DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Tag the damned artists. If you do not know the artist, attempt a quick image search before leaving the tag blank. Image Uploader XLINE, November 6, 2016; 01:03 Tags character:Katia_Managan inconsistent_rendering Katia's_wizard_robe machete magic_fire screenshot Skyrim TES_Skyrim Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible November 6, 2016; 20:56 - Reply jimmybub: that's really well made! It fits the style so well that I can't tell if it's a 3d model, or a well photoshopped image November 6, 2016; 22:58 - Reply Diocletithik_Nagnaresh: @jimmybub: it's a 3d model, someone made a katia race mod for skyrim, though i'm not sure where the mage robes and backpack came from November 7, 2016; 10:58 - Reply Vidiotdragon: And then a giant skyrim bear wearing a ranger hat shows up...
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