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Uploader Kazerad,
Tags artist:guoh braids character:Rajirra merchandise monochrome questionable very_casually_underdressed
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Kazerad: Here's a questionable Rajirra. Like, 99% of the time you guys draw a character naked, it's Katia. Let's have some appreciation for side-character nudity.

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Geravind: Awesome! But damn, it's confusing to see it on the work. =-_-=

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Tahrey: yay, sideboob

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Gren: Rajirra is a cool character. Hopefully we'll see more of her soon.

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Geravind: Radian, предложи сюда свою раскраску, там и хвостик натуральнее изогнут.

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Radian: @Geravind: Она не очень удачная но ладно...

Here is 2 colored versions:

The second was slightly edited by other dude and colored by my, but the first have better colors, on my opinion.

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Skoon: Oh no she's hot!

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Mediocre_Scrublord: That's an interesting leg.

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Tahrey: I think if you were to merge those two coloured version 50/50 it'd be worthy of putting in an actual gallery and seeing what wandering critics made of it.
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BadReligion: I can't say nothing more
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BadReligion: http://youtu.be/pBpmoBQwFU8

...I'm gonna die here without "edit" option.