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Plague_of_Gripes: Oh, that's how uploading works.

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Nefel: It's an ancient secret art. You have learned well grasshopper
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Formulae: Damn Plague, youre spoiling us.

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CaptainLackwit: Oh. My. God. Yes.
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Mr_Darkwraith: HA! She looks so uncomfortable, but her tail's wagging soooo quit being a bitch Rajirra!... We know you LIKE it! Also Katia's tail is WAY to close to that lantern so we all know what happens in the next frame.... She carefully turns the lantern off and they go to sleep. Or sexy pillow fight leads to a house fire and the death of Rajirra but either way love this awkward drawing!

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Man_Of_Mer: Fuck, my nose is actually bleeding. Seriously, I'm not kidding.

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CaptainLackwit: I can't blame Rajirra, really. Having hair that long, it must feel really nice to have someone else brush it, gets knots out, and so on. So even if every moment with Katia is agony.

At least it's a solid good brushing.

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TemporaryFace: @Mr_Darkwraith: Cats wag their tail when they're pissed off, not happy.

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CaptainLackwit: @TemporaryFace: I've... lived around cats my entire life and I can't say I've ever seen that behavior, at least not in this end-of-tail-joy-twitch that Katia does which Rajirra also seems to be doing.

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POMA: Actually Katia is the only Khajiit who wagging their tail when happy as Weedum-Ja noted.
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TemporaryFace: @CaptainLackwit: Katia's a shame to her race, remember? She wags her tail like a dog.

Real cats (and Khajiit) twitch the tip of their tail when they're agitated or annoyed.

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CaptainLackwit: @POMA: I know that.

@TemporaryFace: Let me have my dreams ; _ ;

Though in truth I really can't say I've ever seen the tip-twitching. Which is curious.
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TemporaryFace: So what I'm saying is that Rajirra isn't enjoying this as much as Mr Darkwraith supposed.
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Mr_Darkwraith: While that is true TemporaryFace I should have also stated that it was a joke, forgot that you can't say anything on the interwebs with a little bit of humor in it that's not Entirely correct/true or people will jump on it like a drunk Katia to a pineapple. But yeah I get you TemporaryFace, and no I'm not calling you out or anything, just saying Lol it's a joke.

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Plague_of_Gripes: I actually drew her "wagging" her tail because I knew it could be interpreted in two ways. She's either kind of irritated or kind of happy.
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TemporaryFace: @Plague_of_Gripes: I'm still not convinced you're the REAL Plague of Gripes, but I'm prepared to buy that explanation.
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Mr_Darkwraith: Well thanks for clearing that up Mr. Gripes, frankly I'm surprised you gave us an compromising explanation instead of sowing discord and into our theory's but i'll take it!

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CaptainLackwit: @Plague_of_Gripes: This is good- allows us to believe what we want and not have our dreams shattered. :P

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sparton2005: @TemporaryFace: I believe it is. On his youtube he recorded himself drawing Prequel stuff whilst talking about it. Plus his art style and animation style are very similar when it comes to faces.

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furnut: All my yesses :D

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PermanentFace: @sparton2005: I have no doubt Plague of Gripes is the artist. I just remain skeptical that the user posting on this booru is man himself.

Though I suppose I'm only basing this on the more aloof behavior of other Youtube celebrities. I may be mistaken.

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CaptainLackwit: @PermanentFace: What, just because someone is internet famous, they can't do things non-internet-famous people do? I have no hard time at all believing it's Plague.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: why would someone go so far as to impersonate him?

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CaptainLackwit: @Mediocre_Scrublord: That's what I want to know. The assertion that someone's doing that is several levels of absurd.

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PermanentFace: @CaptainLackwit: You may be right.

In the wasteland that is the Youtube comment section, there was a trend some time ago of lay users setting their icon and name to those of famous content producers. Those dark times have left me mistrustful and bitter and unwilling to take a person's username at face value.