Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.


The fanartbooru has a small selection of 'BBCode' tags that you can use to make your comments prettier (and consequentially more important) than the previous commenter's.

[url=http://www.prequeladventure.com]your custom text here[/url]
[email][email protected][/email]
[[wiki article]]
[[wiki article|with some text]]
>>123 (link to image #123)

Some tags (the actual text formatting ones) can be nested within each-other to allow multiple effects at once.
becoming this.

*Image urls must lead to an actual image file. That means ending in .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp e.t.c.
Links to things like imgur pages won't work. (imgur actually offers a bbcode option to copy when sharing an image. That will work.)
Embedded images are automatically shrunk down so as to not take up ridiculous amounts of space. This applies to images embedded in fanfiction uploads as well.

**The contents of spoiler tags are displayed inline with the other text in a comment.
For example,
you'll never guess what happens next.[spoiler] It started snowing![/spoiler] Weird, right?
results in
you'll never guess what happens next. Weird, right?

you'll never guess what happens next.
[spoiler] It started snowing![/spoiler]
Weird, right?
results in
you'll never guess what happens next.

Weird, right?

*** 'Horizontal rule' creates a new line and fills its entire length with a black line. Any text afterwards will be placed on another new line.

**** the ID of a youtube video can be found in the address bar of the video immediately after the "v=" part, but not including any "&" (or anything beyond) if present. And don't bother trying to upload a txt file with just a youtube video in it. Text files need to be at least a certain length before they're considered suitable for the site, so one with just a single line of bbcode won't upload.