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Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot, eh gro-upp?

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SrLupinotuum: But now he has a fire protection ring, -prediction- Katia must learn another destruction spell, maybe ice for Gharug, electricity or just a bottle of magic poison.
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Higuera: stick a grenade in his pocket and blow him up,oh wait,thats fallout,not oblivion :P

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Gren: You mean frost and shock spells, right? I thought about it after I saw the last update and I concluded that they definitely can be unlocked with feelings as well. Since Katia said she's able to cast fire spells when her feelings are hurt then maybe the opposite feelings has the opposite effect. That is to say she'd be able to use frost magic when she feels pleased. While the shock spells should be right in the middle. So the key to cast those spells has to be feelings of comfort / encouragement.

Also, I'm totally convinced that Gharug and Katia will meet again after the arc of Kvatch is finished and something is going to happen that will lead to Gharug seeking revenge on her. (Remember what Aggy said, right?)

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Yugjak: Ka...me...ha...me...


(to be continued in the eventual sequel picture)