Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.


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tronn: Yeah move over Kaz, this is the person who should be drawing Prequel!

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: tronn@ Hey, that's unfair. Kaz has an entirely different style in mind, as well a Cider (kind of).

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Man_Of_Mer: Oh shit! This is awesome!

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POMA: Makkon is not only musician? Superb work!

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Mediocre_Scrublord: yeah i agree this is pretty excellent

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Gren: Wow, this is... wow.
I wonder if this somehow has something to do with the fact that Katia is gonna have new clothes in the coming updates. Perhaps this is Makkon's entry for the next outfit design contest? The Redguard garb is pure awesome! But perhaps is too good for her... I mean, she looks too badass in those clothes and we are talking of a weakling doing her best to not look pathetic. Remember she wants to get a decent job, and I'm sure that looking like a pirate will not help.

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DestinedFateX: Katia looks rather androgynous here.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: there arent' even any overly exaggerated cat boobs, thighs, or relationships with the mum from gumball
absolutely shameful
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princessBonny: Wonderful job.
These outfits are downright snazzy. Katia looks pretty good in a scarf.
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DestinedFateX: Look at those pasty-ass Skyrim feet though.

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Man_Of_Mer: @DestinedFatedX: I'm sorry what?

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Gren: Actually, I think the feet and claws suits her perfectly. Kind of reminds me when she found a ring after looting a goblin's dead body and thought her hands were ugly. XD

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DestinedFateX: The feet in the top-left Katia kinda look like the poorly made 3d feet from Skyrim, specifically her left foot.

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Makkon: If the worst feedback someone has is a hard angle on a character's left foot, I guess I'm doing okay.
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback, and the critique. :)

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DestinedFateX: It was more of a joke than a critique. It can take for ever to pull off certain angles without the practice and when you pull it off in a sketch, you normally wouldn't try to draw them perfectly unless you're either a perfectionist or a needy foot fetish-ist.

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Makkon: Ah. You seemed rather committed to your comment, I assumed you were serious and took it as critique. I mean, it certainly wasn't funny, so I didn't think it was a joke. No worries, 6 pages of foot studies certainly didn't hurt.
And yes, generally feet fall pretty low on the visual hierarchy when it comes to important features that the brain recognizes.

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Unidentified_BA: I think this is great. I would have put it as the featured masterpiece if it were not for the fact that the other one was just put up with a collective shrug. Well done Makkon.

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Kazerad: @Unidentified_BA: BA I give you full permission to be vigilante with the Featured Masterpiece box. I didn't give you all this power so you could /not abuse/ it.

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Unidentified_BA: @Kazerad: You took the fun away from when I was going to do it anyway. Giving permission to a vigilante? Come on!

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DestinedFateX: @Makkon: Joke was the wrong word I guess. How about bad sarcasm?

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JustAnotherFan: @Makkon: Just add paw pads next time.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: do khajiit even have pawpads?
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MTibbs-89: I would imagine that Khajiit have paw pads. Seems logical. Cats have paw pads. They're for traction, just like our big, nasty callouses on our feet. Imagine trying to run around with completely furry feet. It would be like running in fuzzy socks (kind of hard to do, at least on slick surfaces). Also, they would probably need paw pads on their hands, too, so they could pick things up... and I am taking comments way too seriously and thinking way too hard about the anatomy of a fantasy race.... Ahem.

Nice drawings! :D
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MTibbs-89: *calluses

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Mediocre_Scrublord: I am currently imagining loads of khajiits slipsliding up and down a smooth marble floor, in a jarl's palace or something

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AMKitsune: @Mediocre_Scrublord: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evNi4_2qHPY
Close enough.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: Thank you.

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CaptainLackwit: Khajiit do actually have paw pads. ESO has confirmed this. I could get screenshots if anyone's curious.

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Sasquatch_boote: I think I may just be

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WassapDude94: Duuude!
I absolutely love your style! the expressions are really cool, seems like the Kat with the eye patch is attempting small talk with the regular kat, on a sidenote, i also love the reguard gorb idea and colours.

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Rick2tails: this is nice. I dont think you need to add paw pads though.her feet look fine as is here