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POMA: Update... Update never changes.

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stupid_smelly_greedy_cat_people: =D

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Blockhead: Going crazy of waiting.....And waiting..............waiting...

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Gren: Well, Kaz said the next update was done already but I guess he'll wait until two weeks have passed since the latest one, just to reduce the waiting for the next one I guess? I don't know how Kaz's head works. Maybe he's busy with the merchandising and stuff?

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Mediocre_Scrublord: I guess smaller updates over longer periods of time = less wait = less boredom

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Gren: @Mediocre_Scrublord: Yeah, that would be like the good ol' times.

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POMA: just wait till i learn to draw and set up an interactive fanfic :3

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Nefel: "It's not drawn, just written, and I've been busy this week." -Kaz about a day and a half ago

Also Gren, I believe he said it was half done. He was originally intending the current one and the upcoming one to be a single update.

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Geravind: @POMA: Опередил! Именно эта фраза сразу пришла в голову при виде...
Btw, this is the best demotivator for whiners of the purrrtgatory. She looks so lovely even in anger -- good job, KillerfishSG!

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DOOMGUY11: I'm kinda dissatisfied kaz never responded to this XD

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Toryu-Mau: ... Do it Naow~! >):^D