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Tags artist:POMA character:Rajirra monochrome sketch text very_casually_underdressed
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Geravind: Воу! РОМА-стайл тоже detected!
Столько мышечных линий... =*_*= И волосики тоже прикольно получились.
Как же я по ней скучаю. =т_т=

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: For all we know, it could be H2SO4! although there would be a lot less fur, (and flesh, for that matter)...

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Tahrey: Wet fur contest?
Also, it may even be a dilute solution of C2H6O in H2O, with a small amount of other electrolyte compounds. Then we'd really be in trouble.

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Adroma: Reminds me of this//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z39mhyAt9g