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furnut: I got my tapestry in the mail today! So I scotch-taped it up on my wall like a barbarian and drew a Katia looking up at it.

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Bluedragon: Tape. Barbarian newbie. Two thumbtacks is the true barbarian method. Preferably THROUGH the piece.

And I want to gobble up happykatia. Your little muzzles are the cutest possible things!

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fastolaf: I glued mine to my bedroom wall.

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Enheldor: I used clear coat over mine.

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Bluedragon: Glue! Now THATS barbaric. I am shamed. Clear coat is, like, the opposite end of barbaric. That's like 21st century civilized right there.

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Geravind: Anime-styled big eyes, but still cute.
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Streetwind: @Geravind: I know we haven't had an update in forever, but have you looked at the comic recently? :P

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Geravind: @Streetwind: ...comic? What comic?
Khajiit is obsessed with purrrfection in drawing fanarts, move along.
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forestOverlord: I stuck a strip of sellotape along the back of the top of mine. It doesn't stick very well and so doesn't damage the tapestry, but with a strip going all the way across the back it has enough strength to hold it up. I then used some M3 command strips to stick the sellotape to the wall.

The trick is not to get anything sticky attached to the edges as it can pull the threads and unravel the tapestry.

I still don't know what the intended way is to hang these things.

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GoodIdeasAreOverrated: Amazing, wish I had a poste- tapestry too.

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Enheldor: @Bluedragon: I haven't actually hung mine yet; I was just trying to be cool. :(

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Rick2tails: I think I`ll get mine framed sometime when I have the extra money

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Nyflex: That happy face!

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furnut: @forestOverlord: when I was repositioning the strip of tape, i accidentally made a tiny rip in the tapestry. guess the tape is staying on forever.

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CaptainLackwit: I truly do hope that's the future Katia can live in.

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furnut: @CaptainLackwit: Yeah, where she casually have enough money to buy a slice of cake and isn't naked. I'm sure it'll happen soo-SUDDEN OBLIVION GATES
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MetalC0Mmander: @furnut: Why does this link send me to a tag wiki page?

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strikyer: shut up and take my septims!

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LuminosityXVII: @forestOverlord: I think I'm going to use poster hangers when mine comes in (google em).

There are also magnetic tacks: www.themagnetack.com
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forestOverlord: @LuminosityXVII: Yes, poster hangers seem like they would be a good solution. However, my hanging mechanism is still holding strong and is also completely invisible.

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Kazerad: @LuminosityXVII: Aren't those just... magnets? :0

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LuminosityXVII: @Kazerad: No. They're magnets... with needles. Entirely different.

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LuminosityXVII: @forestOverlord: Invisibility is a pretty good selling point...