Moderators can add new Daedric Fun Tips. Kazerad probably won't even notice, and the site does not log who added them.

Extension Manager

Admin Controls Various things to make admins' lives easier
Alias Editor Edit the alias list
BBCode Turns BBCode into HTML
Emoticon Filter Lets users use graphical smilies
Featured Image Bring a specific image to the users' attentions
Generic Blocks Add HTML to some space (News, Ads, etc)
Google Analytics Integrates Google Analytics tracking
Handle Flash Handle Flash files. (No thumbnail is generated for flash files)
Handle MP3 Handle MP3 files
Handle Pixel Handle JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc files
Handle SVG Handle SVG files. (No thumbnail is generated for SVG files)
Holiday Theme Use an additional stylesheet on certain holidays.
IP Ban Ban IP addresses
Image Comments Allow users to make comments on images
Image List Show a list of uploaded images
Image Ratings Allow users to rate images "safe", "questionable" or "explicit"
Image Viewer Allows users to see uploaded images
Mail System Provides an interface for sending and receiving mail.
Not A Tag Redirect users to the rules if they use bad tags
Pools System Allow users to create groups of images and order them.
Private Messaging Allow users to send messages to eachother
Random Image Do things with a random image
Random Tip Show a random line of text in the subheader space
Report Images Report images as dupes/illegal/etc
Resolution Limiter Allows the admin to set min / max image dimentions
Rotate Image Allows admins to rotate images.
Simple Wiki A simple wiki, for those who don't want the hugeness of mediawiki
Source History Keep a record of source changes, and allows you to revert changes.
Tag Categories Let tags be split into 'categories', like Danbooru's tagging
Tag Editor Allow images to have tags assigned to them
Tag History Keep a record of tag changes, and allows you to revert changes.
Tag List Show the tags in various ways
Tagger Advanced Tagging v2
Uploader Allows people to upload files to the website
User Management Allows people to sign up to the website