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Bhoren: Hello, I've discovered Prequel a few months ago and I loved it! Especially the scene where Katia learned how to use telekinesis. Thank you very much Kazerad for running such a nice webcomic! Here is my contribution to the fanart repository. (A friend asked for a wallpaper version, you can find it here, along with the original resolution one : http://bhoren.the-tin-locust.com/Drawings/Prequel/)

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: What happened to her pants? anyways, Nice to meet you! I am very much Impressed with your art! c:

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Bhoren: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Haaa, I'll fix this tomorow. Is there a way to modify the picture later on ?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Bhoren: just upload the second one, someone will come along and delete the previous one :p

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Bhoren: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Thanks ! Will do ! I can't believe I missed that :(

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Bhoren: Don't sweat it, we all make mistakes, Even the perfect man of perfecttown does!

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AMKitsune: I went ahead and replaced this image with the newer one. Fantastic stuff by the way :D
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TemporaryFace: This is incredible.

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Kewot_Rokar: The amount of yes.

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Tahrey: :)

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Tahrey: Is it just me or is there not actually any difference between HopeForYouYet.jpg and HopeForYouYetError.png?

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Bhoren: @Tahrey: Almost none, but on HopeForYouYetError, katia doesn't have the armor's pants. I added them once Armored-Strugle-Waggon told me they were missing.

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Tahrey: ...damn, I'm so blind, totally didn't notice!