DAEDRIC FUN TIP: A higher power gifts you comment boxes, do not sully them with unnecessary linked images Image Uploader Bhoren, March 20, 2016; 17:58 Tags accidents_happen artist:Bhoren booze character:Katia_Managan drunk Khajiit Kvatch_arena_armor PREQUEL_title text wallpaper Source fg.wzff.de/gallery/photos/oblivion/Oblivion20151231%2013.13.37.jpg Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible March 20, 2016; 17:59 - Reply Bhoren: This wallpaper is somehow a joke: a friend sent me a screenshot from Oblivion including a ton of booze and a Khajiit (you can find it in the source), I thought this would make a great prequel wallpaper ! March 21, 2016; 11:04 - Reply AMKitsune: You can keep yer filthy Skooma, it makes our bellies bleed. March 21, 2016; 13:32 - Reply Riddle78: I spy some Miracle of Sound in there~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCHq0m67lq8&ab_channel=miracleofsound
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