Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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sapphotrix: my second entry! took a stab at the 'creative' thing. katia thinks quill weave is looking a lil different today. did she get a new haircut???

(for those who may wonder about the slightly different assets, i got the weird eyes by just putting two empty halves of qw's eyes together, i got the eyebrows from one of the legs or arms, and i mashed a few of katias faces together to get the ears like that for every face. and, uh, those spirals are made of tails.)

(oh, and i just copy pasted the bottoms of the backgrounds so they'd be longer)
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chessaficionado: The way it glitches up in the end is unnerving and I like it

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Nyflex: You're really talented! Why your entries are so funny and lovely?!

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Toryu-Mau: Machete Kills. Enuff Said.

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sapphotrix: ahh thank you so much!

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damrok4321: What program you guys using to do this animations?

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sapphotrix: @damrok4321: well, i'm using a definitely 100% for sure legit copy of photoshop cs6. simple sprite stuff like this is fairly easy since most of the movements are little jitters of pre-existing assets. i have no idea how to edit the sprites beyond just moving them around (rotation, resizing, flipping, ect) without it affecting ALL frames, and the only solution i've found is to make a billion layers. there might be some way, but i have no idea. there's a LOT of stuff you can do in photoshop.

flash is another potential option. homestuck is animated in flash, and the proper animation tools like keyframes and onion skins and shit are nice. but i've never used it for sprite animations, so i dunno. plus, like photoshop, you have to pay for it (and its EXPENSIVE) unless you're a pirate.

kazerad uses graphicsgale, which is free! (or, at least, he did two years ago when i emailed him to ask.) although, he said prequel pushes its limits. but, again, its free!

and gimp exists! and is also free!

but don't subject yourself to that kind of torture.

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damrok4321: @sapphotrix: Uh thanks... I will remember. Maybe someday I'll do my own animation ^^