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Uploader MikeyTheFox,
Tags artist:MikeyTheFox character:Katia_Managan Goggles_Java_App Kvatch_arena_armor
Source Unknown
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MikeyTheFox: So there's (app?) called Goggles that's a javascript thing where you bookmark it and when your on a website it will let you draw on it and see others drawings that they did using the same app. I drew Katia

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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: @MikeyTheFox: interesting, perhaps i should try this app

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Man_Of_Mer: Wait a minute, Mikey the Fox? I'm sorry but, do you have an old Roblox account?

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Moo_questionmark_or_aggy: Needs more mustaches on the pics

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MikeyTheFox: @Man_Of_Mer: An old Roblox account? Yeah I've never played that in a long time.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: well, now youve reminded the world of goggles, we have a naked nazi katia with a massive spunky dong on the fanart page.
Thanks, Mikey

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MikeyTheFox: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Eh people will get bored of it in a few weeks

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Mediocre_Scrublord: @MikeyTheFox probably