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bluedraggy: Hey, SOMEONE was going to upload it. Might as well be me!

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CaptainLackwit: Plague really knows how to make Katia extra adorable.

Which in and of itself should be utterly impossible.

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Man_Of_Mer: Plague is a genius. He's the one who inspired me to pursue Graphic Design. But who cares about me? Back to the image!

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Sasquatch_boote: 3kawaii5me

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Ja_Jarsha_Rovandi: I wish 4Kawaii8me

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tronn: I think Plague is one of the few artists who have realized how grotesquely large Katia's eyes really are, and draws them accordingly. Great job!

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AMKitsune: @tronn: There's a sweet spot in the 'eye largeness scale'. Plague Knows that sweet spot better than most and his art is all the more adorable for it.

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KillerfishSG: Featured masterpiece? :P

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doodlemancer: nice~~~

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Tahrey: DAAANG, Plague. The Kawaii level in this picture is almost TOO DAMN HIGH.

@Man_Of_Mer - he's so modest about his abilities as well, is the more amazing (or possibly distressing?) thing. If you watch his youtube videos the self deprecation almost gets annoying as he knocks out another awesome piece like this in a single sitting. And apparently the Prequel pieces are almost all done as practice studies rather than anything serious O_o

Also, making a character cuter by REDUCING the eye size, I think this must be a first?!

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Tahrey: @Man_Of_Mer
OK, i'm new to this, obvs that's not how you quote someone's name into a post. Let's see if I can do it correctly. Maybe it needs to be the first thing in a reply? Or you just write it out without an @, such as Man_Of_Mer ?

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Tahrey: wtf

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Tahrey: @Tahrey:
...oh, right. Like that. Derp.