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Strawberry-Jamasaur: So here's one. I'm still hoping to make a few more.

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Tolargonian_arts: If this doesn't win I don't know what will

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Vidiotdragon: @Salamanakis: That's one 'perspective'.

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Mediocre_Scrublord: i was about to say that
it does the perspection good

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POMA: I see myseterious ghost block and hard-rock mage robe :O

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Mayrasiili: Eyyyup, gotta admit, this is absolutely gorgeous. The action, the perspective, the angle, the all-around composition of the piece and the details, of course <3

In short, this just looks damn good.

Also poor Katia. That is a situation that would be WAY too perilous for anyone.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: This is just, outstanding, please, continue to make art! :p

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Baz1S: I think we've got a winner! Everything is so cool. Especially perspective.

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Geravind: =o_o= This one sees gargoyles, not goblins.
"Katy, get clear from the center!"

Khajiit likes complex compositions. =*_*= Nice art!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Seriously, holy Fuck, this is just... Amazing! The shading, the angle, the perspective! Everything is just.... Purr-fection! The detailing, just simply outstanding, holy shit, the amount of detail crammed into this piece, it's just pure excellence, I really want to see more of your art here in the future, I wonder what you'll come up with.
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TemporaryFace: Now THIS is fan art! Kudos and congratulations to the artist!

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AMKitsune: Huh I could have sworn that I'd previously commented on this... Apparently not.
Anyway, it's a pity that this couldn't have been scanned instead of photographed. The low resolution graininess doesn't do this amazing scene anywhere near the amount of justice that it deserves. There's no point listing of all the good points about this picture. I'd just end up listing everything.
Absolutely fantastic work!
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Ransom: Awesome! I'm assuming the lone bit of blue is the jewel she and her nameless Argonian partner stole, sending the goblin hoards after them?

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ForlornFoe: Damn this is incredible. Slightly warped perspective works wonders and the gradually lowering level of detail keeps the picture from cluttering (loving that poor goblin making contact with some falling debris).

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: Wow. I honestly didn't expect this to get this much attention. Thanks everyone. i'll see if I can get another one finished in time for the contest. @Ransom- You got it. We also shouldn't leave out the ruins collapsing around them. I'm glad you saw the jewel, I was afraid you guys would miss it.

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CaptainLackwit: Oh holy crap that's cool

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Olaffson: This is the best one in my opinion, everything is great about it. The perspective is perfect and its effect is enhanced by the use of curved lines and Katia's body position (perfect perspective on that too). What makes the piece so frantic-looking is her expression though, totally spot on!

This work in my opinion would totally deserved to be inked and colored, it would look even more awesome than it is!

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Tahrey: Goddamn, SJ. Which bushel you been hiding this light under?

Will we get coloured version?

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: @Olaffson: @Tahrey:
It was my original plan to scan it into photoshop to ink and color it, I was just short on time. Well that and the fact that the good computer was occupied and the scanner was on a totally different floor and all I had was my hand-me-down piece of crap laptop. I'll try to get around to that soon.

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Barkbox: I love this one so much. It's so cool!

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CaptainLackwit: I'm shocked this didn't win, honestly.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @CaptainLackwit: At least it got an honorable mention!... at the very least... I really liked this one, I thought it would at least win SOMETHING.

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: It got mentioned though, which is good. I actually agree with the choice of the other pursuit pic over mine. It does tell more of a story because it gave more context. There were a lot of good entries so it was all up in the air. I guess I'll just have to buy the shirt. But thank you, it means a lot to me.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Strawberry-Jamasaur: Well, It still wins in my books. Conglaturations.

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Tahrey: I'm extra impressed that this is therefore simple pencil on paper... (parchment?)

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Strawberry-Jamasaur: @Tahrey: IT's regular sketching paper, it's got the yellowish tinge due to the light I was using at the time and the camera on my ipad.@Armored-Struggle-Wagon: You know what? A shirt can be bought, but compliments like that are earned,, and are a much more valuable prize. Once again, thank you very much.

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Tahrey: Well, you could claim it was parchment and we'd be none the wiser, seeing as it's come out about the same colour as the already-used greaseproof baking paper I wrapped around my "basic mead" bottle ;)

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korblborp: dat's purr-ty gud

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ADudeCalledLeo: WOAH WHAT
How come I never saw this until now?? This is awesome!

>Posted on December 7, 2015
...ah. Yeah, that would explain it.

Congrats on the very late feature!
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GrizzlyBear: Would love to see this in color
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BabyDontHurtMe: I remember when this came out, definitely thought he was gonna win the competition. I was in fucking high-school at the time. Damn I feel old as shit now. Crazy to think I've been reading this comic for 12 years now.

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Nicros_Man: I love this!!!