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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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SomeShadyGuy: I don't think that thing is simply between her legs...

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Gren: That is one juicy fruit you got there.

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Bob: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) I am intrigued.

Actually, What?

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VashTheStampede: ...
We have issues.

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Man_Of_Mer: I don't understand how that last frame works.

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Fr3SHSw4GM0n3Y: wait... is the juice coming out of the leaves or whatever?

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Jhonka: Indeed. Because clearly, that is how juicing a fruit works. It squirts the juice out of the leaves.

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Kazerad: @Man_Of_Mer: My interpretation here is that frame 2 involves modifying the pineapple such that there is an opening in the top, near the leaves. She then wraps them into a sort of spout, and sets it up so pulling on the yoyo puts pressure on the (mostly liquified) pineapple.

This is pretty much the most safe-for-work interpretation possible of the Pinapple Trick that is still 100% fitting with its in-comic description.
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fmmch: At last I truly see.
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Petrified_Yo-yo: hahahaha!

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Rick2tails: so the trick is she drinks the juice herself ? kinky!
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Asperger_kitten_1337: I don't know if this is worse or less worse than what i imagined