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KatiaHentai: It came out sideways...

Oh well, anyway I had a lot of fun at the KatiaCon this year and thank you Kazerad for taking my random Dark Souls request even though I still haven't beaten it once

There are probably a ton of Dark Souls metaphors for Katia's problems

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KatiaHentai: Wrong pic, utter failure,
She's doing hot stuff on the pole in this one and Kazerad said he was particularly interested in bringing this scene into creation so there, interpret that as ye may

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Kazerad: @KatiaHentai: I fixed it to its intended rotation.

And thanks for showing up! It was a lot of fun hanging out with you guys.

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Geravind: Thah sexy leg... =*_*=

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Mezhik: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2dh59w8z26ixup/2819%20-%20Dark_Souls%20Katia_Managan%20SadCatThon_2016%20acrobatics%20artist%20Kazerad%20fireball%20magic_fire%20monochrome%20photo%20poledancing%20sketch%20text.JPG?dl=0

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Mezhik: Good work! sorry about the whole 'we both had the same idea' thing, but yeah, sorry! I didn't know :s

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Mezhik: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: я все равно плохо раскрашиваю =)

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @Mezhik: Nein, Ihre Kunst ist sehr gut! ;)

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Tahrey: Thought it was the wrong way up until I saw the pole...

(...and the fire, and the amulet ;)

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Anonymoose69: Polecat!

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