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Radian: Kinda experimenting with technique. I spent ~6 hours on this "sketch", but it still looks not very good :/
I know here is many things to correct but I'm tired working on this.
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BadReligion: Mission completed successfully and now just sell stolen stuff. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

Wait, Asotil is a black marketeer?

In my opinion Katia need a bigger cavity between nose and eyes, and isn't she too thin.

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Tahrey: (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) "Bigger cavity"

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Geravind: Асотил слишком... робокопный получился, наверн, из-за формы шлема.
Катя, фу! Сядь красиво. Т.е. закинь правую ногу аж на спинку кресла. =>_<=
Она у него ключи спёрла, или это очень дикий кастет?
Дуэль "пальцем" выглядит круто.

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Tahrey: ключи, Ger. Definitely ключи.

Bang Bang, Feuer Frei.


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Radian: @BadReligion: She is resting! And Asotil just appreciate her competence.
I made a note about bigger cavity (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) Thanks.

@Geravind: Это те же самые ключи что и на первом рисунке. Они у нее в руке только потому что без них рука выглядит еще более странной.
Эмм, дуэль пальцем? Асотил же указывает типо "-хорошая работа" а Катя такая "-ато!".
Я зануда, да?

@Tahrey: Usually Rammstein songs about more interesting things than legs and keys. Now I should listen "Amour" ♫

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Don't rest too hard, Katia, you're going to have to get up early! :3
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BadReligion: @Radian: Np m8 (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

That she is resting explains that she looks like anorectic? >_>

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Radian: @BadReligion: Partially, she's supposed to be in relaxed pose, but I made her too thin. +1 to flaws count.
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MetalC0Mmander: The head of the guard is far too round to be Asotil.

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Tahrey: ASW: Weirdest Rammstein cover album ever. And where the hell is Engel inamongst all that?

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aedan122: o yea!

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reiler12: Very Good.