DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images. Image Uploader Massimo, March 13, 2017; 16:50 Tags artist:Massimo character:Katia_Managan fire Kvatch_arena_armor machete magic_fire plain_background Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible March 14, 2017; 17:37 - Reply mister_kat: prety cool March 14, 2017; 22:20 - Reply Rick2tails: cute March 15, 2017; 03:31 - Reply furnut: nice fire axe cat March 15, 2017; 06:18 - Reply forestOverlord: @furnut: Definitely looks like a machete to me. March 15, 2017; 12:03 - Reply Massimo: @forestOverlord: Yeah, I did put "axe" in the tags originally but it changed to "machete" for some reason. So, I guess it's a machete now. March 15, 2017; 16:50 - Reply forestOverlord: @Massimo: Yeah, some of the tags have jokes built in. Katia seems to call all axes machetes after a misunderstanding between her and the voices in her head. I wonder what will happen if she comes across an actual machete. March 17, 2017; 01:17 - Reply Enheldor: @forestOverlord: Call it an axe?
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