DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images. Image Uploader cipheos, November 11, 2014; 09:29 Tags character:Sigrid imp magic red_eyes Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible November 11, 2014; 09:31 - Reply cipheos: Basically I hope sigrid will turn out to be the disguised impish Queen of Diamonnds *^* November 11, 2014; 10:01 - Reply Gren: The most frightening of this picture is Sigrid's flat chest. November 12, 2014; 02:28 - Reply cipheos: She's the King of Diamonds in drag :3 November 12, 2014; 02:30 - Reply cipheos: Though it kinda looks like she's wearing a girdle over her chest even if she has no breasts. Well I really didn't pay any attention to that bit xD
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