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Panzer_Fenris: My (first?) proposal for the new outfit.
A lot of extremely talented artists have already conteributed, and a lot more are sure to follow, so I don't fancy the chances of a first-timer. Still, it was a lot of fun!

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bluedraggy: The waistcoat over clean white shirt has me thinking Baggins. ;) But you've some interesting ideas in there. Na, probably won't be used but it HAS got 999+ Style points so there's always that! And though the boots can't be as silent as Sneaky Khajiit Paws(TM), there's much to say for the caltrop/glass/rock resisitance.

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AMKitsune: While I'm yet to see anyone wearing a pinstripe waistcoat in an (un-modded) Elderscrolls game, it's certainly a very well though out and functional design. I don't think I've ever seen anyone consider 'spell ports' in gloves before. Also, I think you might have forgotten to add 'imp leavings' to the boot resistances. It's one of the lesser known dangers of exploring Tamriel bare foot.

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Panzer_Fenris: Thanks for the comments guys.
I agree, the pinstripe waistcoat might not be the best fit for the Elder Scrolls lore. I was originally planning a more traditional vest affair of quilted material, but Scrublord's excellent design from a few days back had that, and I wanted to try something different.

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Toryu-Mau: Quite Dapper, this one.