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MikeyTheFox: I found the assets for the resent update. Lets just say they took awhile to find. (won't really get into details why)

But now that I have them I'm just playing around with them like so. Have a edit of part of the flash in the source

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yugijak: Why is this not a thing?
No. Seriously. Why is this not a thing?

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PermanentFace: I'm not sure what the red fox thing is doing in the background, but I like the idea.

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VashTheStampede: Because it would hinder the updates and then Grape would ban us all and water would hit the space TV

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MikeyTheFox: The Red fox is me XD

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VashTheStampede: But you're a Mikey, not a Red.

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reiler12: hahahaha.nope.

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Shotgun_Observations: Wow this is old. 2 years...

Anyway, someone should add a paper on her other hand. For evidence.

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Shotgun_Observations: Maybe even change the background?