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sniper590590: how do you change your profile pic.? Just curious

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comkiller: neat AND informative

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Foursnail: I'm still having trouble with the sideways face.

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: What a stupid guide.

Who would want to draw this?

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KillerfishSG: ME.

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ZizZazZuz: Ouch.

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Foursnail: We need one of quill weave. Her head is impossible.

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felipe12305: thnx for da guide

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Filthypaladin: Very informative!

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Kewot_Rokar: Oh gods thank you. Now I can get to work soon.

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Bored_Reaper: Following the development of both Prequel and Kazerad as an artist is actually helping me...
Good job btw...

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Bill: For new artists I found when drawing Katia from the front start with the mouth, then move to the nose, then eyes, and head, and finish with the body. When doing Katia from any side angle start with the muzzle, then do the rest of the head, then finish the mouth, then the eyes, and then the nose, and finish with the body. Just what I found to give the best results so not for all and not for every scenario.

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samtsa: Ty kaz