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MetalC0Mmander: So since there aree no signatures what can we assume of your level of drunkeness at this point?
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Anonymous1: >hug red shirt guy

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Kazerad: @MetalC0Mmander: Her proportions are starting to get wonky and she's kinda grappling up Ruby's thigh there. Let's say like 8/10.

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Kewot_Rokar: @Kazerad: Is that you on the right?

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Kazerad: @Kewot_Rokar: No, I'm way too familiar with genre tropes to wear a red shirt.
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SirArthurIV: I always expected more Weaver/Kazerad crossover stuff. They seem like such a natural fit for each-other.

Like Katia interacting with the Monstro Village characters or something.

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AvianOverlord: After this picture Kazerad signed it twice, ripped it in half and gave it to two different people.

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Tahrey: Question: How many TVs does one bar actually need?

Also, were you merely drunk, or also (oven) baked (wings medium sauce)?