhun: Look uh, i may be able to translate Daedric but i dont know what language is that.

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Atum_Doxhun: @WassapDude94: fear not peasant, as I'll be uploading a new chart to Cyrillic soon enough!

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Atum_Doxhun: @WassapDude94: I meant to write "citizen" not "peasant"
Sorry about that

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WassapDude94: Keks in daedric

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Atum_Doxhun: @WassapDude94: bitching in the comments in Daedric intensifies

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WassapDude94: so hey now we know how to do daedric but i would love to know how to do it on other platforms pls kaz

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CandyDragon: I don't understand. Lyr ekem ayem roht geth?

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AMKitsune: @CandyDragon: Looks more like a n than a g to me.
@WassapDude94: Not Kaz, but what do you mean by other platforms? Do you mean how to use daedric on other sites, or how to implement the system used here?

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WassapDude94: @AMKitsune: I mean implementing this system