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Uploader POMA,
Tags artist:POMA crossover monochrome Safety_hat sketch Team_Fortress_2
Source Unknown
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Geravind: Ухи/глаза что-то неточно прилеплены... если мордаха повёрнута, значит ухи немного не так должны выглядывать.
Руки... получились слишком мощными отн. плечей и торса. Руки движутся к идеалу... медленно и пока неуверенно, но движутся.))

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POMA: Yeah, I see; this one is sorta quick-reaction picture to previous Katia in closed helmet. I've got another sketch for tomorrow that will have proper face :3

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AMKitsune: In light of the recent update, I propose that from this point on, all helmets are tagged as 'safety hat'. Who's with me?

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Sasquatch_boote: @AMKitsune I'm always down for mutilating the tags. I'm in.

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Radian: Tags for the Tag God! Hats for the Hat Throne!
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TemporaryFace: @AMKitsune: I approve this motion.

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Man_Of_Mer: Her right arm looks backwards. The forearm should be overlapping, not the other way around.