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Tags adorable artist:Plague_of_Gripes braids character:Katia_Managan humanized long_hair
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POMA: She looks so sad. Maybe she would feel better being colored? http://i.imgur.com/JExJXI5.jpg Or maybe not :<

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: MY HEART. TOO CUTE. Excellent coloring job!
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MetalC0Mmander: For a while I though it was Rajirra. Actually you could have told me this was any random khajiit and I might have beleived you.

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CaptainLackwit: @MetalC0Mmander: Naaaaaah there's a certain look of insecurity/unsure...ness, that only Katia can really do.

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VashTheStampede: She's still pretty.

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CaptainLackwit: @VashTheStampede: Yes. This is a fact.

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VashTheStampede: @CaptainLackwit A very Scientifmacul one at that.
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Mr_Darkwraith: I don't know much about line-work (which is sad because I just saw Plague's video on line-work) but this looks great to me

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Man_Of_Mer: Another human Katia! And it's so much better.Heh... JEALOUSY AND RAGE SWIRL WITHIN MY MIND.

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CaptainLackwit: @VashTheStampede: Golly Gee Willickers Mr. Stampede, that's even more factiful than I thought..!

Katia's prettiness is the factiest fact that ever facted, or at least it will be if this keeps up.

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Geravind: ...Mania Catagan? >_<

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VashTheStampede: Katia is so cute, as is in the binle