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Uploader Adroma,
Tags artist:Adroma character:Katia_Managan character:Mehrunes_Dagon daedra death meme tagme text
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Adroma: This is a quality depiction of a possible end to Prequel. It's as they say, when in Kvatch.

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notabigthreat: "And they put his armor in the house of their gods, and fastened his head in the temple of Dagon."

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compaqness: r.i.p in peace

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Unidentified_BA: Katia looks strangely handsome here.

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Adroma: @Unidentified_BA: Are you saying that she looks like a male khajiit? Racist. I would expect better from a mod.

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Unidentified_BA: @Adroma: Women can be handsome! Just watch a ton of old westerns, they reference it a lot.