Click a tag to explore all images that possess it.


Before you go ahead an upload that picture you found somewhere online, ask yourself,

"Has this been uploaded here before?"

The first (and often quickest) way to find a picture on the booru is by searching for it by entering some relevant tags into the sites search bar.

If you've tried that and didn't find the image you want to upload amongst the results, you can also try a 'reverse google image search'

Using Google image search to see if an image is already on the booru is easy. Really easy.

First, go to the Google image search page.

Once there, simply drag the image file that you want to check from your computer, onto the page's search field.

Once you've done that, Google will start trying to find a copy of the image.

It'll take it's best guess at what the pictures supposed to be of and try searching the whole web for it.
That's a bit much for us, so lets tell it to only search the fanart booru instead.
just put "site:prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru" in the search bar at the top of the page instead of the words Google guessed and press the search button.

Now have a look at the results to see what shows up (if anything).
Oh look! This image has been uploaded already.

Guess I don't need to upload this version now and can go leave a dramatic comment on the original version instead.