Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images.


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racialsluragainstkhajiits: 20 dollars well spent. Thanks Kaz!

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Pepsidude: draw your comic instead of making dumb memes please

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Kazerad: @Pepsidude: I need resources from a few other people! I'm locked until I get it.

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compaqness: Now look at this cat...

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Makkon: @Pepsidude: Chill. He's not the only one working on it.

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CaptainLackwit: @Pepsidude: work on your art instead of demanding others do please

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woundedkneecap: @Kazerad: What sort of resources? Is it stuff you can't do yourself?

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Kazerad: @woundedkneecap: Yeah, I made the mistake of making something I couldn't do myself.

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Pepsidude: @CaptainLackwit: Fuck off.

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Kazerad: @Pepsidude: Kids! Don't fight! D=

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Geravind: Kids, fight to the death -- it's the only way for the most stupid of you to learn something. *Feels Kazerad's accusing sight ಠ_ಠ ...goes to work on his art.*

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: @compaqness: Now watch, and learn; here's the deal, he'll slip and slide, on these fresh tears!
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MetalC0Mmander: @Kazerad: Starting to think you have a thing for tail tips.

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compaqness: @Armored-Struggle-Wagon: Omg that's amazing :D

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sHiiNe: N O W L O O K A T T H I S N E T, T H A T K A T I A J U S T F O U N D

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Makkon: @Pepsidude: Best to be nice to people. Doesn't leave a good impression otherwise.

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CaptainLackwit: @Pepsidude: Just sayin.

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: @Makkon: If only being nice applied outside the booru as well, but people are jerks.

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furnut: Totally needs a tail_sleeve tag, but we can't add any more.