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Geravind: Wow, that looks neat and very funny!
Can't figure out, what goes after "+" on the scheme.

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tronn: There is not a single thing about this that I don't like!
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TemporaryFace: I actually really love this one. There's so much batshit weirdness going on, and yet it seems like it could all tie together with just a little more context. For now, I am happy to wonder at the madness.

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Kewot_Rokar: @TemporaryFace: Huh, kind of like the show LOST.

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Tahrey: puzzle plus brain minus pants = oblivion portal ... and it's either Katia or Asotil's fault

horrors from said portal + aggy + dwemer technology + errant orc = way to remote control the horrors and also teach orc a lesson

inexplicable lizard boobs = the only known surefire way to stop someone spreading jam on your neck and licking it off, by confusing them

Also, LOST was just an excuse to put as much randomness and deus ex machina into a script as possible and see if someone, somewhere, would still commission it for a full season.

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doodlemancer: I have no idea what's going on here but I like it