Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Tags character:Katia_Managan wilderness
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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: >Katia is explaining something and hooking her thumb to mountains.
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Brenuceslu: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu:

"Wait, hey! I wasn't going to steal, I mean I was just curious oh gods please-"

"It's alright." A wizardly looking guy with a long flowing robe stands over you.

"I doubt you could really steal anything. You look like on of the good Khajiit. Er, forget I said that." He rambles.

Was he just slightly, racist? You don't mind. You're kind of coming to expect it. He's pretty lenient about you nosing around so you let it slide. Not like you could do much to stop him being racist though. You assume where ever you are (frozen-mountain-place) has free speech laws.

"You look cold. Do you normally go around- like that? All-" The bearded mage points at your exposed lower half. You wish you could do something about that.

Yeah, this is awkward.

"Well I kind of lost my clothes? I know that sounds really bad but" You begin.

"Shh! Give it a rest for a moment, cat." The mage says gruffly. "Let's get out of the cold first. Follow me, and take this."

The mage hands you something out of a bag he's carrying around his shoulder. Pants? Pants.

"Thank you so much." You smile graciously.

"Oh, it's nothing. Really. I was about to throw those out actually. I got them off a frozen draugr earlier. Kind of a waste of precious bag space to be honest." He rambles.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"You ever been to Winterhold? I'm headed back there to sell a few things. The mage replies.

"Winterhold?" You say.

"Yep. Where did you come from?" He asks.

"Cyrodiil." You say plainly.

"That's a long way to travel with no pants, you know." He says accusingly.

"Hey! I lost them. I-" You pause. You figure it'd be best to just stop talking now.

"Well- I'm Ion. You're welcome to follow me back if you're lost. You kind of have that lost cat look to you."

"I'm Katia Managan." You reply.

A large wolf wanders close and jumps at the mage before you can react. You scream only after he's killed it with ease.

"Also, this is Skyrim now. I've never been to Cyrodiil but I assume that land breeds milk-drinkers like you. Stick close." He says.

You wonder what to do now. So you're in Skyrim? How did you get this far north?! How long were you blacked out. How long were you frozen? You couldn't have been frozen for only one night you realize. What now? You're a little hesitant to ask Ion anything, he's a little intimidating.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Maybe he is just a little grumpy about something, or you snooping about his stuff. You should prove that your are not just some 'cat'.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Katia: Ignore Ion's Advice, Explore for yourself! I'm sure this may not be the best Idea, but you've taken care of yourself quite well, after all, you escaped from a cave! you were just frozen not too long ago! Take that gold, and get the oblivion out of there!

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Also about his name, it sorta sounds like a nick name.
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Brenuceslu: You're unsure if you should go to Winterhold. You don't have any money and don't have a place to stay. So wouldn't it be like the same as being out here basically?

Also, Ion isn't exactly the best company. Though he was nice enough to give you pants he was about to throw out anyway.

You decide you'll go off on your own after you reach town. Maybe you could make some coin.

"So is Ion your real name?" You ask nervously.

"Ionlurescoldukka." He replies. You didn't catch that. Maybe you shouldn't have asked.

"Oh." You say.

"What's my name?" He asks you with a smirk.

"Uhhhhhhh...." You're drawing blank. Should you just make something up?

"Typical cat." He laughs. "Not that I blame you." He adds.

"Hey!" You say shyly. "I'm Katia Managan, not just some 'cat'." You try to raise your voice and sound intimidating but you know it's failing.

"Oh, my bad. Where are my manners." He says absentmindedly. You get the sense he doesn't care.

It's then you notice the rooftops of a few buildings up ahead. You're coming into town! This gives you a bit of hope, You didn't think you'd ever visit Skyrim. You kind of assumed it was a bitter cold wasteland. It's not that bad though so far. Minus the being frozen solid. That's not really Skyrim's fault though...

"Here we are." Ion says as you reach the main street. "This is it. I led you into town but you're on you own now."

"Alright well thank you." You say.

"Stop following me." He says once more. You didn't realize you were still sort of doing that.

"Sorry!" You call to him as he walks away quickly. Well- moving on then.

Lots of people in mage robes pass. More than you've seen in a while. You wonder if this is some kind of wizardy-town.

What now?

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Leave off on your quest to find somewhere warm, Just follow the main roads, if you see anybody who looks dangerous, just dive into the snow, and camouflage yourself.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: What a jerk, hope that everyone else isn't so mean. You don't know skyrim at all, so finding some one who knows it well would be a good idea. Just make sure its some one who isn't a racist nord.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Katia: I think some one is looking at you, he doesn't look like the rest. His clothing looks more familiar and out of place. Perhaps he is a traveler?
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Brenuceslu: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu:


Now that you think about it, Yeah.

That guy has been looking at you for like thirty seconds now. You tried to ignore it at first.

He seems approachable, you guess? More so than the mages and townsfolk speeding past. Why not say hello quick?

The breton continues to stare at you as you approach. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea?

"Uh, I couldn't help noticing you were staring at me. You have piercing eyes. Is everything okay?" You say.

"Nothing is okay." He spits out. "They saw right through me at the college. Wouldn't even let me through the front gate... I'll never be a mage." He rambles.

You feel like comforting him. You assumed he was going to say something anti-khajiit at first. Looks like that isn't a problem now.

"There, there... er- How do I do this? Did I say that out lou-" You stop and take a breath. Your comforting others skills are clearly a little rusty.

"There, there, indeed." He replies sadly. He looks at you suddenly with firey intensity.

"I'm sorry. I just-" You begin before being interrupted.

The breton throws his hands in the air dramatically.

"I. Hate. Rorikstead!" He shouts. "But where else can I go now? What else is left for me?"

"I uh-" you whisper. Truthfully you have no idea what to say now. Where is that? You don't think you should ask him about it. Yep. You're just going to let him vent. That would be safer.

"I hate cows! I hate cabbage." He screams.

"Cows have milk and stuff so it's-" You begin.

"Of course a khajiit would say that!" He mumbles sadly.

Something happens though. He looks up at you with a smirk.

"HHA-HAH-AH-A-HAA-HAAAAAAAA!" He laughs heartily and struggles for breath. You're a little bit hurt at the lame cat joke but you kind of set yourself up. At least you might have helped right? That's cool.

"I was just kidding, I don't like milk." You lie. "So what's so bad about Roriks-"

"HAAAAAAA-HAAAAAAAAAHA-HA" He starts up again. "It's just- Hah... You don't like- bfffhhhaha!"
He regains his composure a bit. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend."

"That's alright." You say.

"Thanks for that." He adds, holding out his hand to you. "I'm Marcus."

"I'm Katia Managan." You say enthusiastically.

He sighs. "Sorry about that, I kind of... Yeah. Today really really sucks." He rambles.

You wonder if you should ask him about Rorikstead or just leave it for now. He is calmed down after all. You think for a moment about what to say next...

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Ask him about Rorikstead, or maybe where he is from?

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Tahrey: I guess she's lost her long-desired additions too :/