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Uploader PlasmaSpike,
Tags character:Katia_Managan Colored curled_tail sketch
Source Unknown
Locked No

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PlasmaSpike: Well, this is the first drawing I've done in a few years. Thanks to Grape for taking enough pity on me to call it decent and for giving me inspiration in the form of holding a gun to my head. ;~;

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Man_Of_Mer: Well . . . at least you can draw, right?
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MetalC0Mmander: Oh come on! Even if there are problem with a picture at least take the time to point them out and while you're at it what's good. Like I can say right now the proportions beside the head are great.

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PlasmaSpike: Grape told me I would get this type of reaction if I wrote that XD. I'm pretty happy with the result. It can only get better, especially once I get those drawing programs to work. :P

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Grape: I refute such claims!

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PlasmaSpike: Damnit Grape! Get back in your hovel!