Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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AsthmaHound: I'd been meaning to make some fanart for a while, and this contest gave me great excuse!

Hope everyone enjoys!

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Gren: It seems the cat has gained some weight. My god she even broke the floor! I can't help but feel sorry for Quill. Her facial expression and hand gesture seems to be saying "How the hell did I get dragged in all this deep shit?"

While Aggy is all like "she's definitely not thinking like a withchunter"

I just wish Gaius were there placing a "do not fall here" note.

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Kazerad: Oh my god, is that a reference to the "vestigial maw" line from the beginning of the comic? =D

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AsthmaHound: @Kazerad: :D:D Always stayed with me!

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AsthmaHound: @Gren: Ha! either that or somehow Quill-Weave's beams aren't as strong as they should be! Or... un-demonic xD
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MetalC0Mmander: @Kazerad: Might we have a winer already?

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: What? No, there's like almost a week left. Anyway. the judging criteria isn't "obscurest reference to the comic"! That is just neat on its own.