DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images. Image Uploader KillerfishSG, June 9, 2014; 11:23 Tags artist:KillerfishSG character:bartender character:Katia_Managan confusion ear-tilt Khajiit Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible June 9, 2014; 13:23 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: needs more shoulder and bigger biceps, you fucking furry June 9, 2014; 15:33 - Reply tronn: His arms seem kinda small. June 9, 2014; 19:26 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: dat bulge June 9, 2014; 21:51 - Reply KillerfishSG: Small arms = more muscles Wait. That did not make sense at all... June 10, 2014; 11:06 - Reply Higuera: skinny,weak bulge,need more bulge for him to be a REAL muscleman June 10, 2014; 14:18 - Reply Mediocre_Scrublord: reminds me of the new mma game trailer, inwhich all the fighters have jiggle physics on their boxers July 16, 2014; 07:40 - Reply Kazerad: Who added "my sexy clone?" That is clearly the bartender. He looks nothing like Katia. July 16, 2014; 19:03 - Reply Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: @Kazerad: "the bartender..."?! He has a name you know, that name he has, which is his... September 16, 2014; 03:01 - Reply MetalC0Mmander: Do you really want to make us believe the bartender doesn't hate Katia enough to not try to maintain a social relation with her even for a second.
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Wait. That did not make sense at all...
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