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Uploader RoninSmall,
Tags character:Katia_Managan character:Little_Katia photo sketch
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RoninSmall: just a stone base and the book (the one with a very beautiful star of chaos. I think Kate recruited into a cult)

Fimo Soft+green stuff

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Fralex: Now I want oatmeal cookies.

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bluedraggy: I so much don't get this I had to doublecheck the URL. What? How does this relate? I'm sure it must but... ?

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RoninSmall: @Fralex: sorry, but it is piece of wine corks

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Tahrey: bluedraggy: the cream and green lump of material at the far left of the picture is the half-finished model of Katia seen in the immediately previous upload.

Also, "beautiful" star of chaos? PURGE THE HERETIC! FOR THE EMPEROR!

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RoninSmall: @Tahrey: well, you want to burn me? Okay, WHERE MY HELLDRAKE?!


"a line that says what I'm joking at answer and not trying to humiliate someone, as many think, because I'm too lazy to learn language"

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Tahrey: u wot m8?

*radios for Imperial Guard backup*

Tora! Tora! Tora!

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RoninSmall: @Tahrey: throw chaos cultist's figure into the monitor * BLOOD FOR DA BLOOD GOD!

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Tahrey: MORE Emperor-damned warp-crazed Khorne-lovin' heretics? This is getting tedious. Forwards, men!
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MetalC0Mmander: Ok I'd say this has gone on for long enough already. Let us drop this non-sense remember what brought us tougether in the first place. Apprecition for arts of an anthropomorphised yellow cat for whom life is hellish repetitions of faillures and dissapointments. Come on! Toward a brighter future. A more purposeful way to live. Or for a greater good if you will.

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Tahrey: SILENCE HERETIC! This world will be purged.

Mothership, commence exterminatus!