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Uploader Bakannon,
Tags artist:Bakannon cat character:Dmitri_Argoth necromancy Skeleton_manservant
Source Unknown
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Bakannon: I don't see a lot of fanart of Dmitri, thought I'd show him some appreciation. Sure he hasn't been relevant in a long time, but I even checked and there's only about thirty images with Dmitri's tag. I wonder if he's just less popular than the other characters.

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Well, you did a good job!

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Geravind: What does the skeleton do with the little hammer in the cat's tray?

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Mezhik: Kate says that it is very cute and she wants to meet him. She promises not to burn the fireballs.

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Mezhik: Katia*

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Bakannon: @Geravind: If you're being serious, it's supposed to be a small trowel type object half buried in the kitty litter. If you're being sarcastic, then yes I agree that I could have done better in making it clear what the object is. I will try to improve my drawing of handheld tools in the future.

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Kewot_Rokar: I miss Dmitri.

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Toryu-Mau: @Bakannon: Because every time someone attempts to draw Dmitri, they are suddenly overcome with "The Feels" and PTSD.
It's a heavy subject to bring up.

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Geravind: @Bakannon: No matter, what this one meant. -- Khajiit barely would guess a trowel here, anyway. It can even be a little paper-ship, pounded by a cigar, whatever. -- Lord of plots teaches to interpret anything in all possible ways. Khajiit knows many things, others do not. =*_*=

@Kewot_Rokar: The courier-cat is still on the way, keep your hope. -- There should be at least references about Dmitri hereafter.

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alidoge: Dmitri didn't deserve to die. Fuck gharug. RIP :(

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Geravind: @alidoge: "fuck gharug" scene actually already had place in the webcomic...

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alidoge: @Geravind: Gharug didn't deserve katia's uh... nether regions.