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Kryfrac: Rest in pieces, Little doggie soul.

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Kazerad: This edit is a bit simple for fanart. I'll only let it stay up if someone in these comments also writes an ode.

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AMKitsune: @Kazerad: You were a good boy, magic dog soul.
Ever loving and loyal to the end.
Loving and loyal, even beyond.
Though bound and trapped, you served without question.
Without complaint.
Without choice.

And what of when you encountered a cat?
Most would have barked and chased.
Few would have ignored.
You served.
Ever loving and loyal to the end.

May your new-found freedom guide you to pastures eternal in the hearts and minds of those you've touched.

You were a good boy, magic soul dog.
You were a good boy.

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Radian: *applauses*

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Man_Of_Mer: As touching as this is, doesn't the gem get brutally smashed deliberately by Katia?

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Kewot_Rokar: You know? Maybe he got caught by another soulgem and he's in some dwarven sphere 200 years later that fallows a protagonist. And yes, I am insane.

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AMKitsune: @Man_Of_Mer: It certainly did. Still, little doggy soul looks pretty free to me. http://www.prequeladventure.com/this/story1946.gif

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Toryu-Mau: Go with the wind, little one.
The sky's the limit, literally.