Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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CaptainLackwit: I can dig this concept.

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POMA: If not tags I wouldn't get she's sleepy. I think i can blame makingfailure for this.

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Zokva: :3

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makingfailure: @POMA: Are you somehow trying to imply that some of my pictures are slightly provocative and not completely innocent?

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VashTheStampede: How dare you?
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jegjurel: >sticking a blade into the ground
must... resist... autism... breakdown...

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Kazerad: @jegjurel: Pretend it is soft soil!
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jegjurel: @Kazerad: o-okay... I'll just pretend it's sand... WAIT NO SAND IS LIKE TAKING SANDPAPER TO THE EDGE GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaIpep3t6KQ

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makingfailure: @jegjurel: That video is full of COOL ideas! Thanks for the reference ;)