Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Geravind: In her case only one variant is most probable: "you critically missed and hit yourself".
Cool artstyle, btw.

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Tahrey: Lelz ^_^

Is the Shocked Rajirra ripped from the imp battle flash, or your own work? :D

Anyway, what you do is run round the side and shoot both by aiming the bolt for the neck.
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BadReligion: Hesitation is death ..?
Terrified Rajirra... wanted to see that one but I didn't knew about that, thanks.
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Stankloid: In case it wasn't clear I was going for "all khajiit look the same" joke on this trope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpotTheImposter

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AMKitsune: This is too perfect! Is it truly racism when it's against your own race and not on purpose? Questions for the ages mages.
Just a little technical tip, saving an image with solid colours and crisp, aliased line art like this as a JPG can cause a noticeable degradation in quality in the form of compression artefacts near the borders where different colours meet. It's not too bad at all in this image, but can often give images like this a 'dirty' look. Saving your images as BMP's or better yet, PNG's would stop that from happening and keep all the colours and lines as pure as they were when you were working on them.

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Nefel: Okay I had a pretty good chuckle at this.
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BadReligion: Why I am worried? Katia didn't even hold finger on a trigger.
...stupid cat.
@Stankloid: Oh

Irresistible desire to hug Rajirra...
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Stankloid: @Tahrey: I just modified both of them from the first image of this update because I'm lazy. Sorry Kaz! http://www.prequeladventure.com/2014/09/3563/

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: This is hilarious!
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forestOverlord: This made me laugh. Thanks.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Both of them.

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Nyflex: One thing I can say is they are all adorable

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katiaaitak: 10/10

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Geravind: @BadReligion: How does he(Kaz) do it? Rajirra is kinda negative character of the webcomic... but she's so attractive! Temper + appearance?
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BadReligion: @Geravind: It is a very. good question, what he wanted introduce with her.
Most people hate her at least I got impression like that from obvious reasons.
If you also find her attractive ask yourself why.

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Tahrey: Angry = sexy, I guess?

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I don't find Rajirra attractive at all, Katia on the other hand, I do. Rajirra's personality just isn't attractive.

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Tahrey: Some people like that sort of thing though. I don't know why, but they do. Different strokes.

Right now Katia is definitely in the sister zone than the romantic prospect one as far as I'm concerned. She needs help, support and solace, not seduction. Even thinking of going down that road seems a little creepy and a bit like grooming... ;)

Really, this is a comic full of all kinds of broken people. Which is what makes it real.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Tahrey: Romance doesn't have to be seduction.

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korblborp: ALL of them, Katia, ALL.

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Drowsy-fox: Go fore the one that's armed with a spear...

Spear drops to the ground.
Whate wick one was armed again.

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8Aerondight8: Shoot both just to be sure.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: "Which one do i shoot?"


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gpainfox55: https://youtu.be/lXWI_2XK5IA?t=4m59s

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Rick2tails: dont shoot the bartender! hes a cutie! even if he is a grump

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Robbyn: Shoot both. There is no chance of this backfire disastrously.
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Mikeyboi: If though it's old there needs to be a part 2 of this